Help! Having a really tough day...
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Hi ladies,
I just need to hear from someone who understands. Have been suffering with peri for five years but lately have been doing a lot better. I am far from great, but can function. Woke up today with the worst jelly legs and arms. I walked my dogs and felt afraid the whole time, convinced i wouldnt make it home. Six hours have passed and i have spent the entire time in bed, feeling no better, only worse, and have been sobbing in despair much of the day. Came on here in the hopes that some kind soul out there could make me feel better.
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anxiousface cindy17746
hello cindy
it just knocks you for six doesn't it, i too after 8yrs though i was doing ok a few weeks back but it only lasted that week. Oddly like you i was walking to my local shops when i got the jelly legs which scared me and i thought i wouldn't get back, i didn't go in the shops just came back home. i felt heavy headed when i got home and nausea so just sat down to scared to move for several hours. This has happened a lot since then and can only put it down to hormones. Its no use me going to the doctor as last time i went she told me she couldn't think of anything it might be and to just get on with it so iv lost my confidence in going anymore.
Try not to cry because i think it makes you feel worse, im so sorry your going through this i know how scary it is, i wish i could come and be with you and comfort you but hopefully my reply will let you know im thinking of you.
Tomorrows a new day and after hopefully a good nights sleep you may be completely different.
stay in touch x
cindy17746 anxiousface
Thank you so much for your reply. It does help!!! xo
sara97862 cindy17746
Hi Cindy,
I applaud you for taking the walk even though you woke up feeling bad!!
I totally understand ... when you do have some functional days and then a bad one, it kinda dashes your hope a bit. This bad day is just temporary, I promise.
That jelly legs no energy weak feeling is the worst symptom.
Praying you find relief fast!
cindy17746 sara97862
It is definitely one of the worst symptoms- so unsettling. I appreciate the reply! This is so hard, but you ladies make it tolerable.
staci88515 cindy17746
Hi Cindy, I don't have any words of wisdom. I just wanted you to know that I read your post and can relate. Perimenopause is a cruel witch. I love walking my dogs. Plus, they give me a great deal of comfort. Try to think positive. You said you have been doing better and today you walked the dogs. Some steps are smaller than others and that's okay. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better! You are not alone. xo
cindy17746 staci88515
Thank you. I needed to hear some positive thoughts. xo
Lkl2019 cindy17746
I totally understand your sadness and frustration. There's nothing worse than the torture your own body can wreak on you. It's hard to believe we'll ever be able to get back to ourselves and more normal. Its hard to take it one day at a time. Hardest time of my life. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.
cindy17746 Lkl2019
Hardest time for me too. I get discouraged to think that I have lived 50 years to have my body let me down. xo
sunaina1983 cindy17746
Helloo dear
i can totally relate with ur post.
suffering from one and half year.
Jelly legs , heavyness in head and dizziness is my worst symptoms.
As hormones fluctuates we start feeling back ..Its Hormones dance dear..will stop one day.
Dear plz donot cry it make ur symptoms worst ..Tell ur mind its will go one day..its phase of woman life...will overcome it..Better days on the way......There is light on other side of tunnel..tunnel is dark but light on other side.....Hang is there.
suzanne38885 cindy17746
So sorry you feel so ill, I have been in peri for 9 years, unfortunately I found that many symptoms come and go in waves, I have a weakness in my right arm, do you drink coffee, as caffeine can make things worse and even chocolates. I find sticking to a high protein diet helps with my energy levels, I also suffer with folate aneamia and vitamin B12 deficiency which causes these problems, have you been checked for these.
cindy17746 suzanne38885
Hi Suzanne,
Good idea. I will have my B vitamins checked. I have wondered if that might be factoring in. I do not drink coffee, alcohol, or eat chocolate. I have numerous food allergies, including dairy, coffee beans, and brewers yeast. So my diet is very good and I havent consumed those foods in many years. My legs continue to feel weak and wobbly. Might take a b compound this morning. B vitamins stimulate my nervous system and I get really anxious if I take them regularly. 😦
suzanne38885 cindy17746
I know what you mean about allergies, since starting peri I developed many good allergies that I never suffered previously also I have allergies to lots of pain killers and muscle relaxants, it's an absolute nightmare when suffering hip and back pain. Paracetamol don't touch it and with me being asthmatic have to limit anti inflsmatories.
pinkcatfairy cindy17746
Dear cindy
So sorry you are feeling like this, I had the whole anxiety thing, I would wake up feeling anxious and i was too scared to go swimming which i love and would feel anxious in the pool! I suffered panic attacks too. I avoided caffeine as this made things worse and alcohol too and having lack of sleep! Thankfully four years post meno the anxiety has gone, just hang in there i say, things will get better even if you cant imagine it now x