Help is this lichen sclerosis?

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for the past two months ive being having serious problems down there..

it gets worse and better but doesnt seem to fully disappear!

i get quite large cuts/tears around the entrance to my vagina and at the bottom of my labia.. my skin around the entrance isnt white as far as i can see but it is pretty shiny!

it also flares up and goes very sore red and itchy! i dont know what it could be ive never had anything like it till around 2 minths ago

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, Emily, it does sound very much like it could be LS, however, you really need to get it diagnosed. It took me phoning the nurse at my surgery, as the female! GP didn't manage to diagnose and just gave me prescription for cream and pill for"thrush", which I had previously had a course for with no relief. On the nurses instruction I went to the hospital GUM clinic and was diagnosed there. Of course, I am in UK, and if you aren't, things may be different where you are. If you have it, unfortunately, you will be in the club that no-one wants to be in.

  • Posted

    See if there is an LS specialist in your it. Sometimes a dermatologist does a better job for us than a GYN. Mine had no idea what the problem was, nor how to treat it. I ended up with a LS specialist and a dermatologist that specializes in women's skin problems. They were both in agreement on treatment. a Steroid, and lubricant. At first the steriod gets used morning and night, the lubricant every time you pee. I use Emuaid, or Coconut oil. It is best to spray water on the area after each urination and apply the lubricant afterwards.

  • Posted

    Hi Emily, the shiny areas look like LS, but more importantly your description of your symptoms sounds very much like LS. Try to get to a Vulva clinic for a firm diagnosis if you can as they tend to have seen LS more than most. You should be given some steroid cream which will help and in the meantime read as much as you can on LS.

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