help please

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hi everyone im currently on 40mg x3 a day ive started feeling really crap today my hearteates up at 90 its usually down at 69bpm thats my resting heartrate i had about 4 bottles of beer maybe 5 before dinner then i ate and didnt drink no more my chest felt all tight which has stopped now i am gtn the odd palpatation with my heart which is scaring me i cant get coronavirus out my head plz help

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5 Replies

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    Hi Claire. Sorry you are not feeling too good. I have been taking this drug for a long long time now and have found that any gassy drinks give me a increased heart rate and make me feel as though my chest is tight. I cut alcohol out when I started taking the pills as they dont mix too well. My heart rate has gone up to as high as 160/180 and it is scary but with deep breathing you can control it. someone once told me its not possible for your heart to race if you control your breathing and it does work. In through your nose for a count of 5 and slowly out of your mouth (like you are blowing a balloon up) for count of 5. It may seem to take forever but it does work. This is best bit of advice I've ever had over the years.

    I think if you rate doesnt drop then you should speak to your GP. 40mg three times a day is quite a high dose but maybe its not the right drug for you.

    Also try and cut out anything with a lot of caffeine in like coffee. I also steer clear of certain chocolate as well as some brands make my heart increase.

    DO NOT let your GP change your drug to BISOPROPOL its a drug with some horrid side effects and is awful to come off.

    Hope you feel better soon x

    • Posted

      BISOPROLOL??? I changed from 40mg of propranolol 3 times a day to 5mg of bisoprolol and I expected to get all these side effects because of what ppl wrote on here and I haven't had one side effect been on them 3 months now and are so much better than propranolol plus you only have to take once a day instead of 3 times.

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    Hi, I had been on 40mg 3x day for quite a long time. I found it better than being on Bisoprolol but wanted to try & reduce the dose as i felt i did still get some side effects. I also went caffeine free, have very limited more than a glass of wine and that is very rarely. I love chocolate but found that and eating too many sweet things could cause me to get palpitations so I've tried to cut right back on that too(bit boring!) but as i need to lose weight Im trying to look at doing these things as a healthy overhaul. I am now on just 2 x 40mg a day, its been several months, and can honestly say I havent really noticed any negative difference. I hope to eventually reduce even more but I do worry about getting the sort of racing heart/palpitations etc I originally suffered from that got me on a beta blocker, if I come off it. I have paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. I sort of feel safe being on it and the side effects are mild. I think stress doesnt help and unfortunately Ive had a fair bit of that recently and i can tell that has had some effect on my chest...tightness and slight palpitations at times. So the advice from previous reply about deep breathing is very good. I try to do just that and it can help. Try not to worry about things that are out of your control. Just do the best you can for yourself....and breathe...and try and remain calm. Best of luck.

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    hi yes i only tend to drink water i do have the sip of my kids fizzy pop now and again it could be the alcohol as my heartrates back down to 69-70 now xxxx

    • Edited

      Alcohol usually causes me to get. A fast heart rate sometimes eating does too.

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