Help! I’m 48 and I feel like I’m losing my mind!
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I’m 48 and I’ve been told by my doc that I’m on my peri menapause. I am a quiet person don’t really go out these days with friends etc I find I enjoy my own company. I have been married for 15 years and been together for 19 I love him so much and we have 2 children my daughter is 24 with my grandson on the way and my son is 17. I have this immense fear that I’m going to lose my husband and that he is having an affair with one of my old friends. I have been checking his phone constantly and have accused him of not being in work and being with her. My kids tell me he wouldn’t ever do that but I fear now that I might drive him to it. I am so suspicious thinking my husband is up to something when he goes out in the car I want to follow him I’ve even though about getting a tracker for his car. It’s killing me inside I feel so nervous and feelings of panic and dread and I can’t think straight. Last year I was diagnosed with a cyst on my pituritury gland which controls hormones and I feel that this may contribute to these feelings. Please can anybody advise or suggest something that will help? I need to be me again!
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Woo3353 alibobs123
I think what you are experiencing is GAD generalised anxiety. When your hormones are imbalanced it effects your mood, emotions and feelings. I had this 18 months ago and it escalated so I was convinced I was going to die, its not nice and is classed in some cases as a form of OCD . In the end I took antidepressants which I hated doing but in hindsight was the best for me as I am now off them and coping with the help of the usual relaxation techniques (yoga, hypnotherapy etc) Its not easy controlling the irrational feelings of the thoughts whilst going through peri I know no matter how much reassurance I got or try to reason with myself I could not fight the hormones without help. It only took 18 months of antidepressants but It helped and is quite a common treatment in ladies in Peri.
Don't let your feelings get out of control get some professional advice and keep talking on here everyone is so very sypportive.
mrs_susan74280 Woo3353
HI I am going though he'll with anxiety at the moment, menopausel, could you tell me what anti, you are on, and are you coping, many thanks
Woo3353 mrs_susan74280
i was on flouextine or prozac 20mg daily, the side effects for first 9 weeks weren't nice i'm not going to lie but it got me through 18 months of hormone anxiety. Its individual choice and a lot of tolerance to initial side effects (although it effects everyone differently) hope you manage to get things settled
alibobs123 Woo3353
Hi woo thanks for replying I’ve only just logged back in... yeah docs give me sertraline 50mg but I’m reluctant to take them .. I’m 14 days in now from my 1 day period and I’m feeling great my
Mind is balanced and I’ve been going the gym and it seems to help .. I’m just dreading this next week build up before my so called period .. I think
In a month I must feel ok for 2 weeks only 🙁
lynn67615 Woo3353
haley30534 alibobs123
Hi there, a friend of mine who's going thru Meno had terrible feelings of paranoia, just explain to your husband that unfortunately it's all part of peri, ask your docs if there's anything he can give u or help with your feelings xx
alibobs123 haley30534
Thanks Haley up to now me and hubs are ok 🤞 and I’ve told him it’s all due to the peri and up to now he understands 😊 just hope the next week I don’t go crazy again .. it seems to be the build up of around a week or more before my period x
karen66219 alibobs123
Good Morning,
I am so sorry you are going through this, what a terrible situation. Reading your post I am going to assume that you have no real reasons for your suspicions, they are just feelings? If this be the case, as difficult as it may be, please don't fuel these know, like putting a tracker on your husbands car. If your suspicions are unfounded, no good can come of it.
I am going to agree with both of the ladies who have commented. I would speak with your husband and then get in to see your GP. You do not have to live like this, there are SSRI's that can help you cope. It sounds like Generalized Anxiety Disorder to me as well. I have coped with it myself and found that an anti-depressant did help.
alibobs123 karen66219
Sorry for the late reply Karen ivenot been on here since ... I’ve spoken to my doc and she told me she had the same when she went through it so that alone has made me see sense a bit .. I’ve been going the gym too which is a great feel good factor .. I really am trying to avoid the antidepressants because I’m scared of the side effects 🙄 anyway so good up to now I’m a lot calmer since speaking to my hubby about this
anetta94863 alibobs123
That's actually very common. I heard the same story from many women in peri. It is anxiety-irrational paranoia type of behaviour. It is usually the strong women with good life situation that go through it like this. Most of us focuses on our health problems and obsesses over them instead. I really don't know what s better. You have to talk to your husband and tell him that peri makes many women obsess over irrational thoughts and that it will go away. If necessary find statements online to confirm this. It is not you-it is the changing hormones causing your brain to experience withdrawal type of reaction.
alibobs123 anetta94863
Thankyou Annetta I agree it is a symptom of the peri and up to now I’m calm I’m just dreading next week 🙄 luckily I have a very caring hubby who understands now 😊 .. I’ve stopped checking his phone now so that’s a good start lol 😊