Help Please.. Do your cycles get SHORTER in peri?
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as in going from a period every 27 days to 21 days ... Thanks so much.
My mother/g'mother started young and Im seeing if i am following suit and or am i estrogen dominant. Having a period now every 21 days now - not good!
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gailannie ellacraig
ellacraig gailannie
gailannie ellacraig
Well, not quite sure what to say. I did use some vaginal progesterone in perimenopause. It seemed to help with my cycles and made me feel a little better. But I guess this is up to you.
Progesterone will help if you are getting clots, heavy bleeding, not sleeping well as it has a calming effect, etc. And then there's this well discussed "theory" about becoming estrogen dominant. Woman are naturally estrogen dominant! However I guess this is really about having symptoms without the normal level sof progesterone for balance. (But remember, we also have less estrogen than we did before.) Those who discuss this, are saying that's it's about balance.
So you can ride this out, just knowing that cycles will be shorter and more irregular for a while. Then periods will be MORE spaced out as you get further into this process. Boy I wish I could go back to periods! I'd take them, regular or not.
2chr2015 gailannie
Hi gailannie. You are full of great info. Thanks so much. When I first started going through all of this, I spent a fortune at the health food store. I'm sure I'm not the only one.😊 So of course, in researching I came across the estrogen dominance books. It just made my health anxiety worse and I quit reading them. Personally ellacraig, I'm trying to just take it as it comes instead of fighting it every step of the way like I was in the beginning.
lena53512 ellacraig
Very annoying. I became anemic, had to take Fe pills which caused nausea, womitting, diarhea And general uneasiness. However i think that taking Fe is better than not taking, because lack of Fe can cause really problems.
Now my cycle is longer again, as I head for the peri end.
The short cycles are pretty common, as I read.
Crazydaisy72 ellacraig
Ellacraig I am on the same continual bleed from 4th December to today (18th Feb) with one week off in January and three days off in February!!! Some days I can see the hilariously funny side of incontience pads and big knickers and some days I want to run and have a hysterectomy. Have you skipped any periods yet? When I have charted my bleed as I have to see the GP on Tuesday I skipped two in September 2014, then skipped 5 from September 2015 to Feb 2016 then I skipped from March 2016 to May 2016 and then I skipped until October 2016 and then until December 2016 and it's been continuous since then. I tend to have a huge gush then light bleeds for about 10 days and then I flood out for about 4 days before I think I might bleed to death and then this time I took tranexamic acid for 3 days and that slows it a bit back to spots before the whole process repeats again. I have only tried the TA in June 16, October 16 and then beginning of Feb. Technically you can only take it once a month so although the nurse said I could take it again now, I am going to see what the next 10 days are like. I cannot wait for the spacing out and wish I knew how long til I get there. I think Jayneejay who is on here said she was 21 months like this so maybe next summer? I did do this before when I first realised I was swinging into perimeno though, because I bled from the October to the January with between 3 and 14 days of no bleeding and that was 3 1/2 years ago now (2013) so who knows????