Help. I feel like I'm having mini seizures
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help. im going insane.
I went through menopause when I was 19. I'm now 30 and in all kinds of distress. I have internal and external tremors 24/7 some days more visible than others. My eyes even shake.. I get pressure in my head and neck. my blood pressure can drop as low as 74 over 50 . I have recently been gaining a lot of weight after being 38 kilos 12 months ago. I suffered from insomnia and depression with severe anxiety and ptsd after some traumatic events and now all I do is sleep especially when the tremor is bad..I almost feel as though I am having mini seizures at times with confusion, extreme agitation and sensitivity to sounds. After much research I have come to find these possible reasons . parkinsons. MS. essential tremor . focal seizures. Complex partial seizures. And a few other things. My doctor has ordered an MRI so I hope to have a diagnosis soon.
does anyone else suffer like this ?
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Gigi368 breanna85686
I get the internal tremors off and on, it's such a strange feeling! But so far I haven't had your extremes unless I'm in an active anxiety attack.
Google is your worst enemy! A simple cold and they've got you diagnosed with the plague!! All my symptoms point to lukemia but the oncologist couldn't find anything (I have a chronic high white blood cell count for no apparent reason).
Are you on any HRT? You're so young to have to deal with this crap, my heart goes out to you! I hope it's just anxiety and nothing serious!!! Please update when you have your tests. I wish I had words of wisdom for ya.. hang in there!
jamie37119 breanna85686
An MRI is a great idea, rule anything out...but another is PTSD and anxiety can cause very debilitating symptoms. Not to brush off how you feel at all. Something to consider if you are under a lot of stress
jaynie08827 breanna85686
did u have a hysterectomy?? my mom did and it set her into menapause which was 100x worse cuz it was forced.
dev77856 breanna85686
I thought that maybe I wrote this because I literally have been to about 12 different doctors and have been hospitalized twice for what you describe. And unfortunately not one of them know what it is although it has been called seizure. I started taking magnesium powder and putting it in my water I suggest you try that there’s no side effects I also take muscle relaxers when it’s bad. My spasms are tremors I threw them at my entire body the spasms are in my chest my groin my legs. You can order the magnesium it’s called Calm on Amazon please try it I think things out and makes it worse so just know it’ll pass and it’s going to be OK if you can afford it check your vitamin D and B 12 levels I also take that along with the woman’s 50+ vitaminPlease write me if you want to talk
Sassyr12a breanna85686
Hello breanna
I'm sorry you're going through this. It could easily be hormones and anxiety related, it's amazing the symptoms you end up with but I'm sure you'll be reassured by the mri. I wondered if you went through full meno at 19 or whether peri? I ask because I have ovarian failure at 17 and they considered that menopause but it wasn't anything like I had when I really hit meno last year at 43. The symptoms were much much worse and I think there must have been a gradual decline over the years and then the crash. It may be worth discussing hrt with your doc once the urgent stuff is out of the way. I hope you get the support you need and feel better soon xx