Help with menopause

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Could anyone please give me some advise, as I am 54 years old have had my overies out and I am on a hrt patch, however my doctor is so old fashioned and when I tell her i have absolutely no sex drive and very bad mood swings, and now some lower abdominal pain she tells me growing old isn't much fun, and the patch is the way to go, surely this can't be it

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7 Replies

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    I'm not sure what happened to my 1st response to you Charlotte, but I'll try posting again.

    You did not mention whether the doctor ordered tests to investigate the abdominal pain issue. That is first and foremost.

    I do understand why doctors gravitate towards the patch-it's delivery bypasses the liver, therefore they feel it's a safer option for you.

    I had previous physicians not take my concerns seriously so I moved on til I found ones that do. I have also introduce alternative medicine into my regime to hopefully help with some of the more stubborn symptoms that you are mentioning. I must be nearing the end, as they are rearing their ugly heads alot harder at times, so along with supplements, yoga, acupuncture and occasional progesterone cream (all coordinated with main GYN) I am praying I can get some sanity back into the picture.

    Please, if your doctor refuses to take you seriously and at least look into the lower abdomen pain, look for another physician. It's rough enough to go through this time, without having someone who is suppose to be our healthcare provider be so dismissive. Totally unacceptable!

    Wishing you the best!

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Annie, thank you so very much for replying to my question, I have never done anything like this before so I wasn't sure if anyone would bother, I could have cried when I seen you had taken the time to reply tomy problem.  The doctor sent me for a pelvic scan and saw nothing so that's when I was told it's just an age thing, it's so very hard when I don't get any answers to what is going on with my body. I wish I could change my doctor but I live in a very small area and don't have to much choice. I did ask about progestiron creame and was told progestiron will make me depressed and could possible make my abdominal pain worse. I feel so fed up with this as I still feel young and I don't look old ( well at least I don't think I do ) i still would like to just feel happy once more. Hormones who would have them
    • Posted

      Isn't this site wonderful? I am so thankful for it Charlotte. Well, I am very relieved that you had an ultrasound to make sure all is how it should be. That is a huge relief. Your doctor is doing what she can at this point, it seems.

      I really resent the "age thing" answer. I've been I hearing that one a lot lately. I want to ask who they are referring to, as it seems impossible they actually mean me! lol! I feel young as well, but I guess some of these things are age related. Just can't believe I've arrived at this point alreadysad.

      Progesterone isn't helpful for everyone and even for me, I was told it is not needed every month. And I don't use it much anymore. There is no one size fits all medication for this nonsense. Best we can hope for is caring and hopefully educated physicians to guide us.

      I know what you mean about feeling happy again, for the most part I am.

      But when the hormones start swinging around, I can't see beyond it and wonder if I'll ever snap out of this and be myself again. I believe from what I've learned on here and a really great book I read a while ago, we

      Take good care Charlotte.


  • Posted

    Hi Charlotte good name by the way I called my daughter who is 23 Charlotte!

    What strength patch you on? I transferred from oral eostrogen to patch but felt it didn't work but tried a stronger patch and it worked😀good luck sweetie I went through menopause when I was 29 😁😁😞

    • Posted

      O my goodness, I can't believe that you girls are even taking the time to help me when you also are having problems, so thank you.

      Sheza I am on 50/140 estalis, but I still have very dry vigina and mood swing that I hate as it's so bad on my family.  Just wish I could find something that  would help

  • Posted

    Hi Charlotte good name by the way I called my daughter who is 23 Charlotte!

    What strength patch you on? I transferred from oral eostrogen to patch but felt it didn't work but tried a stronger patch and it worked😀good luck sweetie I went through menopause when I was 29 😁😁😞

  • Posted

    Hi Charlotte 

    I don't think the patch should be given you abdominal pain but I would get another doctors opinion on the patch and the abdominal pain. 

    Hope you feel better

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