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Hi ladies its me again
I actually dont know what to do with myself anymore
I feel breathless and in a constant state of anxiety
I am convinced its my lungs but whenever this has happened before all xrays and bloods are fine
I am nearly two years post meno
I have had an extreme amount if stress with my daughter who was with an abusive partner
Long story short my daughter and four year old grand daughter have moved back in with me and my husband
Still i cant believe this is causing my breathing issues
When ive had this in my ten years of peri my oxygen saturation has always been good blood pressure good
I actually feel like im having a breakdown
Yes i have been here before but every time it comes back it feels much worse than the last
I really hoped post menopause it would ease
It hasnt i feel like an ounce of stress sends me into a big mess
I told my mum this morning i feel like im dying
She said its just the stress ive been under lately on top of menopause
I so want to believe it but why cant i?
Why do i have to go to worse case scenario
This was never me i was always strong and able to cope
I have five grown up kids three grandchildren been married thirty years and always worked!!!!
Now i just feel like i have some terrible disease
This is so dramatic i know
But needed to vent a little
Thank you all xx
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Guest michelle97919
Hi Michelle,
Just keep reminding yourself that its meno screwing with your brain. You've had all the tests, you aren't dying. We just react to anxiety differently now, it causes physical symptoms for us.
Whatever you do, please don't let yiur daughter think your symptoms are because of her. My sister was in an abusive relationship and fled home with her baby. My mother couldn't handle it and even accused my sister of ruining my mom's marriage because she was staying with them. Please be strong and supportive. I know it's hard when you aren't feeling well but just excuse yourself for meno issues.
Are you taking any vitamins? I started being religious with multivitamins, Vit D, B12, and methylfolate. Not having as many burning feet/feeling awful episodes as I was before.
michelle97919 Guest
Hi suzzanne5
Thank you for responding
I would never let my daughter think it was because of her
I hide an awful lot from then
They have no idea how im feeling
I wish i could tell them but i know i cant burden them with that
But i do feel sometimes that they pile a lot on me without any consideration for me
Its almost like they think im invincible
I am always there for everyone else but truth is im burned out
As for vitamins they make me very nauseous ive tried many times
Im very sensitive to meds would be easier if i wasnt
Ive become obsessed with my breathing but i do have acid reflux so not sure if its that x
Guest michelle97919
I do gummy chewables and take them after dinner. I too am sensitive to meds and have suffered from gastritis. This seems to help.
debra16694 michelle97919
hi michelle - First off, understand that this "gasping for air" thing is a hormone related symptom. i experienced it myself so i know how scary & freaky it is. i went to my allergy/asthma dr over it & she didnt say it in so many words, but did say she sees many menopause woman with this symptom. in fact she said, she sees an uptick in patients going thru puberty as well, so anytime the body goes thru hormonal changes. Interestingly enough, my episodes also happened during my most stressful times in my life & i believe its because cortisol plays such a big part in our anxiety stress response. So, what i would suggest to you, is getting your stress response under control...maybe start taking a stress B Formula, going to the health food store & getting things like Rescue Remedy/Calm & start practicing meditative breathing - if you are in a panic mode of shortness of breath, turn on the hot shower & breathe in the steam or plunge your forearms into a sink full of ice water - snap your body out of that "fight or flight" pattern. Just remember this is being caused by changing hormones in a combination with your stressed induced environment, you are not going to die from this, its clearly caused from dropping hormones & kicked up cortisol. Be calm -
michelle97919 debra16694
Thank you Debra166
I really appreciate you taking the time to respond
As for the air thing i constantly feel breathless tight chested But funny enough it seems worse when not preoccupied with doing something
Im also going through one if my bloated uncomfortable phases
I did have a breakdown at the start if my peri phase 12 years ago as i didnt know what was happenin
This firum has been a GODSEND to me over the years
Thank you again for your reassurance x
jude84900 michelle97919
Hi Michelle,
Have you ever considered going the holistic approach with a doctor that knows what their doing in hormone replacement? I'm almost 4 years post menopause, been on bio identical hormones for 3 1/2 years. I wouldn't be without them. It has made my life so much happier all the way around. You don't know how many things in my life that have come up and I said to myself, "boy am I glad I'm on hormone treatment". Life does throw us some major stress at times. I know the strain your under. Menopause is bad enough but having children move back in with you is more stress. As women we try to be strong but we do have breaking points too where enough is just enough. If your open to hormone replacement I would highly recommend them. Always bio identical. I started with creams and then went to pellets. I have never regretted. It meant going to a different doc because most mainstream docs just haven't studied or have a clue what is going on with women at this stage in life. I have to travel 3 hours from home every 3-4 months to get my pellets but it is worth every dollar and mile for my health and happiness. I feel I am a better functioning person, even under great amounts of stress. I just turned 59. My husband is also on testosterone pellets, he is 65. Changed man all the way around. After reading your posting you sound like this is something you need to consider. Some women well into menopause, even into their late 70's are still dealing with some awful symptoms. I feel happier and healthier. I know if I wasn't on hormones replacement I would be pretty miserable. BTW, if you ever consider it, make sure you include testosterone into the mix. It is a essential part of women's hormone replacement as well. And if you get the right doctor on board they should know exactly what to put you on through lab work and symptoms. Good luck!
wen_54374 michelle97919
Hi i feel for you so much .This is when you think life should be a little easier but the menopause causes so many horrible things .As a wife and mum is a difficult time trying to balance everything and not feeling good in yourself takes its toll .Like you i hide alot and try my best to hold all together but sometimes you feel so lost and lonely x Every week it seems something new .I went through the feeling short of breath thing and the more i focused on it the worse it felt .All stress related for sure .Now i feel bloated most days and back and legs ache feel like i am falling apart .Please know u are not on your own and try and have a little time for you even if its a half hr each day doing what makes u feel good x X Take care now x
Beverlys1 michelle97919
Hi Renee I do get out of breath,, and matter of fact had to get my heart checked, because i was having a dance of with my girlfriends and got short of breath and chest pain,, I have also heard alot of ladies on line talking about how they accually came down with menapause induced asthma,, which i am currently going to get checked for because of this symptom,, anxiety can also make it worse girlie because we have a tendancy to hold our breath with panic attacks and anxiety, hope that helps alittle...xxxx
pinkcatfairy michelle97919
Dear Michelle
I experienced the breathlessness, on top of other menopause symtoms of anxieties and allergies it doesnt help! I am post menopause and still occasionally will get the breathlessness, i dont think because we are post menopause that all symptoms suddenly stop unfortunately! X
michelle97919 pinkcatfairy
Hi pinkcatfairy
Thank you for the reassurance
The thing is its not like im getting breathless at any specific times
It almost feels constant
Even sitting downni am aware of it all the time
I do have acid reflux and terrible bloating atm
Maybe thats adding to it
I really feel like i did when i had a breakdown a few years back
I wish i could get out of my head nothing is physically wrong
I am sitting at my desk at work right now feeling tight chested and overwhelmed
I have just ordered an oxygen finger sensor to see for myself
I have had ecg and chest xray and bloods over the years when this has happened before x
patriciawil3 michelle97919
HI YOU are not alone. 1 year ago I thought I was having heart problems or maybe a stroke. I went through so many test to find out it was menaupause . I dont understand why people and doctors dont help more but it is really scaring and you feel like you are losing your mind. And just when you think it can not get worse it does. I have been taking hrt fir 2 years now and it has helped some. progesterone 200 mg and esterrol patch .75 GOOD LUCK
patriciawil3 michelle97919
HI YOU are not alone. 1 year ago I thought I was having heart problems or maybe a stroke. I went through so many test to find out it was menaupause . I dont understand why people and doctors dont help more but it is really scaring and you feel like you are losing your mind. And just when you think it can not get worse it does. I have been taking hrt fir 2 years now and it has helped some. progesterone 200 mg and esterrol patch .75 GOOD LUCK