Help! Taken Off Livial Yesterday!
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Hi. I am really in need of advice. I have been of Livial for (Ithink) almost four years. I moved to Canada almost two years ago and Livial is not approved or available in North America so I have been bring in my tablets from home. Recently I have been feeling pretty low - I suffer depression and anxiety as well - largely due to the complete change in my life and my career. But I have also had two episodes of bloody discharge over the last few months and was also experiencing symptoms similar to PMS and had lower abdominal pain (not severe) and a feeling like a period was about to start. So my doctor referred me to gynaecologist who I saw yesterday. Not only did he know nothing about Livial/Tibolone - he had never even heard of it. I brought the information leaflet along but, while he glanced through it, he didn't really pay much attention. Basically he said that any 'suspicious' bleeding needs to be investigated and he took a biopsy of my uterine lining. Then he told me to stop taking Livial immediately!! He says he wants to see how I will be without it. I asked him what I could expect as a result and his reply that that we'll just have to wait and see!! Needless to say I am concerned about just stopping it overnight and also about what may happen over the next few weeks/months. I am already struggling with low mood and anxiety at the moment and am terrified that this will get worse. I work, so I need to be able to function normally.
Basically I am scared. Has anyone else been taken off Livial like this and how did it go for you?
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dee45481 Shazanne
I stopped Livial 2 weeks ago, with no weaning, because I couldnt deal with the side effects of neck and shoulder pain and headaches. Initially I was put on Livial for some flushing but mainly anxiety and 'foggy' brain which I used to get as PMS symptoms as well.
The Livial worked well for these symptoms but alas the side effects.
My GP suggested that I take St Johns Wort now I am off LIvial to help with the anxiety and - so far so good. I am probably still a touch more anxious than I was on the Livial but far better than I would be without it.
Honeybunches Shazanne
i can totally understand your anxiety about coming off Livial in this way. I have been on Livial for two years and have no problems with it at all. But if you are experiencing odd bleeding and lower abdominal pain you need to follow the doctors advice until that is at least identified and resolved. There are lots of people on here who have stopped taking Livial and actually find their moods and anxiety improve, you may be one of them. Also it may be that in Canada they have types of HRT that are as good as Livial. If you truly feel unhappy with your gynae you always have the choice of finding a different one,
please let us all know how you get on.
georgina88796 Honeybunches
and am very happy with it, but since coming to the United States
where they do not sell it, I have had to start going off of it, as the
docs here do not like one to take it so long. I have been on a
1 day livial, 2 day nothing schedule, and kind of afraid that I may
feel low and depressed, which so far has not happened ( 1 month
so far), but have noticed for the first time in my life that my knee
seems to be stiffer and I feel stiffer............and my skin is drier,
hopefully I will be able to go off of it gracefully. I am 70 and have
a girlfriend who is 71 and still on it and swears she will not go
off of it as she feels great.........If I have more trouble I will give you
the input......just wondering how many women have taken it for
over 15 years and have gone off of it gracefully with no pain. I
could almost say that I feel like my body has gotten older..........
still to early to know though...... I will have to bring my pill back
from abroad if I decide to go back on it.
maria31485 Shazanne
I would like to try 1.25 instead 2.5 That I took before.
georgina88796 maria31485
has been 15 excellent years, for the last 2months I have been
off of it, and just went into get a mamogram and ultrasound and
have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I will have to have
an operation and radiation and a little chemo, but the reason I
am writing this is because the cancer specialist I saw said that
my cancer did not come from taking hormone pills and that they
are doing many tests now and realize that cancer is coming about
mostly for different reasons, one big one being stress. So do not
fret. All my girlfriends my age, 70...........are taking a pill one day
and the next day don't take a pill, or else they just half the pill and
take daily.....I was very impressed that he seemed to think it was
an old wives tale about the HRT........anyways after my operation
I am going to ask if I can go back on Livial. It is a Gods send.
barbara92906 Shazanne