Help. Is this melanoma?
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kim12266 olt1994
if its different from others u have see a doctor
michelle70460 olt1994
I'm no expert but no it doesn't look like melanoma. If you are concerned the best place to go is your doctor or dermatologist as they can give you a more definitive answer. I always say to people look for ABCDE. A stands for asymmetrical. B stands for border. C stands for colour. D stands for diameter. E stands for evolving. Sometimes a mole can look suspicious but turn out to be nothing. Others don't look like much but turn out to be melanoma. However most cancerous moles will have sone of the telltale signs i just described above. But in my opinion it looks like a normal mole. Good luck.
olt1994 michelle70460
Thanks Michelle,
I'll book an appointment ASAP just to get it checked out. Thanks again!
michelle70460 olt1994
You're welcome. You are doing the right thing. Don't take my word as gospel but i think you'll be ok but as i said only your doc can give you a definite answer. Good luck.
ginaprice102075 olt1994
Irregular borders and different colors and change in size usually 6 mm or 1/4" and on.
diane53336 olt1994
My melanoma was caught late and I had not noticed it in the early stages. But when I did it was hard, shiny with a red ring round its base, which the next day had gone darker with a further red ring on that base. Also it was raised and not flat. Sometimes it is simply a scab from an injury which can look blackish and hard but will drop off in time leaving healthy skin underneath.
Yours looks tiny.
GP is the next step . Good luck