Help. I'm Feeling FAT
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I know this has come up several times, but I think it helps me to focus. I am not just feeling fat, I am fat. I need to seriously lose weight, which I gained after menopause. Started gaining at age 50, and it's been going on for 10 years.
Please give me some suggestions. I think if I try one thing a week, I will stay more focused. I'm hoping to implement something new every Monday.
My first idea, beginning Monday, is to be sure I eat at least one serving of vegetables per day. No, I do not do this daily. So small steps to start, since I know I should be eating five servings per day!
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Sochima822 DaisyDaze
I worked in the medical field, and I don't know of anyone who eats five servings of anything in a day that's just way too much food for one and two if you want to lose weight I would suggest you try intermittent fasting. Basically it starts out very slow you do it once or twice a week and it's basically not eating for 16 hours starting the night before and just going until the next day until lunch time. Look it up on the web. Eat vegetables but not 5 servings a day unless you're vegetarian.
DaisyDaze Sochima822
pinkcatfairy DaisyDaze
I can sympathise with you, I felt like I was gaining weight and I managed to loose a stone over several months, the way I done it was to cut out bread in the week, so for breakfast I switched to say porridge. I did watch what I ate in the day and filled up on fruit and my evening meals I put in a bowl to limit what I was having and switched potatoes for cauliflower mash but still ate normal at weekends. I swim at least twice a week and I didnt really feel hungry doing this, perhaps in the first week or so, it' s about really thinking what you eat in the day
rose00110 DaisyDaze
That is a very difficult habbit to get over. I would try weight watchers just go online and go check out groups its called weight watchers freestyle. It is very helpful just to read the posts it's very encouraging you are not alone.
kelly55079 DaisyDaze
I can relate... I'm trying too... Right now I'm eating blueberries and oatmeal for breakfast-- if I snack I try to snack on cucumbers and peppers just because I like eating them. I bought some healthy bread and have one slice if I'm in the mood for a sandwich-- I eat alot of eggs, some chicken drink a lot of water.. I make veggie soup and lentil soup so that I have it on hand. I've cut back on going out to eat but I still have trouble with sweets. I do exercise but my main focus is what I eat. It's a lot of work but worth it!! That's all I hear about anymore is about important nutrition is and how it heals the body.
chrisann144 DaisyDaze
I can kinda relate I’m in perimenopause and so almost two years ago this June I decided to lose some weight hoping it would help with my knees (arthritis) which got in Peri and also hoped it would help my hormones years ago I had lost a lot of weight and helped to regulate my periods before that I was irregular so for years I was super regular till about six years ago and the wacky crazy periods have begun....I have lost fifty pounds so far by not dieting nothing is off limits....I watch my portions don’t weigh things I weigh myself once a week and measure my self with a measuring tape once a hasn’t helped my periods lol but it’s small changes over time I eat slowly focus on what I’m eating I get fuller faster doing that I drink a ton of water but I have for about fifteen years....some days I over eat but I get right on track whether it be the next meal or the next day I have a whole different mindset I have good weeks and not so good but I focus on the big picture and what I achieved so far I really can’t pig out like I used too I made small changes over time nothing too overwhelming I think when we want to lose the weight over night and are in rush we need to realize this is a process and patience is key good luck to you and please keep us posted
maddysmom2015 DaisyDaze
Hi Daisy,
I heard myself in your words. In peri- so much is out of our control, weight seems like just another thing, but perhaps something we have a little more control over.
Starting with one serve of vegetables is a great start! I would add one serve of fruit too. Increase your water a bit; that definitely helps with appetite.
Building on your idea, I started losing weight cutting out sugar and multi-ingredient carbs. That is no bread or pasta, but plenty of single ingredient carbs like pears and apples and even a potato or two. It took a bit to get rid of white sugar and flour, but I feel better having done it. (There are reputable studies that say white sugar is more addictive than cocaine.)
Also remember that women are held to a very different and absurd body standard. One of my favorite authors, David Sedaris, describes men's bodies as "sport utility vehicles that take their important thoughts and opinions from one place to another." Whereas in his family, women had to be ornamental and attractive. His mother smoked herself to death trying to suppress her appetite and live up to that standard.
We love you exactly as you are!
DaisyDaze maddysmom2015
Sochima822 DaisyDaze
If you don't work out potatoes turns to glucose(sugar) in your body. Not good for a diet, unless you eat it plain, and should be consumed once a week.
jo4848 DaisyDaze
DaisyDaze jo4848
I do walk my dog all the time. Lately, it's been hard because of all the snow. I still park .6 miles from work so I walk that in the brisk cold every morning and afternoon. I know I should add more exercise, but right now I know I need to improve my eating habits. Thanks for the suggestion. I will focus on that soon!
Just an update. Thank you ALL for helping me. Just reading the posts keeps me more focused. So last week I started adding a vegetable to every supper. I've heard it takes 3 weeks to become a habit, so I'm not quitting.Starting next Monday, I am going to try to add a fruit to each breakfast. Or is the sugar in fruit bad for you?
Sochima822 DaisyDaze
maddysmom2015 DaisyDaze
So excited for you! The vegetables have a lot of fiber that will fill you for longer. (Broccoli is my go to for that, but not everyone can tolerate it.)
And will be good for your overall health.
Sochima is on to something about sugar.... But not all carbs/sugars are created equal. Fruit sugar (fructose) and the starch in vegetables like peas or sweet potatoes (amylose) is a different kind of sugar than the sugar/carbohydrates from flour or white sugar. It's really about balance and adding healthy, whole foods to replace the processed foods just as you are doing.
So for your breakfast, if you are having eggs (a very good protein) and some strawberries (excellent carbs) that is amazing. The carbohydrates and fructose from the berries are easier for your body to process and have way more nutrients than the carbs from the flour in something like toast. (A cup of strawberries and 1 slice of plain toast has the same number of carbs--15--and one is way better for you!) And we need some carbs to run our brain and to have enough energy to run our day and maybe add a little exercise. It's about balance.
A quick rule I have is to eat only whole, single ingredient carbs (like that from vegetables and fruits) and, if I want to lose weight, I try to keep it at about 60-70 carbs a day. So if during the day I eat a potato, (about 30 carbs) and an apple (about 15) then I have to chose less starchy vegetables with my protein for my other meals (no peas but rather green beans, salad greens, asparagus or broccoli that day)
Doing so gives me some choice and I get way more freedom in my day than counting calories!
I think your substitution plan is fantastic! You will develop a taste for healthier foods and change the way you live rather than diet.
You are amazing, Daisy!
Thanks everyone. I was about to give up since all the holiday parties have so much good food. Back on track after reading this. Set my box of candy out for my co-workers. Getting through New Year's will be another challenge, but it will help if I am already eating my fruit and veggies.
So hard to get out and walk. Only 10 degrees and wind chills in negative numbers. A few feet of snow. I will walk a half mile to my car later to get to the parking lot. Better than nothing. Took the shuttle from the lot, but it doens't run when I leave work.
I think next week I will give myself a personal rule: if I break down and want snacks (potato chips/pretzels), I have to measure out one once of each. It's a start in my effort to cut down.
maddysmom2015 DaisyDaze
You go, Daisy! The holidays are difficult for everyone--but portion control of favorite treats is a fantastic strategy!
I hear you about the weather. I am in the US in Connecticut and it is freezing here! When I can't get out, (or can't bear the thought of going out to the gym), I do a quick video on you tube. There are more workout videos on that channel--from gentle yoga to high intensity--than cat vidoes.
I can tell you are really focused and we're all here for you!
DaisyDaze maddysmom2015
Oh, good idea about the videos. Didn't know they had them on You tube!
Guest DaisyDaze
Daisy, you might enjoy trying some walk at home workouts. You can find some for free on YouTube or order DVDs from Amazon. There are a few different exercise leaders who offer these. They are really great anytime, especially if you can't get in much walking due to weather conditions. Just search on walk at home to find some! Take care.