Help pain all over

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ive had thease pains since october last year every day all day i dont sleep and when i do its a catnap in my sholders neack back elbows knees wrists its horible my bones click all the time espeshaly when i sit down i might add i have to sit on the floor it is even hurting writing this message i have a dull head all the tim its worse when its raining the onley thing getting me out of bed is my 3 yeard i am sick to death i calnt do anything anymore i try but i get so tired and achey im 35 and feel 95 can anybody help im going to see a roomatolagist on the 20 th i said to my grandma can you just diliver me in a parcel thatswhat i feel like

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    You need help before the 20th. Go to a hospital emergency room where they can give you some tests and treatment and proper drugs.

    • Posted

      ive been to the docs i must have seen them all they put me on gabapentin witch is a drug for eppalepsey also used for pain and cocodamol the said i have to wait till 20th even though im still in pain i dont want to go to the emergency room because im frightend they will say its all in my head

    • Posted

      If you think that way then what makes you think you will not get the same answer on the 20th?

  • Posted

    It could be down to any number of things. Your rheumatologist should be able to give you more answer.

  • Posted

    Hi Natty7

    You may have a condition called Polymyalgia Rheumatica or Fibromyalgia. The Rheumatologist will do blood tests ESR and CRP to test for inflammation. The blood tests are Erythrocite Sedimentation Rate and C-Reactive Protein blood tests....if they are raised it means you have inflammation in your body which affects your muscles this will indicate PMR. Fibromyalgia does not require blood tests the pain for this in in certain parts of your body. Also, you may be given a Rheumatoid Factor blood test. You are a little young to have PMR but could have the other conditions. Wait for the Rheumy to carry out blood tests....keep us posted....

  • Posted

    will do ive already had blood tests at the docs fo inflamation about 2 monthes ago the pai has move from the lower back to my sholder kneack arms wrists hands hips knees elbowes arms it feels like its in my bones well watever it is i hope to get it sorted soon this has been going on since oct sorry for moaning

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