Help! Worried I might have cancer!

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So I’m 23 y/o female, diagnosed back in March 18 with a chronic duodenal stomach ulcer, no infection, no cause found. Put on omeprazole until end of May, however acid reflux came back along with sickness & informed by doctor I should have been on them long term, now back on them for the next 9 months.

However for the last couple of months I’ve been having major issues with my stomach to the point that it is now effecting my work. 

Recently I have been feeling sick 24/7, not wanting to eat, however stomach ulcer is making me want to eat due to burning pain. I’ve been bloated constantly and have stomach cramps all the time. 

Recently went to out of office doctors due to having pain on one side of stomach, which got worse when moving, informed to take cocodemol and put me on IBS tablets so I didn’t get constipated. Tablets made me gassy and uncomfortable. 

I’ve had loose stools for the last 4 weeks & last week actually had to leave work as whatever I ate was going through me. Now constipated, seems I’m either switching between being constipated or having diarrhoea.

About a month ago I found a large dark red mucusy lump in my stool, the size of a small rubber ball, I’ve had mucus in my stools  before but never red. I’ve also had anal leakage, which is browny/red and watery. A number of times I’ve mistaken it for my period (sort of the colour of old blood). 

Can anyone help me here? Doctors are not really bothered, it took me years to get my gastroscopy done (was having issues since I was 18 with acid reflux) and only 5 years later they took it seriously & sent me to have the procedure done at which that point it had became chronic. 

I don’t want the same thing to happen here! I am a little worried it might be something really serious, such as cancer. I’ve been to the doctors a few times & they just tell me it’s either my stomach ulcer or my IBS. Yet I take my tablets & the IBS tablets make me feel worse! Can anyone help??? 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Could be ibs flaring up..stress related as well as i can feel it from your text .. relax and watch what you eating. It will be slowly progress for sure.

    Bland diet and a lots os water... Bananas and blueberries.

  • Posted

    I'm the same age as you and was experiencing all the same symptoms. I went to the gastro sho ordered a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. It turns out I have Crohn's disease. I had "literally every colon cancer symptom you can think of", but somehow not colon cancer. Find a doc that'll refer you for a colonoscopy, if anything for your piece of mind.

  • Posted

    You need to get a colonoscopy, and some blood work done, look for a Doctor that can help.

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