Help! I'm having a Hormonal Bad Hair Day!!

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Hi Ladies

I know lots of you have posted so many of the Peri symptoms, and I know that thinning hair and brittle nails appears on so many posts.

But I have to ask:  have any of you experienced - or are you experiencing it as I am - hair so lank and greasy, you could fry chips in it??!!

My hair's naturally blonde - alright, blonde-with-lots-of-white/silver-'highlights' - so any bit of grease makes it looks really slick.  I have been blessed (I've made it my friend as its easier) with a natural white streak at my parting since I was about 41-ish which now looks like I'm going bald there!  I can cope with the colour: I know some women would pay a fortune to have my 'highlights'!, but its the having to wash it all the time that's doing my head in (no pun intended).

I did notice it was getting drier last year, and attributed that to the ever-increasing white/silver streaks: result!  But now I'm back to buying different shampoos to try to combat this (Q: why don't they sell shampoo for 'Greasy Hair'?  I'd be OK if it was 'Naughty', 'Unruly' needed 'Taming', was 'Frazzled'.....but not good ol' greasy??!)

There must be at least one lady on here who can empathise with me?  I know hair can be tempremental, but hormonal!!  Ain't it enough that we had to endure that as teenagers?!

Any suggestions, advice or good ol' fashioned naming a brand will be very welcomed.   Just fed up with my hair looking like it needs washing every  day.


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14 Replies

  • Posted

    hi shaz

    i had hair problems, loss off and dry and took Kelp 1000mg 

    ( idodine of kelp supplements) helps no end, hair thickened up again and was in great condition in months.. took it years.

    i stopped taking it last year forgetting why i had started using it years ago, then my hair was coming out in the brush and clogging plug hole .. so restarted it again and hair is thick and glossy again 

    really works for me i take super strength Kelp 1000mg one a day from simply supplements, great for nails too..

    have a google of it 

    jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay!

      Oh yes.........Kelp, keep meaning to add that to my list Jay. You told me about it before....I will have to try it! Peri Brain-lol! Also I am finally adding Maca on now to see if that might be as beneficial for me as it is for you!

      Hope all is well in Spain.

      Any updates on your back?

      Big hugs to you!

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay, I was thinking of taking Kelp for my thining hair but a bit worried to in case they increase facial hair when I have paid out so much money for lazer treatment for facial hair removal over the years. I'd be grateful for your views on this.  X
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      No i had no effect on facial hair, just head hair, nails etc.


    • Posted

      Yes annie

      I have three bulging disks in back ,..

      Couple of lesions, and now shingles


  • Posted

    Hiya Shaz!

    You had started to mention this the other morning! Hormonal hair is a real thing. I'm at the stage of going from poker straight and fine, but  a lot of it, hair to unruly, dry hair. Always looks unkept unless I use hairspray to keep it in place-oh yuk! Not greasy I'm afraid. So my solution for now, will be different then yours. 

    I am so sad to say, I have fired a few hairdressers in the past because I thought they were the problem but as it turns out, our hormones can really make our hair go through some changes. A good friend of mine has a daughter who does hair and shared that well known nugget amongst hairdresser with me. Opps!

    Mine is also getting thinner in the front top (lovely-hate my huge forehead -hahaha! as it is) so I've always used long bangs to cover it up. Now with hair thinning there and of course, it's getting thicker, wavier and so much fuller in the lower back part of my head. Simply crazy!

    Don't know what to tell you to use unless you want to try a Neutrogena product that might be gentle enough to use every day. But then you may end up risking drying it out like mine and the cycle continues!

    We're getting ready for vacation in 2 days and I was going to have my hair cut and highlighted (yes, I am jealous of you!) but cancelled. No matter what she would have done, it would look crazy anyway. I figured I'll never see these people again so the heck with it for now......

    Look at the Neutrogena brands if you can. biggrin  Good Luck!

    Annie xx

  • Posted

    Hi again!!

    I use Plantur 39 shampoo and conditioner (especially for ladies over 40!).  I'm going thin at the front (fringe area) but it definitely looks thicker these days.  It's a really good quality shampoo and my mobile hairdresser loves it!  She has even bought some herself.

    Think I may try the Kelp too.  Nothing to lose wink

  • Posted

    I to get that my hair falls out every time i brush it or in bath also my head itches like mind and neck
    • Posted

      Hi there maybe even Head and Shoulders is good for itchy scalps and even greasy hair.  It's a mens brand but that doesn't matter or Infusium hair products offer repair solutions.  Have a nice evening xo
    • Posted

      wendy - I wonder if your shampoo/conditioner is irritating your neck, at the very least?  I say tghis as I have never, ever got spots, least of all on my back. But, loe and behold, on NY Eve when I wanted to wear a dress with a slight teardrip neck fastening at the back, I'd scratched so much that I had a raised rash, and a bloody great spot that would have been on show for all to see! Needless to say, I didn't wear that new dress that night1

      Make sure you physically rub and rinse off the conditioner from your neck/upper shoulders to stop this as lots of women develop spots here and wonder why.

  • Posted

    Blimey Girls - What have I started??!!!

    thanks to you ALL for your great advice - as ever.

    There's a few shampoos I know of but haven't tried - one of them will be on my shopping list for Monday! Will also look into the Kelp supps.

    Well I've given it a 'seeing to' today, and even treated it to a blow dry and GHD blast. Going to our Grandson's 6th B'day Party soon. I'm feeling my age today, and have convinced myself I'm looking more and more like Judy Finnegan these days than I want (ladies in the UK will know our Jude: she's getting old the old fashioned way, bless her!).  Only difference, is she chooses to dye her hair that bright: mine's all bloody white naturally!!.

    I shall look into my diet too as I could probably do with a tweek or two there. Afterall 'We are What We Eat'!! 

    Think too that its time to get the 'barnet' tamed:  I might feel a bit better about the mop with a new hairstyle.  Oh! for those carefree days of childhood, when I had beautifully thick, long natural blonde hair - that was brushed and put in a ponytail, once in 24hrs.  Yep, I was a proper Tom Boy and really didn't appreciate what I had.

    Also emember in the 70s wishing I looked like the blonde one in Abba.  Shame it had to be Bjorn!!

    Oh! the fickleness of

    Thanks again girls.  I knew you'd come to the rescue.  Have a good weekend and think of me and the pull of that Bouncy Castle!!! x

    • Posted

      There you are Shaz!

      Hopefully someone gave you an idea that will help you out. Like you, miss the old days when this was an easy fix!

      Unfortunately I have the opposiite issue, but same end result. Hair just goes amuck and I end up looking like crazy cat lady! lol!

      Enjoy your day at the Bouncy Castle with your grandson! Will catch up with you in 2 weeks (fun in the Sun as of tomorrow, I hope!). Your posts always make me laugh. Will have to google Judy Finnegan to see who you mean..

      Stay well!

      Annie xx


  • Posted

    Yep my hair is like that. I put it down to night sweats and flushes in day. I try not to wash it every day - easy as I don't work so don't need to face the general public with lank hair but if you need to look presentable it's hard. I've swapped hair products with little positive results. I just platt it 👧
    • Posted

      I'm going through a 'can't stop eating junk' week, so its probably that. I wish I could afford to have my hair washed and blow died twice a week - my hair stays good for days after a salon blow dry.

      Blimey, you'd think I was such a Diva but the truth is I hate going to the Hairdressers as much as the Gynae!!!

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