Help for those struggling.

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Hello everyone I just thought it might be helpful for some of you who are at the start of this long jouney back to fitness to share some of my experiences. Hope it helps.

When I first came out of hospital I thought the pain was tremendous and over the first few weeks wondered why I had gone through this. I was very weepy and tired all day long. Some days I had to really push myself to do anything let alone excercise. By week three although still in pain the intensity lessened and I was able to do more. I think this spurred me on. Once I had hit the six week mark I now could drive and went in my car with glee. Must admit it was very painful braking but oh the joy of getting out under ones own steam without having to rely on people.

There have been good days and bad days but have had to be patient.

I am now at week 18 and realise that I am not continually thinking about my knee. My life is nearly back to normal. So ther is light at the end of the tunnel.

I am due to have my other knee done in October. I have kept a weekly journel so I will know where I am up to.

Hope this helps people because I hasve been helped so much on here and wanted to give something back.

3 likes, 17 replies

17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Joan,

    I enjoyed reading ur very positive accessment of TKR surgery. Very well described the life and times of a recovering TKR . cheesygrin

    October will be here soon and then u must let us know how u r doin? A lot of us genuinely care and appreciate all the support we give & receive. 

    Thanks for sharing.biggrin


    • Posted

      Thank you. I think this forum is really helpful and just wanted to give something back. Thanks for your good wishes.
  • Posted

    Thank you so much for that' After I went for my pre op assessment yesterday I was beginning to feel like backing out. I think it was because of not being able to drive more than anything. My husband can't drive until December because of a stroke so we'll be really stuck. Especially as the leaflet from the hospital said at least two months before I could drive and the family are miles away. I'll make sure that I do everything I can to get back on my feet and the the road. Without overdoing it of course.


    • Posted

      Good luck Carol and dont hesitate to ask if you need to. You will get there. Let me know when you have your op.

    • Posted

      Will do. Still don;t have a date but going to ring  my consultants secretary today to see if she knows.
  • Posted

    Thanks, Joan, that's really helpful to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel 😊 I am just over 3 weeks post op and am still suffering pain and stiffness but can tell that my leg is getting stronger. I go for my first session of physio back at the hospital today and wonder if I'll be given some harder exercises. I manage the ones I was given initially quite well now so am expecting to suffer a bit! I'm not sure if I'll be driving at 6 weeks - that's very impressive! I find sleeping for any length of time difficult as I wake up sore and stiff. Hope that gets better? When did you manage without crutches? I admire you getting 2nd knee done 😊😊
    • Posted

      Sorry jennifer please read my reply to debbie that was meant for you. My confusion is down to 'old age'. 
  • Posted

    well said joan , prety much the same ,now 10 post opp with knee no 2 and its very different to the first , with the end result being the same i hope 
    • Posted

      First time I went for physio was two weeks after my op and I went in with 2 crutches. The physio said I was walking like a power walker and only needed one crutch. I used this about the house and whenever I went out for 6 weeks. When I could drive I managed without. I am going away in September and have thought about buying a folding stick because I still get tired. Very reluctant to do this but needs must.
    • Posted

      Thanks, Joan. My physio told me this morning I could use 1 crutch too. I'm hoping the harder exercises he gave me will help improve the bend and ability to straighten my leg. Again, I'm impressed with you walking unaided. Perhaps the folding stick (you can get really pretty ones can't you?) will be a good idea for your holiday, especially as you need your other knee done! Hope you have a good time and, again, thanks for your encouraging comments. 
  • Posted

    Thank you so much I am in my 7th week still some stiffness but doing good have hard time standing in one spot for awhile more like ache down in the back of knee near calf 
    • Posted

      Hi Jackie, glad you're doing well. I'm 3 and 1/2 weeks post op and just started on 3 sessions of harder exercises a day. They don't half hurt and my leg gets very stiff! Did you find that? I'm hoping it'll ease up the more I do. Fed up of taking strong painkillers but afraid to stop as the exercises will be harder to do. It's such a help to hear from others who've been through the same thing.


    • Posted

      Yes Jennifer I have the stiffness I only took pain med while in hospital just take Tylenol now it helps me sleep better also have a stationary bike that I also do every day I am going back to work sept 15 so that is a good sign my ortho told me will have these symptoms for probably a year tu for responding hope everything works out for you keep in touch 
    • Posted

      Thanks, Jackie. I hope I will be as good as you in 3 or 4 weeks time. I've got a stationary bike too and will have to ask my physio when I can try using it again. I admire you not taking painkillers. Maybe I should try cutting the dosage down. I'm not convinced that they're very effective. I suppose we have to expect some discomfort for a while. Good luck at work. 
    • Posted

      I have been doing my bike about 2 weeks at first couldn't pedal all the way around but going good now keep in touch 
    • Posted

      Hi my surgery is scheduled for sept. 3. I am glad to hear that you took Tylenol after your surgery. I'm worried a lot taking the painkillers. Did the Tylenol help you? LuAnn

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