Help!! Do I have Lyme??
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Exactly one month and 9 days ago, I got itchy and had seen a bite on my knee. Next day I had to work and it got worse, it was getting bigger, it was hard and swollen and had a ring. I went to urgent care and he said I had “an allergic reaction to whatever bit me) keep in mind he never said what bit me. I was prescribed doxycycline for 7 days. I left for a trip for 3 days after... I came back and I couldn’t hear.. went to urgent care again said I had a so called ear infection. I stopped taking the doxy after 5 days. It cleared up but suddenly after my hands became shakey.. my legs felt like jelly.. I had awful headaches.. joint+muscle pain.. I took a week off work and still felt like this. I decided to see a GP, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression.. (its been a month since this happened) I started anti depressants.. but i keep remebering what my doc asked me. “Did something traumatic happen to you in order for you to feel so depressed?) I had no answer because nothing traumatic did happen.. I wake up feeling like I have the flu every day. I don’t think that’s normal for anxiety. I have headaches. I started feeling like this after the bite... I am now starting to wonder if I have Lyme disease. All my symptoms match.. I have floaters in my left eye now.. please help me.
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sweetmelissa candycakez
I can't tell you if you have lyme or not, but I can tell you, from personal experience, that anxiety and depression can make you feel like you have the flu everyday. I suffer from both and I feel so bad everyday. I feel unwell and as though I am sick everyday. I'm sorry I have no advice to give you, as I'm trying to figure out how to feel better myself. I just wanted to let you know that it is possible for anxiety and depression to you feel sick and as though you have the flu...
candycakez sweetmelissa
sweetmelissa candycakez
I feel like I have a fever most of the time.. I get the chills and other times I feel clammy. My body will just feel sore and tired too. It's just a general unwell feeling. I'm either tired or sometimes I feel hyper too, depending on the day. I just don't feel good about 90% of the time. I'm nauseous all the time too. It's just an awful way to live..
Healthy_skeptic candycakez
Sstephen candycakez
Lyme can cause basically any symptom and sudden depression/ anxiety isn’t without cause.
Hope you feel better and God bless.
clearsearcher candycakez
Here is a short answer. I had Lyme disease for almost 12 years. I cured myself and wrote book on how I cured myself. I spent 7 of those years researching why many receive negative Western Blot tests, why antibiotics don’t work (in the long run), and many other “whys”. Lyme is clinically diagnosed; completely independent of any test.
If you have Lyme disease (or any other infection), you are in an acute stage of the infection where your immune system is in hyper drive trying to fight it, while the bacteria are also expressing highly aggressive proteins which are like toxins to downgrade your immune response. This will go on continually unless you break that cycle immediately.
This could be a long letter. But I am going to tell you the single most effective anti-infective/immune support I know of. In short, there is a product called Ultra Zeolite which also contains a substance called dihydroquercetin
(DHQ). This enables vitamin C to be dramatically absorbed into cells, which allows the immune system to fight the infection on a level that is not possible with drugs. Take high dose vitamin C with this product. In Asia this DHQ/vitamin C combination is actually sold as a drug. In the US it is not. I would start with up to 20 drops 3x per day, and take with vit. C, as much as your bowel tolerance will allow. Perhaps as high as 2-3 gms every 4 hours. Start slowly.
For the inflammation and depression take either 500 mgs of niacinamide or flush-free niacin once every 4 hours. This is a clinically proven powerful antidepressant, a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and has been shown to dramatically upregulate white blood cells.
What I just shared, although just a start, is the single most powerful infection fighter I have ever experienced. I cured myself of a super bug infection using this, when antibiotics failed. If you do not have Lyme disease, this protocol will only support your immune response, and will do no harm.
Good luck
Sstephen clearsearcher
For me, microbinate herbal supplement, bLt herbal supplement, and antibiotics are working well. Along with vitamins and coq10. The herbal ones can be taken without Lyme and they clear up your skin and help with various other health symptoms, my mom uses it without Lyme and finds benefits.
Hope you get better soon.
God bless.
candycakez clearsearcher