Help! Should I be taking antithyroid medication? Doctors not sure?!?!
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I have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. My labs have all come back normal except my TSH. June (0.114) and July ( 0.281) lab normal (.486 to 5.0)...I have been taking beta blocker propranolol for a month. I hate it. My heart rate is still high first in the morning 113. I have muscle weakness, sleeping troubles, dizziness, weight loss ,dry eyes and extreme fatigue.
Just consulted with an naturopath... Any advice??
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brightonbreeze audrey97605
audrey97605 brightonbreeze
acoffin audrey97605
My daughter followed Linda's advice and started taking Acetyl L Carnitine and within the first month...her blood work was within range. Her symptoms have all disappeared...the TSH has yet to be within the range but has increased slightly ...but wer're not too concern about it. Our naturalpath also prescribed high dosage of Vitamin D as well as Omega 3. In addition, my daugher was taking tinture of bugleweed with motherwort. My daughter was diagnosed with Graves about 4 years ago... and this is the first time, her lab is within the range and symptom free. The protocol began in Feb. and ...due to getting better and better, we had to decrease her antithyroid meds every month so she doesn't become hypothyroid. She is now on a very low dosage of Tapazole and on a much lower dosage of Acetyl L Acarnitne, and other supplements. She also went gluten and dairy free. All in all, her regular doctor didn't do much good for those 4 years...but thanks to Linda...everything is so much better for my daughter. Good luck!
audrey97605 acoffin
what we're your daughters symptoms? 4 years is a long time to find answers. Thank goodness Linda has found the study about cartinine and it is helping. I start my supplements schedule with the same as your daughter this week. My physician think my thyroid went loopy because of a stomach bacteria infection. I hope your daughter has continue success. How old is she?? I am 40.
audrey97605 acoffin
Would you happen to know the name brand of the Motherwort your daughter used or is using?? The one my ND wanted me to use has been discontinued! Shucks! Kind thanks..
PS Wondering if she ever complained about muscle soreness?
acoffin audrey97605
Our ND orders the tincture (freshly made) from Finlandia Pharmacy in Vancouver, BC. The potency for the freshly dispensed supplement is a lot greater than already bottled remedies.
My daughter had her latest blood test done this morning. Her TSH is finally within range...this is the first time in 5 years...however, it also showed that her Tfree3 and 4 are off range and is now slightly hypo. But that means she is ready to reduce her medication further (Tapazole) and Acetyl l Carnitine. So, excellent news, all in all...TSH within range means she is no longer excreting Graves antibodies...hypothyroid means she is no longer leading Tapazole.
audrey97605 acoffin
acoffin audrey97605
acoffin audrey97605
audrey97605 acoffin
nineteen was the best years of my life. I'll keep you updated how I make out with the supplements. Thanks for replying