Help from my dizzy friends....

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I wonder if any off you that suffered from the lightheaded and off balance feeling suffered worst at particular times of the month? 

I seem to really suffer the week before my period. Does that mean that my progesterone is the cause of my symptoms?

I am thinking that I am having Estrogen spikes and no progesterone but I am just guessing as I am desperate to know the answer?

Thank you xxx

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I think that was my problem, too much unopposed estrogen. And since finding out my uterine lining was thickened I've been religiously using progesterone cream to see if it helps. I think it's helping with some of the other symptoms a little bit as well.

  • Posted

    Yes I was taking dizzy turns and always get lightheaded. and also I forgot things too.
  • Posted

    So relieved to hear it's not just me! I was taking hrt for about a year. Stopped 2 weeks ago and since last Friday I am dizzy in the morning till about noon I can barely function! I work in a cell center and sometimes I just lose my thought mod sentence lately!

  • Posted

    Oh my...the off balance feeling. Ugh! Mine comes and goes and I've been tracking my cycle really well. Mine seems to be worse after my period ends. I have very clear low progestrone symptoms but I honestly think my hormones are just shifting around in a very imbalanced way. Wish I had answer. Definately not one size fits all. Just know you are not alone. Hugs!!

  • Posted

    Oh my...the off balance feeling. Ugh! Mine comes and goes and I've been tracking my cycle really well. Mine seems to be worse after my period ends. I have very clear low progestrone symptoms but I honestly think my hormones are just shifting around in a very imbalanced way. Wish I had answer. Definately not one size fits all. Just know you are not alone. Hugs!!

  • Posted

    Louise I have noticed my vertigo revs up right before I have a flow - when I have one at all! Good question regarding which hormone is the culprit...I wish it would balance out. Dizziness among all the symptoms, is unnerving and to someone with health anxiety, it starts the "Things I could be dying from" ball to rolling!!

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