Help. Equivocal 0.98

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Went to the doctor due to there being a bump on my vag lip. The bump was painful. No burning, no itching, no pain. Nothing. 

Doctor gave herpes test, results being

Igm neg. for both hsv1&2 

igm equivocal at .98

Doctor rounded it off to the positive side and gave me the herpes meds. 

Went to another doctor who brushed it off an ingrown hair. (After I asked her to do the herpes testing) she stated herpes comes in little cluster bumps and this doesn't look like herpes. 

I'm confused and of course scared as I just had a baby 1 year ago and have been with the father for the past 2 1/2 years exclusively. 

And from what this test is showing i could be recently infected. 

Is it possible he has the infection and it has been dormant and I'm only now getting it? 

Should I retest? Why wouldn't my doctor tell me to retest with an equivocal result. 

Why aren't herpes given as a routine sti testing. Or to pregnant women. I'm so lost. 

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15 Replies

  • Posted


    Img being neg for both have 1 and 2 

    Imm being equivocal at .98

  • Posted

    The IgM test should never be used to diagnose herpes. Scold your doctor for ordering it and eating your time and/or money. The CDC specifically advises against it for herpes (you can Google it), as it is highly unreliable and inaccurate. Only IgG testing should be done, preferably at 3+ months post-exposure.
    • Posted

      If you mean you are IgG negative for both types, then you are negative (unless you tested too soon). Disregard the IgM. If you had a risky exposure less than 3 months ago, retest for IgG at 3 months.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your response.

      Yes the IgG were negative for both types and the IgM was equivocal at 0.98. 

      Is there a chance that is me going from Neg to Post.? Should I take this bump as a sign of that.  

      I will retest in 2 months. 

    • Posted

      You may not have herpes at all. The IgM test is that unreliable, you should ignore it entirely. So, based on what you do know (IgG), you're currently negative. I wouldn't assume anything else. You have a bump, but it's not typical according to your doctor, and everyone gets the odd bump. Retest for IgG in two months and that's all you need to do. Next time you're ever freaked out about herpes and have a bump or lesion, get it swabbed tested for herpes asap. That is much better than the blood tests.

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      Hey, at 7 weeks after sexual encounter got tested and was negative for IGG and was Equivocal at 0.98 for both and doctor said I was positive for herpes. I’m confused because I heard igm is useless? Any input on this? 
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      I also haven’t had any symptoms or sores of herpes. 
    • Posted

      Phone issues, apologies. Yes, IgM is useless. Disregard the result. IgG is all that matters.
    • Posted

      So I went back to the doctor and he said yes you have herpes with an equivocal result and I told him well I would another test to distinguish whether it is HSV 1 or 2 and he said okay. (I did ask him to take the blood test in Jan he said it didn't matter Jan or Dec it would come up by now) These are the results: 

      The IgG came back as this is 12/13

      Hsv1 0.03 index neg 

      Hsv2 0.09 index neg 

      Still waiting on IgM results

      The previous test was on 11/6

      IgG Hsv1 0.017 index neg

      IgG Hsv2 0.08 index neg 

      IgM equivocal 0.98 

      Is it safe to say I am negative still. There doesn't seem to be a spike in either of the results. 

      He did say if these came back neg to take another test. But I'm so over drawing blood at this point. 

    • Posted

      You are still negative. If you test negative at 3 months, then you can count yourself free of herpes and ask your doctor to again tell you how it is you supposedly have herpes with an equivocal result, and from a test that's not even advised by the CDC!

    • Posted

      did you re-test, and if so, what were your results? I am in a similar boat.
    • Posted

      When I retested the second time my IgM came back negative and both my IgG were still negatives.

      On top of that I had my partner tested and he was Neg.

      In the mist of my freak out I also contacted my ex who was recently tested Neg as well.

      My advice would be to wait a little while as well and get retested.

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