Help! Has anyone experienced red-brown spotting midcycle?

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Last saturday on day 13 of my cycle I started spotting - nothing major just there when I wiped.  Nothing on sunday (relief!) but started again on monday which went on till tues pm - stopped then restarted weds pm and since then every now and again but getting less each time.  Its now a week later and when I think its finally stopped I'll visit the loo and there's a tiny bit still.  Not always though.  I am terrified to go to the loo and so aware of every feeling.

Im in pieces over this :-(  Up and down and worried.  Had a pelvic scan recently and have a thin uterus which I understand is good in terms of any nasty conditions.  Also have a couple of fibroids but GP says they won't cause bleeding as they're not in a certain place.  Have an appointment for a womb biopsy which totally terrifies me (I should not google!).

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else been through similar and if its peri or fibroids or even stress - Starting a new job on monday which must be taking its toll.

Would appreciate any pearls of wisdom.  I'd explode with madness if I wasn't so tired from lack of sleep worrying.  Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.

Thanks x

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes this common during peri. Not to worry, dear. I get this the days leading up to my periods and for about 3 or 4 days after I go off. The first time it happened to me I freaked out too until I heard from the other women here that it happens. By the way, I have two small fibroids but that is not the reason this happens. It's just another notorious peri symptom. Don't worry. Take care.


  • Posted

    Hi Topsy, yeagh I've had that symptom as well in fact had it about three weeks ago. Kept thinking it was leading to a bleeding, but it never established

    Spotting kept coming and going, funny how one symptom freaks some ladies out while other symptoms freak others, I have the off balance, woozy, dizzyish feeling every day, stiff neck, low mood especially upon waking and terrible anxiety 🙈🙉😳

    Take care and stop worrying it'll all stop soon


    Brenda x

  • Posted

    Yes, I had this off and on for maybe 1-2 years before peri went full throttle.  Now that I'm in peri, it doesn't happen anymore, although lots of other things do!  Take care, you're going to be okay.
  • Posted

    Ladies - Thankyou so much for your responses - gives me much comfort.  When the old body doesn't behave as it's always done for decades it does panic me slightly.  You have reassured me greatly - thankyou xxx
  • Posted

    Just to add I had exactly this, rang Doc who said not to worry, probably an ovulation bleed, I had it around day 13 of each cycle for some months.  He did ask me to come in for a smear test, that was ok too.

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