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has anyone had severe side effects from changing brand of sertraline, 14 days into this new brand and I have gone back to square one, I am asuming it's that, been crying now for 4 hours, depression really set back in, buzzing in ears not eating and feeling sick.😭😭😭

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Pharmacists will have you believe that the brands are all the same. However there is a difference, not in the fundamental ingredients but in other parts such as binding products. Because of this I have a closed prescription from my doctor for the brand I was initially given for my first dose. It was hard enough to get on them let alone have to cope with yet more side effects as a result of a change in brand.
  • Posted

    I've seen others mention this also, I had a change of brand and wonder if it also created symptoms, I'll be asking for same brand from my doctor.
  • Posted

    I've seen others mention this also, I had a change of brand and wonder if it also created symptoms, I'll be asking for same brand from my doctor.
  • Posted

    mabye i had that happen with prozac , when it changed generic to fluxitine  30 years ago . Take them back and ask the chemist if he has the ones you usually have . But they go for the cheapest , its rare you feel this way though
  • Posted

    You have to have the brand specified on your prescription. Or the pharmacist just gives u the one they have which is the most cost effective for them at that time.
    • Posted

      the doc just puts SERTRALINE on script , he canot say what brand you get the chemist put them up , unless your insurance will pay for ZOLOFT the real med, sertraline is zoloft generic
    • Posted

      My doc specifically puts Lustral Pfizer and the pharmacist has to give u those ones because that's what the script says.
    • Posted

      yes he has wrote it on the script ,   if he had put just sertraline you get any generic the chemist has
  • Posted

    Thank you for all your comments, I can't remember what my first brand sertraline was,  this happened also when the chemist gave me a differant brand of thyroxine, I was so ill.

    it seems I am very sensitive to meds and the slightest change does not do well for me.

  • Posted

    I have to take a certain brand or otherwise i get really bad heartburn from the minute i swallow any other brand!

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