Help me.

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Hi, I have just turned fifty and in May last year I had a hole hip replacement and since then it's been down hill.

I have found out that I am anaemic and can not have my other hip op until that is sorted.

Anyway since May I have not had a bleed. Had a show in November but nothing else. That last few months I have been having hot flushes but the last few weeks they have been really bad and making me feel sick, headaches, heart racing and feeling unwell. Sleeping a lot but not all night as that is the worst time. My sex life is none existent as it hurts. So I went to the dr and had blood tests and found out that I am going through the change. The dr said I need to go on hrt and after I have had my ct scan Thursday next week I'm to go and see him and let him know what I think. Well I have not go a clue as have not got a mother to talk to for advise.

Please could you help and advise me.    

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Heather, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I have been on hrt and have been off of it for more than six months and am now back where I started only worse because I am older and they are very severe. My relative started about the same time and went natural and was over it in a year. I am hoping I will be  soon but there is no reason to believe I will be. This is exhausting. Speaking from my experience I would say save your money and get over it naturally unless of course you have suicidal tendencies. Its really a hard call to make though. because this withdrawal has been so hard I may go back in for further help. My nights sound a lot like yours. Miserable! I start stressing out when night approachs its so bad. I wish there was a simple answer. Do you have any other relatives you can talk to so that you might know what may lay in store for you?


    • Posted

      Thank you for replying to my blog. 

      I do not have anyone I can talk to not even my husband as we do not talk me. 

      I am the rock in the family. I look after the hole family husband, daughter, son and grandchildren and I work full time. So I have no time for myself so basically get on with it. 

      Thankyou for your in put am

      nd will take into consideration. 

      You take care and God bless you. X

  • Posted

    Hi Heather,

    HRT helped a bit with my sleep and a lot with my libido.

    If you are thinking of trying it, be aware all HRT is not the same and that bio identical plant based is preferable and better tolerated than the older horse urine types.

    The horse urine ones generally start with Pre. Eg. Premarin and prempac. These are usually in pill form.

    Bio identicals are usually transdermal, a gel or patches. This is better for you as they ate absorbed by the skin and do not have to go through the digestive system.

    Since I've been using it just over 3 months, my heart palpitations anxiety, the sick feeling and depression have improved.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your prompt response.

      ​looks like I need to really look into this over the next week befor I go back to the Drs. 

      Need some one to explain the pros and cons before I make the decision. 

      Take care x

  • Posted

    hi heather boy do i know when things go wrong in health its one after the other !!!when i turned fifty 8 yrs ago my knees were aching all the time .it seemed to me like the fifty decade was not going to be my friend ,and it has just went as i feared .ive had knee replacements (both)at 55 yrs one didnt go well at all and since ive been through 3 major ops on one of them and im still suffering .  at 51 i started to go through the menopause i couldnt sleep at all hardly an hour a night i started getting migraines from lack of sleep and hot flushes non stop all day . i was miserable ,i went to the doctor he gave me hrt and less than 2wks i improved ,felt better no flushes ,slept better ,enjoyed sex again life pretty much went well .i was on a low dose one .ive been on it 7yrs i hadnt ment to stay on it that long but with my knee problems and opperations i couldnt think about coming off it till this year ,im just 5 wks off the hrt i did reduce the dose for a good few months and im glad i did it that way .now as i said 5wks off it and its not been too bad .hot flashes a few times during the day tolerable ,night sweats maybe 3-4 a night its more uncomfortable than anything .im glad im off it and i wont go back now .i will never regret going on hrt it was fantastic ,i would go down that road again it helped so much .maybe its because im getting close to 60 that i think maybe now i will try to do without it . so hope this helps you decide
    • Posted

      Thanks Linda. 

      Will it not make me have periods again? 

      Like the idea of not having periods ha ha 

      i am going through a hard time at the moment but will have a long think about it.

      will take in what you have to say. Thank you x

    • Posted

      i was on femston conti and no periods at all with them .you take them all the month . i never got a period with them some hrt do give you periods doctor will be able to make sure you dont get one .and yes i agree i would not have liked to go down that road again good luck let us know how you get on x
    • Posted

      I'm on oestrogel and Utrogestan and I do get a period on that. Probably the only downside. I could try taking the Utrogestan at a lower dose for more days, at the moment I'm taking it first 12 days of each calender month and bleeding days 8 to 14. I think you can take half the dose for 24 days. I chose the way I'm taking because it's closer to the way you used to produce the hormones naturally.

      It's a small price to pay for feeling so much better though.

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