Hemochromatosis and turmeric
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I have found conflicting information about the effects of turmeric on HC. I started taking it and my numbers increased. I have a high count, near 5000 and after two months it dropped by 1000. Unfortunately, two months later after using turmeric daily, numbers increase by 100. Anyone have an experience with turmeric? Also, my veins can no longer sustain weekly phlebotomies and I am having a port inserted this week...anxious about this.
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lynnsk1 lisa35952
Well I'm taking supplements including curcumin (tumeric) which is just about good for everything as far as I've read. I have weekly BPs 7 Weeks now & have dropped 50 each week more or less so until I have another blood test I won't know next drop but slowly slowly coming down, unlike yourself 1000 in just 2 moths (that sounds fantastic) I think everyone seems to have different outcomes with no explanations why... not enough input into exploring HM by laboratories. Seems USA have all the research universities !!!!! But until I hear or experience negativity I will carry on taking it. It's a natural herb/spice that has a lot of healing qualities and I can't see how that can interfere with BP it's also anti inflammatory so good for arthritis etc. Not sure re : port but good luck
bruce97898 lynnsk1
Also of note in clinical studies, the iron levels was down but not detected in urine or feces. Meaning it wasn't carrying it out of the body.
lynnsk1 bruce97898
yes , when dealing with all these supplements, you get excited one minute , then down the next. With regard to the Tumeric (curcumin) supplements, I was wondering IF once, chelated or inhibited, where the iron goes. Once absorbtion takes place -
First thought well if it goes into circulation, do you have to wait to be venesected ? or does it store elsewhere, as we know vital organs.
Second thought, does it come out of storage ready in waiting for venesection from our circulation.
I wonder how much iron load we can actually deal with in our circulation before it goes into the store and onto organs. If our bodies do the work from getting orders to the brain & cells from these supplements/inhibitors surely it must go into the waste, eg urine etc. at some point because we are trying to reeducate our cell brains to do so!!
Until I was diagnosed with HH My storage has gone to my liver causing cirrhosis, my storgae was 94% and levels 1975. Obviously my main question to the consultants was that I understood, only when my levels/storage comes down through weekly venesection will the storage start to be taken from my good bit of liver or at the very least not worsen as cirrhosis from iron overload is irreversible.
bruce97898 lynnsk1
Going to the organs is kind of a last resort thing to do. I think in most people there is a small amount of that, but for those of us with HH, it has potential to be much worse.
From the reading I had done, it does come out of storage in the organ as the serum levels go down. The whole iron process & storage is complex, so I won't claim to fully understand it. You do raise a question...what is the ferritin life cycle? After a certain amount of time, does it just kind of die and become waste? That is something I couldn't find.
But the main answer is yes, it takes the load off of your liver. Mine was inflamed when I started and now is not inflamed at all.
sheryl37154 lynnsk1
People with hereditary haemochromatosis - their hepcidin does not turn on to turn off the absorption of iron. It will not excrete. Those without HH whose hepcidin works just do not absorb more iron than the body needs. Of course there are always people with other problems, those with anaemia, thallisemia, and with high inflammation issues which have to be treated differently.
Try reading Prof Pierre Brissot (Rennes, France) for some light on the information you are seeking.
sheryl37154 lisa35952
bruce97898 lisa35952
I was at 4,000. I was excited to use turmeric, but searched for clinical research on it. What I found made me avoid it. In mice, the iron went down in blood tests, but was being pushed into the organs. The amount of liver cancer and tumors in those treated with tumeric was very high. Scary.
I used wheatgrass which has some valid clinical documentation. I can only say that I had mixed results. It's the only natural food with some clinical studies behind it. It may be better at blocking iron absorption as opposed to actually chelating it. I had improvement with the capsules. Surprisingly less with fresh stuff.
Pedroman lisa35952