Help!! It's worse
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hi ladies. im post been for a year now. i was real bad off a year ago then my symptoms slowly eased a little i was able to function so tp say yet still dealing with the heat surges the not being able to sleep. the feeling like im not breathing. but now its seemed to just get very worse the anxiety. yesterday it hit very bad. my heart racing and fluttering the anxity i have heartburn even though i take nexium 40 mg..i am constantly oyt of breath. what happened??? is it normal to do this?? even my heat surges feel different. anyone one else have this happen????
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Zola34 jaynie08827
So sorry you are experiencing this. I am 2 years post menopause and on low dose HRT. Even with this I often get what I call flashes of intense anxiety. I have also suffered from unexplained, terrifying breathlessness; (I've had a lot of tests and all normal). So what you are presently suffering, although it's awful, is normal and down to hormonal imbakances. My HRT doesn't fix it completely, but it keeps the intensity at bay. Hang on in there - this will eventually pass. Sending love xxx.
jaynie08827 Zola34
thank u for thr reassurance. the stuff im going through feels like i git really bad flu mixed with the worse hangover ever. yes the breathing thing bothers me cuz theres days i just dont go anywhere cuz it feels like im panti g one minute the next im not breathing at all..the headaches and flushes are horrible. im just not me. i been trying ti hang in byt i dont understand how i can feel this vad and the drs just dint help..i cant take the hormone stuff my mom took it and she had horrible side effects so gereditary im scared itll gappen to me. im glad its helping u sone. a little breath of air that there might ve ab ebd to this. thank u for respondibg god bless u prayers for u...
soery spell check has a mind of its own. lol
Irene1210 jaynie08827
Hi, I have been post meno 1 year now & am currently experiencing all the symptoms that u are having. I was feeling alright for past few months but recently those horrible awful symptoms came back with a big bang. I feel so lousy, couldn't function like a normal human. I know they will eventually go away but God knows when & they will come back again. Life sucks. The only consolation I have is this forum where I can share my woes & know I am not alone. We have each other.
jaynie08827 Irene1210
yes i am so grateful for this and u ladies before i found this i been to er a couple times and was in bed for months. as these symptoms pop up i really try to tell myself its just the lack of hormones. it still blows my mind how we can feel this vad and no dr can help..its nice to hsve those moments of peace but they arent so peaceful cuz im wauting for something new to pop up or it to get wirse like now. thank god i have a partner who is trying to learn and be there for me ..hang in there thats what im told so im telling u. and no u arent alone...sending praters ur way
prayers stupid spell
Sassyr12a jaynie08827
Hi jaynie
Yes, I have that sometimes. It's the weirdest thing, I feel like I can't breathe but I obviously am because I'm alive. I've had chest xray etc and it's always fine it seems to be a hormone thing but maybe get your iron checked too, that can make you feel puffed out when it's low. Hope you feel better xx