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I wasn't aware there was even a forum for headaches but it would be nice to hear from other people in my situation

I'm 34 years old and for as long as I remember suffered from chronic headaches.

For sometime now I have suffered from headaches daily and over the years stupidly thought it was the norm that all people had a headache daily.

My headaches can range from a general I guess headache everyone gets to the maximum where I must go to bed. I've had eye tests made sure I drink lots I just lost now on what to do

I've been to doctors various scans and various tablets later i still carry on getting them, its ruining my life, I get very agitated, i suffer from depression and anxiety as it is but to be honest these headaches are now the biggest thing I would like to sort.

I dont know what else to do I feel like I'm pestering the doctor all the time. I'm literally going through that many tablets that they prescribe the latest being a migraine tablet which they prescribed 6 tablets for a month well they were gone within 2 days...

I just cannot see how much more I can put up with this

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Also I suffer from vertigo if I do any form of bending and any type of activity which involves spinning.

    Fatigue and total lack of energy is also happens but I believe this is more down to depression and anxiety tablets.

  • Edited

    Hi there, this will seem like a long but it worked for me. Try no dairy products for one week. No milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. Let me know how that works out. Your post sounds like something i would have wrote 7 years ago.

    • Edited

      interesting, thank you for your advise. It just seems I go to doctors I feel like I'm a hypochondriac

  • Posted

    Get a full set of bloods taken, your hormone levels and your vitamin and mineral levels tested. You may have a deficiency in something and you may need to take supplements. Vitamin or mineral deficiencies or hormone imbalances can also contribute to depression and anxiety.

    Do you take any regular medication?

    • Posted

      hi there,

      yes I take

      citalopram 20mg

      propranolol down from 160mg to 120mg currently in last few weeks

      another new tablet sumatriptan again just been put on these after taking Naproxen 250mg

    • Posted

      Did you get the headaches before you were on citalopram or did they start after?

    • Posted

      Headaches prior to all the tablets i was on, I was just extremely naive to believe every person in the world suffered from headaches daily.

    • Posted

      How long did you take Citalopram?

      I used to have terrible headaches 24/7. I had lay down entire day, I was hurt a lot.I took medications for migraine for 6 months, not help. I took Naproxen, too, did not help. I took Imitrex, still did not help.

      Anyway, finally, antidepressants and anti-anxiety helped me.I have been taking Duloxetine and Alprazolam for 6 months. Antidepressants takes a long time, a few months, to kick in. So, I take Alprazolam to help my anxiety for short term. They helped with the headaches and pain.

    • Posted

      I've been on various anti depressants.

      Naproxen waste of time.

      I've been on anti depressants for over 5 years which touch wood are quite in hand at the moment still have the odd bad day but nothing like i used too.

    • Posted

      Can you explain what your headaches are like? Eg; are they sharp? Are they dull? Are they thumping? Are they whooshing? Do you get pain anywhere else with them? Like neck pain, ear pain, nose pain or eye pain?

    • Posted

      I hope Sumatriptan will help your headaches. I took it, but did not help me. I know a few people taking Topamax for their chronic headaches.

    • Posted

      Its difficult to explain the feeling but i generally get three types of headache which i class them as the following:

      "Annoying" headache where i get agitated but can still just about continue with daily life (dull)

      "Severe" headache where i must be left alone as i become so agitated and turn nasty. (thumping)

      "Bed Ridden" headache where no matter what i do i must go to bed (this normally is a thumping and sharp pain)

      All three types of headache above feel like i just need to puncture holes in my head to relieve build up of pressure.

    • Posted

      unfortunately i dont think these are working, i was prescribed 6 tablets of sumatriptan which was to last a month until i had another review.

      I'm now on my 3rd pack 18th tablet in 2 weeks!

    • Posted

      Are you eating ok? what blood tests have you had recently?

      I used to take citalopram and it would give me bad bruxism (teeth grinding and jaw clenching), mainly when I slept but sometimes in the day as well. This used to lead to headaches, a clicky jaw and neck pain for me as well as making me feel agitated. Do you get sensitive teeth and neck pain as well?

    • Posted

      I eat OK mostly in the week plenty of fruit, very healthy at work, i go to a gym 5 times a week (Joined for around 6 months now). Due to the tablets i did have a rapid increase in weight which hopefully now will see this weight decrease.

      On a Friday i enjoy a takeaway of some sort but other than that i do not drink beer often at all, i think I've had 4 pints in a month if that.

      I actually cannot remember the last time i had any blood taken.

      Citalopram generally is OK for me I've not noticed anything different to be quite honest.

    • Posted

      If you find your weight is being affected by citalopram, avoid sugar and alcohol as ssri tablets raise your insulin levels. Even too much fruit can be bad, just have 2 portions of sweet fruits a day maximum, avoid smoothies and sweet juices as well.

      I would ask for some blood tests if I were you, check your vitamin levels, iron, hormone levels, blood sugar and the usual blood counts they do. Deficiencies in B vitamins, magnesium, iron and vitamin d can all give you headaches. Also I have a hormone imbalance and before my period and when I am ovulating I get headaches and dizziness.

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