Help! Has anyone experienced red-brown spotting midcycle?
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Last saturday on day 13 of my cycle I started spotting - nothing major just there when I wiped. Nothing on sunday (relief!) but started again on monday which went on till tues pm - stopped then restarted weds pm and since then every now and again but getting less each time. Its now a week later and when I think its finally stopped I'll visit the loo and there's a tiny bit still. Not always though. I am terrified to go to the loo and so aware of every feeling.
Im in pieces over this :-( Up and down and worried. Had a pelvic scan recently and have a thin uterus which I understand is good in terms of any nasty conditions. Also have a couple of fibroids but GP says they won't cause bleeding as they're not in a certain place. Have an appointment for a womb biopsy which totally terrifies me (I should not google!).
Anyway, just wondering if anyone else been through similar and if its peri or fibroids or even stress - Starting a new job on monday which must be taking its toll.
Would appreciate any pearls of wisdom. I'd explode with madness if I wasn't so tired from lack of sleep worrying. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.
Thanks x
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sharcerv52408 TopsyUK
brendababy TopsyUK
Spotting kept coming and going, funny how one symptom freaks some ladies out while other symptoms freak others, I have the off balance, woozy, dizzyish feeling every day, stiff neck, low mood especially upon waking and terrible anxiety 🙈🙉😳
Take care and stop worrying it'll all stop soon
Brenda x
Guest TopsyUK
helen64949 TopsyUK