Help me understand elevated EBV readings

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Hi All,

So I have been seeing my doctor for several years trying to understand why I'm so consistently fatigued, meanwhile it only gets worse. The brain fog, restless sleep, aching joints, muscle spasms and now throbbing left eye (daily) and blurry/slight double vision have lead me to switch doctors. My new doctor found that I have tested Positive for ANA IFA with a Low Anti-body ANA Nuclear TItter. Something to do with autoimmune diseases.

My test results also show positives on:

EBV Viral Capsid AG (268.0 U/mL)

EBV Nuclear AG (217. U/mL)

I've been dealing with this fatigue and brain fog for so long that I can't tell what I feel from what else. So there's an underlying autoimmune thing maybe. Or I have mono now? Idk. The fatigue and muscle spasms began at 21. I'm 28 now! I do feel more lethargic than usual, but u have also been stressed about tests being ran on me. An Ultrasound showed calcified granulomas in the spleen (indicating I had one had some sort of infection from what I can tell) It also showed possible fatty liver or liver disease. The tests that came back with this information I'm sharing with you were negative for all Hepatitis tests. I did an MRI of the liver because they said they could get a better look at it. I'm very healthy with a healthy BMI around 20. The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of not knowing what is happening to me.

My results haven't been looked over by my doctor yet so I'm just sitting on these labs right now waiting for them to call me back. What do you make of the EBV results?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Bear,

    Oh goodness what a rough time you have been through by the sounds of it, I just want you to know I believe you are going to get better from this and live a healthy and full life again. You're been through so much, and it sounds like you keep yourself healthy too and are doing all the right things by the sounds of it.

    I went through glandular fever about 11-12 years ago, it really was a tough experience and took me many months to get back on my feet - but I did get there thanks to God's help. I'm afraid I'm no expert with blood results or anything so can't really offer much help there, but you've done the right thing to get tested and usually the docs can tell with a simple EBV / monospot test if glandular fever / mono is going on.

    Taking vitamins and herbs really helped in my recovery, a good strong multi-vitamin per day, high doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000mg per day), B complex vitamin / co-enzyme Q10 (great for nervous system and energy levels) and immune boosting herbs like siberian ginseng / echinicea. I know you might have tried some of this already but if not certainly worth a go, always wise to check with doc though for taking supplements.

    Thinking of you and trusting God that you are going to get better Bear, 100% I believe that - hang in there and thinking of you and hoping that you can get some progress and help through the doctors and blood test results. Good luck and remember you are going to get better (I believe Jesus heals).


    • Posted


      Thank you so much! I think I've seen you around in the community. Or maybe there are just a lot of really nice & insightful Craig's. 😁 I was looking at research that links EBV to other Autoimmune illnesses. Maybe I will be referred to a Rheumatologist who will be able to take some next steps. The pains, aches, brain fog & fatigue is getting old. I want to feel like someone in their 20's before my 20's are up. I do have brief periods where I feel on top of the world. Usually no longer than 3 weeks before I either get sick or injured and the fatigue and pain sets back in. Often times not even this long. This EBV thing just seems weird to me, but in relation to other Autoimmune anomalies, there is some interesting stuff to read up on until I can get in to see the doctor.

    • Posted

      Hi Bear,

      Caroline is right that you have been suffering for such a long time, there are no words that can put that pain into context on the site here. Just want you to get better and really hoping that you can have a good spell, you deserve things to go right and you are still young and have lots of hopefully healthy and happy years ahead.

      There definitely is hope and don't give in - you will be stronger than most of us for what you have been through and feel liberated when things get better - and it doesn't matter how long it's been I do still believe you're going to get better, truly I believe that. Thinking about you.


  • Posted

    Hi bear soup.

    like Craig says, I have no idea what the test results mean?! I was simply told you have glandular fever (actually past infection) I didn't know what levels etc??

    7 years is a long time to suffer being constantly fatigued, I really feel for you.

    i hope you can get some answers and things improve. Even after being ill for this amount of time there is still hope of a full recovery.

    Caroline x

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