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For two days solid I am really struggling. I feel like I cant breathe unless I take deep breaths or yawn. I am constantly needing the urge to yawn or my breathing does not feel real. When I take deep breath or yawn I get the satisfaction which only lasts seconds and then the feeling keeps coming back.
What is this? What is causing this? It all started two days ago when I was sat driving I just felt the need to do it but now ever since its constant.
I cant take this PLEASE HELP ME WHAT DO I DO?????
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Neelie44567 jonathan99185
Maybe your doctor could prescribe a BP medicine that will calm your heart, and thus slow your breathing. When I feel anxious my breathing becomes erratic, and I feel my heart pounding. I wish I could help you. I am sending you good thoughts and prayers.
jonathan99185 Neelie44567
Thanks Neelie but it has nothing to do with BP and I had no anxiety before all this started. It feel like a habit but cant catch a good breath and unless I yawn or get a deep breath it feel like my throat is closing up.
I honestly do not believe it is anything medical but what could this be?
jan34534 jonathan99185
Anxiety is causing this. to be honest, the more you freak out over it the worse it’s going to be. You need to deal with the underlying cause and get help for your anxiety.
The breathing issue is only a symptom of the anxiety. So if you don’t address the anxiety this will never stop. I really suggest you go in for some counseling for the anxiety. Otherwise it’s a vicious circle.
You need to learn how to breathe properly because proper breathing is the key to all of this. As well as counseling for issues that are causing the anxiety.
Nobody on here can really do much so you have to take action and get that support for yourself.
be a fighter for yourself! you can definitely get better and feel more relaxed and in control.
jonathan99185 jan34534
Thank you Jan. The thing is it started from nothing, the best way I can describe this is you know when you have an itch somewhere and their is no satisfaction until you have itched it but it returns back within a few seconds. Exactly the same with my breathing. It feels like normal breathing just doesn't feel right until I do a yawn or a deep breath that is like when you trying to yawn but you don't want anyone seeing. It is hard to understand unless you feel this yourself? It really is indescribable feeling and I am scared I am going to be doing this forever
Steve0127 jonathan99185
take some benadryl
darren84 jonathan99185
i get like this every spring time. i dont know why.
your obsessive thinking of over thinking you are having seizures has now brought on panic disorder just like i said it would. your breathing is fine because you are still here. it is a anxiety symptom nothing more. you dont have to be anxious it can start out of nothing. this will only get worse untill you address the issue.
you have moved from having seizures to you cant breathe properly. its classic health anxiety. you need to see a therapist bro to fix yourself. i feel what your going through because i been there. remember i got sectioned twice because of it and i lost everything. dont let your brain rule you.
you control it.
jonathan99185 darren84
thanks darren from message and yes i do suffer with health anxiety but its not like im short of breath. what it feels like im obsessed to yawn or take the satisfactory deep breath once i have it goes away for a minute before the need to do it again its like i am in desperate meed to take a deep breath because i cant cope if i dont. does this sound like my subconcious brain has taken over? because most people do not even focus on their breathing
darren84 jonathan99185
yeah the more you focus on the breathing it will happen. you try and take more breathes to get that satisfying one and end up either hyperventilating or fatiging your lungs.
you will yawn a lot with anxiety its mentally and physically exhausting. yes you are correct your sub conscious is doing it. like i said you rule your mind not the other way around.
anyway apart from issues how you bud its been a while?
jonathan99185 darren84
Hey buddy the seizures thing gad settled down for a while but im now stuck with this breathing obsession and the fact i need to deep breathe or yawn for the pleasurable feeling. its almost unbearable. will this feeling go? i wanna go back to normal and not even think about breathing
darren84 jonathan99185
atleast it settled down bud.
i get the breathing thing you get every once and a while. it used to panic me but now its just an annoyance.
do you have asthma?
do you smoke?
jonathan99185 darren84
i dont have asthma or smoke i actually dont know if its a breathing issue it just feels like i wanna breath and yawn constantly to get that satisfaction
MarvinMartian jonathan99185
I had this for months on end to the point I could not get out of bed. Not sure what started it, but I had anxiety and panic attacks in the past and never got symptom this badly. I was working a very active job and walking every day 3 miles through my neighborhood. I did notice that before I got really bad that at times I would get out of breath at traffic lights when I had to stop. It would go away once I started driving moving again. However one day during my daily walk it hit very hard and I collapsed to the ground. I got checked out and they found nothing. But I always felt out of breath and all of the sudden could not tolerate much of anything. I developed agoraphobia for the first time in my life at age 45. The odd thing is I loved to travel.
All the breathing exercises have not helped me. It just made me paranoid that I was breathing wrong. In fact it made me worse "take deep breaths". My breaths actually became too deep and would make my muscles hurt and stiff adding to the problem. Anyways I better get to the point.
GET CHECKED OUT just to make sure that you don't have some other condition. I am not a doctor. Anxiety definitely can cause this condition though. So can silent reflux and GERD. I did not think I had an anxiety problem. But the way I see it now is that I get big bodily symptoms to the smallest amount of anxiety even if I am not thinking negatively . From my experience in the past some medications can cause this. I know Cymbalta did this to me years ago. I also know that at times anxiety can be the only answer. When I go outside and attempt to drive I get out of breath. I turn around to go back home and I get better. What other explanation would cause this in my case? I hope you get better soon.
FordMus84 jonathan99185
are you having any problems sleeping?
jonathan99185 FordMus84
nope im fine asleep
FordMus84 jonathan99185
Perhaps its time to visit the doctor. Ask what else could be causing you to have excessive yawning. I had this for many years but it would disappear once i was distracted enough or when i'd force myself to count my heart beats.
jonathan99185 FordMus84
i feel like i want to die. i cant shrug off this wanting to yawn and deep breathe feeling it keeps coming in waves every minute
FordMus84 jonathan99185
I understand that feeling of wanting to die but you also don't want to die. It's hard. I suffer from bad health anxiety. I had been able to keep it away for many years but in the past 3 months i have diagnosed myself with almost everything and so far everything is fine. Please consider a visit to the doctor soon. I had that feeling of being smothered but like I said mine would come and go and now I don't have it at all. But I did get checked for all kinds of illnesses. Please visit your doctor. I'm sure you will ok but just do it out of abundance of precaution.