HELP please

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18 months ago I started getting mucus from the back passage on and off with the odd stomach pain here and there but I was pregnant at the time and got told it was normal. 3 months ago I started getting blood in my stools on and off evry few days then it got worse it was like I had diarheah but it was just blood I went to see my gp and as my blood test came back fine they just brushed me off. Since it has just gotten worse I have been getting blood both from the back passege and from the vagina in between periods. I am not pregnant I have had several pregnancy tests do e I have been to the accident and emergency twice in the past two months with severe abdominal pain and pelvic pain whilst having these problems but all I have to wait until April to see the department of gastroenterology to arrange a colonoscopy but until then I just keep getting palmed off with tramidol that are doing nothing. Does anybody know what this could be at all and how I could control the pain? Also I am 21 years old

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    If I was you I would just keep going back to your gp as passing blood both ends is not normal, I know your only 21 but have you been offered a smear test??i suffer with bad  abdominal pain I take a comination of drugs including oramorph but even then then I struggle to control it at times and I know it doesn't help when you don't get listened to im sick of it, every time I phone the drs in tears they just say deal with it!, I also use my hot water bottle as well to try and help because I'm always cold find it comforting x
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      Thanks Rebecca its really frustrating as because theres nothing visably wrong with you to there eye they just don't listen x

  • Posted

    Could be proctitis..; you can google this and you could try some of hte following:-

    Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.Antibiotics and antifungals clear up STIs and other infections.

    Immunosuppressants treat symptoms of Crohn’s and other autoimmune diseases

    Firstly don't panic!  There are natural remedies you can include in your diet to assist with pain management and antiflammatory foodstuffs.  Raw garlic when crushed or chewed contains a compound called allicin – which has similar properties to penicillin.

    Ginger and Turmeric - are natures pain killers (there are others listed).. so you can have a tonne of that..

    Re the rest of it; PLEASE do also ask for a change of pain medication (i did and got fobbed off - it was horrendous).  if you get no joy ask for a second opinion - insist on it. and if that fails be prepared to go to another Gp surgery/ walkin centre and ask to see someone there. Gps are a law unto themselves!!


    Just to be sure; you may also want to think about going to an STI clinic - seeing as you mentioned pregnancy test; as there is a possibility with proctitis that it could be caused by a sexual infection - just something to bear in mind. It might also be something like lactose intolerance; so don't worry ;  things just need to be ruled out..

    i am unsure if you are struggling with having 'bouts' of diarheah ; usually we all use imodium; but i am unsure if that works in your situ; and whether you are able to get about fairly normally but for the pain.. let me know.

    I really would like to hear that you are recieving the proper GP care; but definately want to hear wehther your pain is being managed effectively.

    I am feeling for you and want you to know that whilst it seems  a long time away  to get tests it at least is coming up fairly soon...- see if you can get signed off work ; you coudl try to ask to see someone sooner with a new gp and tell them how intolerable your life is presently.

    it is OK to not be able to cope with some things whilst doing others.. and it sounds very much as if you need to be signed off work during this time whilst you wait. so when you go back to your gp ;ask them to sign you off work if you have to wait..

    please, if you can and feel up to it, keep me updated. smile


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    Ask your GP to send an 'expedite' letter which will get you seen sooner....tell her the pain is much worse also doc did this and I was seen within two wks...different case to yours.....but my usscan picked up something and im being dealt with accordingly...hope this wishes....

  • Posted

    just came across this:-

    In patients with UC, ulcers and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon lead to symptoms of bloody diarrhea, passage of pus, mucus, and abdominal cramping during bowel movements (Baumgart and Sandborn, 2007). Most patients with UC experience intermittent bouts of illness after varying intervals with no symptoms (DiPiro et al., 2002). Clinical signs of the disease may be mild, moderate or severe:

    Mild: Less than four stools per day, with or without blood, with no systemic disturbance and a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

    Moderate: More than four stools per day with minimal systemic disturbance.

    severe: More than six bloody stools per day, with the evidence of systemic disturbance as fever, tachycardia, anemia, or ESR of more than 30.

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