Help ladies😢
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Hi ladies
so I'm 47 now and feeling like a complete nervous wreck most of the time I don't know if I'm coming or going…! I started taking dong quai and it made feel somewhat better and it even seemed like it regulated my menstrual cycles but I went to the DR. For my thyroid levels to be check because I'm also hypothyroid and according to the dr. I went to see the dong quai is making my free T4 1.93 which is hyper now and I was told to stop taking it. And have my blood work checked again in 3 months. Have any of you gone trough any thing similar please share with me I feel so crazy, & confused 🤷???
please ladies help.
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rachel13481 Goddess1
I have been on thyroid medicine for many years.  I have not heard of that herb raising your thyroid levels.  It is more likely that you are on too much thyroid medicine.  And being hyperthyroid will make your anxiety worse!  I had the same dose of thyroid medicine for ten years until I became peri-menopausal.  Now I keep having to change my dosage slightly every 6 months or so.
Goddess1 rachel13481
Hi Rachel
thank you for replying to my concern! You know I thought the same thing my self and also read into to it and is doesn't say it affects my blood works. I think it may be my peri too! Oh the anxiety I'm having is just awful I really need to perhaps lower my meds.
Once again thanks for sharing your experience with me.
mauiblue Goddess1
When you say you feel a nervous wreck, what do you mean? Is it like your hormones or do you feel mentally unstable?
 thyroid imbalances can cause these kinds of feelings and symptoms.
Possibly you could stop the don quai for now and then like the doc says, to retest in 90 days.
You just might be in the throes of perimenopause. And having two things that are all hormone related is really challenging...i know believe me.
Well its good you are here on the website and you will have lots of support.Â
Goddess1 mauiblue
Hi it's probably both my own peri and my thyroid been all over the place. I did stop the dong quai, for now so hopefully my blood worm goes back to somewhat normal.
janita35990 Goddess1
Goddess1 janita35990
I'm so sorry to hear that hun, how is the black cohosh working out for you I might give it a try if it's working well for you…!
janita35990 Goddess1
lisa97672 Goddess1
Hi, omg your not alone! i feel nervous wreck most days also!..its pure hell some days. I still have days of rest, but theres always some kind of anxiety...An hyper thyroid will make anxiety worse. so not sure if you want to keep taking the dong quai. Its hard to get through this naturally. I went on an hrt, but i shouldn't of been for the past year, it upped my estrogen to extreme high, and hence causing me worse anxiety! My periods are just irregular and should of been on birth control. too much of anything apparently screws with hormones and makes anxiety much worse. i am weaning off now, and praying for some relief...I do take chamomile drops for anxiety, it helps a little, but at night when sleep is impossible, i have to take a small dosage of xanax .25...sometimes just 1/2 of that. but sleep i need, or my anxiety comes on worse. I am sure your probably the same way. Hugs to you...hope this helps...thank GOD for these messages here, they help me sooo much.
Goddess1 lisa97672
Hi Lisa
'thanks so much for your reply! Yes talking about it helps us a lot, I will be checking into those chamomile drops as well. Hugs
lisa97672 Goddess1
Goddess1 lisa97672
Is thaf cream over the counter ? Â Â
lisa97672 Goddess1
Yes online !! It worked great for me in beginning. The. I think my estrogen just went up so high it didn't help as much. It's worth a try. Maybe see if you get get hormones tested also first Tc
Goddess1 lisa97672
Thanks girl🙏 I will check it out
Guest Goddess1
I can't imagine doing Dong Qai would affect your thyroid. Are you talking about the art form like tai chi? Why and how could that affect your thyroid?
Goddess1 Guest
Hi Suzanne
dong quai is a herb that I had recommended for menopause symptoms & as far as making me feel good it did help…! Is just that my doctor told me that maybe the reason why my labs were off,