Hemorrhoidectomy in 12 hours....
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Hello all...
My story will be familiar to many of you. I've spent years reading these forums as I've dealt with extremely bad internal prolapsing hemorrhoids (grade 3) for the better part of a decade. Also like many of you, I tried just about everything possible and always swore that if it came to the surgery, I'd just live with it after reading all the horror stories.
Well... the time has come... The hemorrhoids are so large they're messing with my prostate and the pain/ blood loss has become unbearable. I'm barely able to leave my house anymore. So it's time to man up and crawl out of the tub and into the operating room... And then back into the tub....
About 5 years ago I reached a similar point and saw a colorectal surgeon who first tried banding (good lord was that unbearable) and then the THD (Halo) surgery. None of that worked and after 3 glorious weeks of no prolapsing post op they all just popped right back up. They where a little bit smaller than before surgery which bought me some time, but all present and accounted for...
Regarding THD: If you're considering it, I would think twice if you have a grade 3 (prolapsing every time you poop and needed to be reinserted manually) because I just don't think that procedure is up to the job. I think for grade 2 and below though, it's could maybe work. However, the "48 hour back at work" line they feed you is complete nonsense as many others have said. I'll obviously be able to make comparisons a bit more directly in about 12 hours, but to me it seemed a lot like the hemorrhoidectomy recovery stories I've read on here. Severe pain/ bleeding for 2 weeks, living in the tub, etc, etc.
I've been just dealing with my situation as best I can since then but over the last 3 years I developed Prostatitis. My GP would treat it with antibiotics for a month, it would go away and then it would come back like clockwork a year later, which is very bizarre for an other wise healthy 29 year old male. My working theory (not a doctor by any means, just a research freak) is that the hemorrhoids are somehow causing this. I wonder if I'm getting infected when the hemorrhoids are tearing and bleeding or if just the enormous size of them is pushing on my prostate. Either way, here's hoping the procedure fixes that problem too.
I'm also lucky enough to have gotten an IBS diagnosis in the last year, which has obviously aggravated things greatly. Ironically I think it was all the on again, off again antibiotic stints that really kicked it off for me. Generally it presents itself as violent diarrhea fits/ gas attacks. As a result of that, I lost quite a bit of weight, down from 190 lbs (I'm 6ft tall) to now 162 lbs pre-surgery. I had a gazziion tests with a GI specialist (colonoscopy, CT scan with contrast, every blood/urine/poop test imaginable) but all came back negative and I wound up with an IBS diagnosis and a surgery referral.
So... That all brings me to 11am tomorrow morning when I finally face my biggest fear and get the dreaded surgery.
Leading up to it, I've opted to purchase just about every single "tip and trick" I've seen on here. I've got a toilet sitz bath, a lifetime supply of stool softener, baby wipes, underwear liners, adult diapers, 8 pounds of epsom salt, a heating pad and a new obnoxiously large TV in my bedroom and another in the bathroom. I haven't had cable in years but if ever there was a time...
The one thing I'm doing a little differently is that while I've been taking stool softeners for about 3 weeks leading up to this (1 Collace a day then 2 a day starting 3 days before the op), I haven't been taking a fiber supplement like many others have. I'm going to very, very slowly introduce some (benefiber) in if I'm having trouble initially but with my IBS, I'm extremely sensitive to it. I remember after my 1st op passing gas was a nightmare for the first few days and fiber has a good chance for me of triggering a gas attack. I think for most people without this problem, ramping up the fiber for a few weeks before this and also starting stool softeners about a week early (I was on them longer just because of the pain I was already in) is a good plan.
I have another type of stool softener (I would take it in addition to Collace), miralax, milk of magnesia and gas-x ready to roll should they be needed as well.
Surgeon is prescribing Oxycotton and Valium for post op pain. I'll also be taking the max dose of IB proffin. I found that was a miracle drug for me last time around. The opioids help "take you out of it" but the IB proffin was the only thing able to directly touch the pain. Valium will help with spasms and will hopefully make me not worry as much about that first poop... I've also made some extremely potent marijuana edibles with a 50/50 ratio of CBD/ THC to use (I live in a legal state) I'll mix in as needed. I'd like to get off the painkillers and switch to those as soon as I can to avoid opioid constipation.
I ate a small PB&J this morning and have stuck to just water (lots of it) until the surgery about 24 hours later. Dr didn't recommend enema, laxative prep beforehand, so I'm going with her opinion on that one but also trying to make sure I'm going in with a fairly empty tank. After the procedure I'm planning on sticking with soups, chicken stock, yogurt for as long as I can take it (probably 2 days if I'm a gambling man) and then ramping up to some fruits (watermelon, pear, cantaloupe) and avocado toast/ sandwiches (no cheese). I've got a fantastic girlfriend who took 9 days off work to take care of me during the post op and while I work from home, I booked myself 2 weeks completely off the grid just in case as well.
I was dead set on getting a colo-rectal specialist, but the insurance I have (Kaiser) will only do the procedure with a General Surgeon. I'm a bit nervous about that part, but I like my Dr. a lot and I do trust her.
It's still a bit unknown what she'll actually do during the procedure. When I went in for the consult, I was in so much pain she was only able to do a rectal exam for a few seconds before making the recommendation for the OP (mostly based on my extensive history). She thinks the sharp pain I currently have is the result of a fissure but I think it might be a thrombosed hemorrhoid. I've "ok'ed" a botox injection fissure treatment (she doesn't want to do a sphinctorectamy at the same time) but we're sort of playing that one by ear after she gets in there and sees whats going on.
She's also very worried about stenosis (narrowing of the anal canal) if she does too much cutting at once, so she's mentioned leaving 1 in there (I have 3) and then going back in for a second procedure in a few months. That by far is I think my biggest fear going into this tomorrow, that I wake up and still have a prolapsing hemorrhoid. Prolapsing through the wound seems like the worst pain imaginable and I really hope that's not what happens! I trust her to make the right call for my well being though during this, which is really all I can do at this point.
I'll be posting updates as I go along here, so feel free to follow along. Without the countless hours I've spent reading on this forum, I don't know if I'd have had the courage to do this, so it's the least I can do to pay it forward.
If you have any questions or advice on what I'm planning post-op, I'd love to hear them.
Here's to better days (soon I hope....)
2 likes, 91 replies
sus62307 pita123
May all go well, and you feel better soon. I empathize with your decision-making, and trying to prevent surgery. It's very hard living with Stage 4 mixed hems, I know.
Guest pita123
pita123 Guest
well stated greg, sorry I missed your reply as well. I have found that the prepping I did has made night and day difference in the recovery. At 6 days in despite even a few complications, I'm still doing fantastic. My poor girlfriend has cleaned up so much poop and helped me out so much in the last few days, I think I might buy her a new car when this is over as a thank you (not joking). I feel like I'd still owe her some favors though after that though even : )
Your original recovery post was actually very helpful as I was getting ready for this and prepping. Thanks for making that, I think it's helped a lot of us actually as we've gone through this at various times. There is power in numbers and knowing you're not suffering alone!!
Ok guys. Back from the procedure so I guess we can call this a day 0 update...
Surgeon said the procedure went well and she was able to remove all 3 hemorrhoids. Turns out I didn't have a fissure, it was just scar tissue that had developed on a hemorrhoid that had its own little fissure in it.
The op was fairly quick. I checked in at 11:30 and was wheeled out to my car at 4pm.
I was giving a medicine that numbs the area for supposedly 72 hours but I have quite a bit of soreness/ pain down there already. I reacted a bit poorly to the anesthetic. The nurses say I "turned green" and I sweat what felt like gallons. I also woke up uncontrollably shivering at first which then turned into feeling incredibly hot and sweating. Thankfully, urinating wasn't a problem. In fact, I think I screwed up by drinking too much water before the procedure. When I woke up I had to pee very badly and wasn't able to at first, but about 10 min later the floodgates opened and I had an extremely long and satisfying pee. Did the same again when I got home and the anesthesia problems seem to be fading away.
They gave me a whole ton of pain meds through the IV after I woke up, fentanol and tramadol I think and also had me eat a handful of animal crackers and take an Oxycodone pill.
Currently high as a kite, laying on a heating pad and watching TV.
Pain is not bad at all at the moment, but I fear when this local pain numbing medicine wears off.
jake31434 pita123
sus62307 pita123
Hope your recovery continues to go well. You're following the best directions that I've read about. Following because like many others, I am so mentally exhausted about hems being a daily issue. I chickened out of surgery twice, afraid of urine incontinence post-surgery...glad that didn't happen to you. Of course I've read the scariest complication...permanent bladder damage if cannot pee after surgery.
May all go well with you, and thank you for your postings and the comments.
Heyuanleo pita123
So i went to hospital and consult a colorectal surgeon. He got me checked and told me that i have grade 3 haemorrhoids, i got 3 hemorrhoids by the way, but their size was not that big(according to what my doctor said) So he recommended me to go for a surgery called laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) and he told me that this procedure is painless.
I decided to go for it and today is one month plus after my surgery. I would say that the post op pain level is about 3 out of 10 and it lasts for only about 1 weeks.The pain occurs only after BM , but is definitely bearable. The doctor prescribed me only paracetamol for pain killing, but i only took it on the first day after the operation and a stool softener which i took daily for a week.
returned to my normal daily activity after 1 week post op. It was the best decision i have ever made.
My doctor told me that this procedure only suitable for grade 1-3 internal hemorrhoid. Chances of successfulness of the surgery depends on your size of hemorrhoid.
I did this procedure in Malaysia, im not sure whether this procedure is available in your country. U may ask your doctor about LHP
pita123 Heyuanleo
Hi Heyuanleo, sorry I missed you in the replies here. I've been reading this site for years but I'm still learning my way around posting it seems. That's amazing to hear about your recovery with LHP. That's very encouraging. If I can ask, how long has it been since the procedure at this point and have you had any signs of relapse?
I actually had "the painless" version as well at the time (5 years ago), a different procedure called THD, which is doppler guided artery ligation. They made similar claims about being able to be pain free and back at work in 48 hours, which turned out to be total nonsense. The pain from that was actually very similar to my actual hemorrhoidectomy in length and intensity.
I actually did research LHP a bit before getting mine done but unfortunately the only option my health care provider here in America offers (kaiser permanente) is the actual full blown hemmroidectomy. I'm actually kind of glad they do now in hindsight, because if they had offered the THD I might have done that again instead and ended up in pain and with hemorrhoids relapsing again. I was very afraid of the traditional surgery! This should though be a permanent solution for me now that I did it.
Thanks for sharing your story and also reading mine. I hope to join you soon with being back to normal activities!!
Best of luck
Heyuanleo pita123
Update time: Day 2:
Last night was hell on earth. I'm not sure if its because of the packing still inside me up there, but I had a really tough time passing gas. Finally at 3am in the bath I was able to pass a little gas. In the tub is just about the only place I can pass gas still.
There is some tissue poking out of my rear (feels exactly like a thrombosed and prolapsed hemorrhoid) which is just agonizing. Pain is right at a 10/10 and the only relief I have right now is passing out after my 2 oxycodone every 5 hours. Even the tub doesn't really help the pain at this point.
No BM yet and I'm frankly terrified of when that happens with how difficult/ painful just passing gas has been. Been taking my stool softeners and miralax once a day though anyway....
One thing I was not expecting is how much blood there has been. I've been wearing an adult diaper and soaked through about 5 of them in the last 24 hours. It seems to be slowing down though thankfully...
Off to the bath... Hopefully next update is post BM
Day 3:
OWWWWW!! lol. But seriously, this pain is unreal...
Still no BM yet. My routine at the moment is just switching between laying in the tub and on a hot pad in my bed. I'm taking 2 oxys every 4 hours but they seem to wear off right about 3 hours in, so I'm going to call my dr tomorrow and see if we can tweak the meds.
I havent been eating very much yet. Just had a yogurt, a few slices of watermelon and a turkey sandwhich with no cheese at lunch time. I added Sene (another kind of stool softener) to my Collace as well as a daily dose of Miralax.
I can't even imagine how bad it's going to hurt when I do finally go... I suspect tomorrow is the big day...
Here's hoping I see some improvement soon! Off to the bath....
jane16431 pita123
Keep posting. I did exactly what you are doing; posting the experience daily, often while laying in the tub. There appears to be some therapeutic value.
It will get better!
jake31434 jane16431
How did it work out for you? Are you fully recovered?
jane16431 jake31434
That said, I would not recommend this procedure to anyone unless there is no other reasonable alternative.