Help me figure out whats going on

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Hello my name is Raelynn and im 17 years old, lat summer in june i was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer and my doctor put me on radnitadine but that caused me to get sick so my doctor then put me on omperazole which is an off-brand of prylosec, and i was put on that last year in august. Then as long i took my medicene i was fine. But then this year on January 21st i had horrible abominal pain on my right ide and it was tender but the pain was also in the same spot and side on my back but the pain was no were else. My mom thought it was appendix so we went into the er they said it wasnt and gave me nausea medicene and sent me home. From that day on January 21st till today (it's still on going) ive dealt with diet changes(which have not helped), severe pain on my same right side (the pain is always in the same spot on my side and on the same side on my back), the pain has gotten so bad that i couldnt move i will curl up in a ball or lie flatt holding on to my side. I dont get sick and i also dont get fevers. I also get horrible head aches, fatigue- with my side it feels worse when i eat but with my stomach when i eat i feel sick but i dont actually get sick so that horrible sick feeling stays, i also decribe it to were my stomchs numb i dont feel hungry so i dont eat but when i eat i dont feel full so i have to stop myself, i have been so energetically drained and have been sleeping alot more, and loud noises seem to irritate me, my periods are 2-3 months late (no im not pregnant and im not sexually active), i also get very dizzy to the point where i feel like im going to pass out. But on July 16th i went back into the er because it was the worst it has ever been they did an ultra sound and took a urin sample which came back fine and they took multiple blood tests which came back fine then i went to my doctor he took more blood tests and another urine sample which they both came back fine. My doctor then ordered a HIDA scan which is a more indepth scan of your kidneys and gullbladder well we got the results today and there normal so now we dont know what's going on. Im active, i eat healthy, like my doctor said a 17year girl should not be in pain like this, i need to figure this out i cant take it anymore so please if you can help pllease do.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Did they do a pelvic ultrasound to check for cysts?  Has the doctor suggested endometriosis?  Does your pain ever move about and do you get changes in bowel habits?  Has IBS been mentioned?  If everything is ruled out, IBS can be diagnosed,
    • Posted

      No they have only done a regular ultra sound.. No the doctor has not sugested that at all. The pain stays in between my hip and rib on my right side and on the same spot on my back. Nope bowel habits have stayed the same. No IBS has never been mentioned at all.


    • Posted

      When you were diagnosed with the ulcer, were you tested for h pylori which can cause them?  If you have h pylori you will need antibiotics and PPI medication.  The other possibility is that the ulcer has come back or it didn't heal in the first place.

    • Posted

      I got diagnosed with the ulcer last summer late June and i was never tested for h pylori. Basically when i got diagnosed i came to the appointment and i told him my symptoms which were belly pain nausea and vomiting and then he said well you have an ulcer he did no testing he just told me i had one then he put me on ranidadine then he took off that and out me on omperazole(and off-brand of prylosec). My doctor after we got the reults for the scan did not want to look into anything further he just wants to leave it at that so now im finding a new doctor.
    • Posted

      I think it would have been better if you had been sent for an endoscopy to confirm that you had an ulcer.  Perhaps a new doctor will do these tests so that you can get definite answers.
  • Posted

    "Normal" is not a good result from the HIDA scan. The purpose of the HIDA scan is to check the functionality of your gallbladder (how well it is working). There should be an ejection fraction associated with it. If you didn't get that number, give your doctor a call back and ask for it.

    I know you said your pain in on your right side, but is it up higher near your rib cage or lower towards your hip? Many differences in what could be wrong depending on the location.

    • Posted

      I wrote that wrong.. "Normal" is a GOOD thing, however you are not looking for a "normal" or "abnormal" from a HIDA scan. You're looking for a number.

    • Posted

      We called the doctor back and he said the numbers were ok to. But the pain is not right under my rib or right on my hip its in between my rib and hip.

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