help why must this happen to me ?
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i haven't got anxiety attacks for quite sometime. maybe 2 weeks ? even if i had, it will last maybe just one day.
today, i cooked cheese pasta for me and my 3 year old using the square cheese that was wrapped in plastic.
after cooking , i scoop up for my 3 year old and fed him. and then when its my turn to eat , i realise there was a little piece of the plastic from the square cheese plastic that i cook with the pasta.
i start to hyperventilate and scared that i poison my 3 years old.
as of now, he is still normal and me too . just that i feel anxious. i dont know if i should bring him to the er.
i know for sure he did not swallow the plastic but plastic in heat is toxic.
idk what i should do.
its just a small piece from the side..
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jan34534 mai71267
if he didn’t swallow the plastic he should be OK. if you want to put your mind at ease, contact his pediatrician and ask.