Hemorrhoidectomy happy story!
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so, I promised myself that I would add my story if i had a good one as the horror stories in here had me nearly cancelling my surgery . i had traditional open wound surgery 1 large protruding and 2 small internal hems. Week 1 was uncomfortable. Week 2 was mildly annoying . Week 3 is a non event . Seriously, it was a non event for me. I do have to say, I planned . I stopped eating anything other than fruits 3 days prior so i would have little or no poops in me. When i came round from the op, I had no pain as the anaesthetic and local had control of pain. I stayed in that one night. I started paracetamol and Tramadol in hospital and took paracetamol every 4 hours at home . middle of the night i took one Tramadol. i used Movicol and Fibogel. to be honest it was too much and i was pooping out liquid which became a but ring burny so i cut back on about day 5. BIG thing was that every time i pooped, i did it in a bowl of warm water. Then i washed in a different bowl of warm water. it was a huge faff but i think that is what stopped the pain. first few days the BMs were a little stingy and i ached afterwards for 30 mins but nothing i couldn't handle. i couldn't go out for 10 days or so but that was because the laxatives made me poop a lot and i needed the bowls, not because of pain. i stopped using bowls after about 12 days now on day 22, im just normal slightl itch tgat started a few days ago has pretty much gone. I stopped pain relief after about day 12 and at this stage i was taking it once a day in the morning just in case i still look a little weird down there. slightly open looking. not a tight cat's arse but that is normal at this stage i read. So please, if reading this, don't panic. eat fruit,prunes, take laxatives, poop in a bowl of warm water.
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ravs22366 Mimibelle
thabk you for posting. did you have a normal surgey or laser? i am day 9 of laser and its so inflamed and swollen right now. i am on antibiotics. so i need to double my fiber and laxatives. also added probiotics. i feel pressure when i have a bowel movement. and never quote feel fully done. almost feels like some s**t stuck .. the doctor said it will resolve in another weeks time. when did you get off laxatives. or this becomes a lifestyle now? also did you feel similar pressure while bm ?! please do advsie. i keep thinking about thei all the time. mentally its ruined me. i think i couldve avoided the surgery. as i had one external nvee bothered much. two internal also didnt bleed or anything. juts uncomfortable. the priblem was the fissure. that was bloody painful. ant advsie any suggestion is hugely appreciated. thank you
abhi88732 ravs22366
at least you got laser surgery with is the BEST surgery and minimally invasive(i wish i could have that). About the laxatives and other things, keep doing silz bath for 2 weeks more and keep taking lexatives as the worst thing that can have to you right now is CONSTIPATION. The pressure you're feeling right now is swelling and clotting which is natural process and will gone automatically just dont apply strain while pooping. i wish you best! please tell me your age. Im 21
ravs22366 abhi88732
oh god why did you get surgery at 21?! maybe you couldve tried alteratives .. after houng through suregry i feel it should be the last resort. as lifestyle management is the key. with or withiut surgery. so it is better to dinthat and avoid all complicatuons that come w surgery.
i am 47. i necer had problemtic hem. it was the fissure that was so painful. i had it twice since this year begining. fissure pain is the kind of suffering no one should ever go though. i am in the second week. and only waiting for the swelling to subside. its so unconfortable. the pain was diffickut to live with but so is the constant feeling of a full bottom. like i never have clean bowels anymore. realky hoping this resolves. & i get off laxatives.
abhi88732 Mimibelle
thanks for your post. i am 21 yo had this open surgery and now its been 5 weeks for me, I'm pretty much doing everything that are not too taxing. just a little bit constipation in morning and everyday other then that is fine. the only thing i think is that if i didnt changed my habits it will be back again so I walk a lot and eat tons of fiber.
sue37111 Mimibelle
I am on day 14 post op. Same here, the pain post op is not as bad as what I've read in this forum. I didn't even need pain killers. I think I am healing well, no more pain but just little discomfort when pooping and slightly itch which I take that as a good sign of wound healing.
like what u mention, Drink alot of water and eat fruits to stay away of constipation
ravs22366 sue37111
a question do you also feel that you're stuck up? i feel that always after a bm. cant seem to feel light and quite finished. also i get these spasm and like a strange twitch in my bottom. like worms ?! is it the hem ?! dotn knwo whats going on... day 9th and seriously want this over and doen with. how long did you stay on lacatives... ruins my taste and apetite is totally gone. i think a 100 times before putting anythinb in my mouth. cant wait to get back to old days. although i would live with 100% more caution.
sue37111 ravs22366
hi ravs, in the 1st week I do feel like I'm never finish but I've read that's normal due to we are still swollen after surgery so I just live with it. I know it felt irritating but I will not force my self to try push any remaining stool out. If there is still remaining just leave it. After walking around, you may get the sudden urge later on to pass again, if not just leave it for the next bowel. Otherwise, it may not be a stool at all but just the anus being swollen. Now already in 2nd week, the feeling has gone and I always felt relieved after Bm like I'm fully emptied.
I have been taking Duphalac stool softener. Initially twice a day on 1st week (day & night) and then once a day on second week, night before sleep. I intend to take it on alternate days starting week 4 and then gradually lessen my intake until I don't need it anymore..
wishing u a quick recovery
ravs22366 sue37111
thank you this is very helpful. i an not doing fiber as it back fired and i started bleeding after passing hard stool. thank you for the tip on twice a day. i will try and do that.. as i am still sortve swollen. i didnt have any stitches. just wound after the laser which apparnently heals on its own. although they make a big deal about quick recovery post laser, i would say the body takes its time. the post up issues - pain, bm, inflammation, not being able to get back to a normal soon after remain the same. i never bled before so i dont know how to comapre that. my main problem was the reoccuring fissure.
i wanted to have the organ function better and realising a surgical intervention can make it possible. i went for it. but nothing like natural remedies. if early on in life - perhaps in school these life skills were taught. i am 47 have had two normal vaginal birth. had hems after the second. been a vegetarian all my life, not much alcohol, smoker - 1/2 cigs a day. always up on my diet and fiver intake. junk is perhaps only weekends. ans yet... i had to get through this. the answer i think in the long run us to keep good fat a part of your diet . a spoonful of good olive or coconut oil forst thing in the morning. and anti inflammatory foods top priority - green tea, ginger, turmeric, garlic. no or minimal processed food and refined flour. this is what i think is long term management. anyhow. lets hope i get back to the gym soon. it would seem futile otherwise to ho through all this if i dotn get my health back. thank you for your comments. i going to do the lax twoce a day for another week.