Help! Sigmoidoscopy coming up
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I had my stool sample results which showed moderate inflammation, I always experience all mypain in my lower right side! My specialist has referes me for a sigmoidoscopy which only looks at the lower left side of the colon, is this right? With experience all my pains on the right? I thought iwould need a colonoscopy to look at the whole colon if there's inflammation present? Also if they find nothingwouldthey then send me for a while examination? Do worried that whatever I have is not going to get dianosed I've been waiting 2 years for help I can't live the way I am now constant pain and diarreah daily I have a baby to look after!
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Sorry for the typos that's meant to be whole examination
ruari1 Welshkitty
sheila91262 Welshkitty
Which hospital are you attending? If not St mark's London or John Radcliffe Hosp Oxford, consider going there as world renowned for IBD. Good luck.
Jargon74 Welshkitty
Welshkitty. Prior to the investigation - and I mean well in advance, not on the day. Speak to your consultant and discuss your concerns and insist on a colonoscopy rather than a sigmoidoscopy so that the entire colon is scoped and tested.
If you don't get him/her to agree, respectfully cancel and ask for a 2nd opinion which you are entitled to do. Start over with your new Consultant and firmly but politely insist on the test you feel you need. If need be, take someone with you for moral support, explain this has been a 2yr battle and you just want it sorting asap so you can return to your duties as a Mother sooner rather than later. Take notes, names, times and dates and be seen to be doing so. Be extra professional, super polite but very firm and stick to your guns. Never ever raise your voice or swear.
You absolutely will get what you need.
Let me know how it goes.
Best Wishes and I hope you get things sorted soon love.