Hemorrhoidectomy recovery experience
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I had a hemorrhoidectomy a couple of years ago and I used this site quite a lot during recovery for tips so i decided id finally share what happened with me in case it helps others.
My piles were BAD. they didnt cause me pain but they eventually got to a stage where they were bleeding CONSTANTLY. I had appointments with the hospital (UK- NHS) on and off for about 18 months and was repeatedly told that they're been banded and i should be fine.
The problem continued and I kept going back. After one particular sigmoidoscopy the nurse was wheeling me back and was saying everything was fine. It was at this point i had to stop her and said no, everything wasnt fine. I explained id been in several times before and I kept getting told i was fine only to go home and bleed profusely. The bleeding was excessive to the point that I was anemic and was on verge of a transfusion.
Upon hearing this, the nurse took me back into the surgeon who said he would have another look. I dont know HOW differently he looked but he told me I had an extreme case of circumferencial hemorrhoids that were actively bleeding as i was on the table and that surgery would be required.
I had a weird sense of dread and relief. FINALLY they've found the problem but OH GOD, SURGERY.
I woke after the surgery and was discharged soon after having been told that i may have some discomfort but healing time would be 2-3 days.
I say this with no exaggeration or dramatics but that was just absolute inaccurate bullsh*t. I was in excrutiating pain when the morphine wore off. I couldnt move without severe pain, I couldnt walk or stand up or do anything without help and severe pain.
I didnt need to go the toilet until the following day and every single minute motion caused severe pain and the act of actually passing my stool was almost unbearable.
To give you some perspective on me and my threashold. I've been knocked over by a car and fractured by skull, I've broken my hip, pelvis and elbow in a bad fall, ive had tattoos etc etc....NOTHING comes close to how painful this was.
I dont tell you this to put you off....i tell you this because at one point i found myself sat on the toilet almost in tears (LOL i have to laugh at this now!) wondering if this pain would ever actually end and it was in this mood that i came across this website. It was a weird relief to read that other people have had horrendous experinces too and that it was not just me. I read about having sitz baths and what foods could help with toilet visits etc and I actually had some hope that I would get better.
The only thing that helped with toilet visits was showering after. I cralwed into the shower after each visit and let the warm water wash me up and it soothed the burning pain considerably.
I was bed ridden for 3 weeks and even when i could move around a bit easier on my own, i had these muscle spasms that would come on unexpectedly, cause a short blast of pain and then disappear.
All in all i experinced pain to varying degrees for around a month. I had on and off bleeding for around 1 - 2 months to the point that the doctor actually recommended i wear sanitary pads which i did!
The recovery obviously depends on how serious the piles are but if they ARE serious, you can expect a horrible bumpy ride after. I say this....because I wish someone had told ME this so i at least knew what to expect other than being told id be out of action for 2-3 days. I could have prepared myself a bit for it.
Do I regret the surgery? No way..... it was a month out of my life that wasnt great but its given me a lifelong solution and i've never had problems since.
SO my advice is, get the surgery but mentally prepare yourself for a crap ride afterwards but look forward to being rid of them for good! hurrah!
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jason01795 neil31417
Here I am now exactly 14 days post operation. I had 5 large hemorrhoids removed (internal + external piles). One of the largest my surgeon had seen in his career. I’m beyond irritated with his preparation beforehand. No instructions to have an enema; I’m glad I have been on a regiment for quite sometime due to my hemorrhoids anyways.
The first week was indescribable pain. I couldn’t think about anything else; or do anything else but try to rest, and manage my pain. The anesthesia the doctor gave me caused me to because extremely constipated. So much so, that it took an entire week to have my first bowl movement.
This bowl movement was seriously horrible. It was so hard, and formed large that I tore my sutures right out of my wound. It actually made me fall over in pain. I had to move into the shower to finish my business. In the shower, I ran warm water to help ease the pain.
The next day was even worse... I had deja Vu back in the shower trying to have another bowl movement. This time; I fell over and hit my head due to the pain. I was so so lucky my wife was there to help me up. Otherwise I don’t think I would have been able to do it.
The stitches are hanging out now, very hard to keep my wound clean. Witch hazel, squirt bottle, and other methods to cleanse the site. I’ve been strict about keeping it dry with a blow dryer on cool. Spraying bactine, and dermaplast (blue bottle) to disinfect; and prevent infections.
Now here I am, 2 weeks later... still in pain, but having diarrhea instead of constipation. Hopefully, I can heal soon. Sucks missing work. And I am thankful to finally starting to get a grip on getting better.
sal53035 jason01795
douglt jason01795
Give it time and you'll be glad of the choice you made. I had my surgery on 9-25-17 & for the 4 weeks afterwards thought I'd made the biggest mistake of my life but now am 100% healed (I'm an Electrical Contractor and thought I'd be off work for one week but it turned into a miserable 4 week vacation). Wish the Dr's had to experience what we all have gone through so they could better prepare us.
I see that you're now 2 weeks post op but don't get discouraged as things will begin to change for the better very soon (you may experience pain during bowel movements for 2 to 3 months as mine just went away a few weeks ago).
Best of luck and hope that details of my journey helps you see what to expect.
jason01795 sal53035
jason01795 douglt
Your response in detail is exactly what I needed to hear right now. It’s so easy to start feeling grumpy when your going through it. Especially not being able to get a hold of my surgeon to get answers. I’m on track to positivity and know things are brighter on the other side of the valley.. I’m being as patient, and positive as I can. Thanks again for the encouraging words man! Happy New Year!! Jason
paolo90344 neil31417
Hi everyone I always go to this site to check some tips from all who have undergo this surgery and see if there is any who were related to me. I had serious bleeding everyday from July 23 2017 - August 17 2017, so it was about 25 days I was bleeding streak everytime I use the toilet. at first 3 days I was crying thought it was cancer, btw I was in UAE that time and my employer didNt want me to go home, I was run in different hospitals for 4x due to bleeding and pain everywhere in my tummy specially the left and right side, I have hemorrhoids internals and external, before I can manage to push it back and the bleeding is only little whenever I eat so much junk, however july 23-august 17 is a much different incidents. my back and glute hurts I cant even walk properly those times. Different doctors have different opinions. First they check you for a digital rectal exam, some says I have anal fissure, some says acute hemorrhoids, some says rectal bleeding.
But when I got home here in philippines I didnt bleed for a month and that was a good relief, but still having cramping pains most of the time and it affects my day to day life, I go for a colonoscopy I didnt see all things because I was put to sleep, but my mom and wife saw most of it, there I was diagnosed with Chronic non-specific colitis and Internal hemorrhoids. I dont know if "Non-specific" is justifiable?? but Im pretty much confident that my colitis is cured because I only consider fish and veggies on meals I eat chicken meat sometimes. sweet potatoes on breakfast and boiled eggs most of the time. and Im much focused on my hemmies every bm However last month December 13 I bleed again after bm streaks of blood until December 25 and its my 13th day of bleeding, I tried to consult in a different doc and I was prescribed Dioxel more like daflon, and I take it every 6 hours, my right side and leftside hurt in a seperate time specially at night. the medicine had no effect at all. All I can do is pray and wait for a hemorrhoidectomy, the doctor said if this medicine doesnt work for the first week I have to take the operation. I dont know where the bleeding comes from all I know I have large internal hemorrhoid maybe 4 or 5 inside that bulge outside every time I go to the toilet like a size of strawberry everytime I poo and some large external ones. my only concern is "IM GOING TO HAVE THE SCHEDULE OPERATION TOMORROW" from a surgeon and not a colorectal surgeon actually. . . can they diagnose me right before or during the operation. I dont know anything because its my first time having this kind of surgery in my entire life, I was praying alot that I could overcome this condition and live a good life again after. I appreciate all the advice. and I keep you updated. .
graham26385 neil31417
I’m still on a high fibre diet plus two senokot before bed and a small spoon of syrup of fig and lactulose which all help with stool softening.
Hope this helps
dan_19889 neil31417
graham26385 dan_19889
dan_19889 graham26385
graham26385 dan_19889
dan_19889 graham26385
barry1961 dan_19889
dan_19889 barry1961
barry1961 neil31417
It does improve. The right meds and stool softeners and hi fiber food is a must. Sitz baths after every BM. I'm heading into 4th month, 3 procedures later including abscess, open sore and then anal fissure, but it's coming together now. I still take a painkiller after first BM every morning to keep pain at bay but slowly but surely it gets better. I have skin tags now which need removing, and i will get these done because now i know what i can handle and anyone that's had this type of surgery can handle anything.
Hang in there but pain management is the answer and a good understanding doctor.
dan_19889 barry1961
barry1961 dan_19889
it's a balancing act. I did way to much stool softener as well, seems natural for all of us to do that. I was doing 5 BM per day and almost crying everytime. I avoided sitting on toilet which helped me immensely, stood over bowl and sort of squatted.
Pain meds are a real must and taken at the right time, I'm my case every 6 hours. I'm on paracetamol (2) per day plus tramadol (2) day immediately after BM. Believe me i was taking a lot more. My last op was 5 weeks ago, first was 15 Dec, 2nd 15th Jan all to fix complications are the 15th Dec.
You will get through this. My biggest fear was anal stenosis but i panicked about that and probably made things worse.
Stay away from crap food, it is so important. Grain cereal, fruit, veg, brown rice etc. You will get there, i had a glass of wine last night and even are small amount of chocolate as I'm not concerned with binding anymore and pain is only relevant atBM.
Remember to bath after everyBM
I had the first op, then abscess and possible fisstula, infection then severe anal tears, if i can do it i know everyone else can. Have faith and good luck. Feel free to write me anytime
dan_19889 barry1961
dan_19889 barry1961
barry1961 dan_19889
You need to eat otherwise you may suffer other issues. It always geeks like you need to go as your sphincter muscles are probably spasming hence the baths to relax them and let blood flow to help repair. 5 days in sadly is only the start but eat the right good, take a still softener and get yourself back into a BM rhythm. I wanted only oneBM per day, 4 months later I'm almost there, had 4 yesterday which surprised me, but lot less pain these days but i still follow my routine except at work. Are you taking noon constipation pain meds. Stress also hinders the recovery
barry1961 dan_19889
Everyone gets through it, they just don't tell you exactly how bad it can get. In a year you'll forget it all. I'm going back in in less than 12 months i have skin tags removed but I'm not going to let it scare me. My ownDr feels ill be scared for life mentally because og the pain butt ill be right
dan_19889 barry1961
barry1961 dan_19889
I couldn't let anyone touch my bed when lying down. Yes that's pain. My third operation was to cut the sphincter muscle to reduce the spasms. The baths will relax you but sit a real bathtub might be difficult to sit but when you do you'll love it. 3 per day no matter what and with salt. Dont forget pain meds, as i mentioned its a balance. I lost 22lbs and happy i did.
barry1961 dan_19889
dan_19889 barry1961
Appreciate the responds. Yea I def been using the tub. It takes me 10 min to walk to the tub and I’m 34) I mean I no the age don’t matter, but I’m out of hot water right now from today. It sucks cuz I would take a bath at least 6 times a day but dam hot water goes out. And glad u pain is a lot (a lot lower. That is good for u. Makes me so jealous 😂😂
barry1961 dan_19889
You will get last this believe me.
sez123 barry1961
I’m 8months post op and still have significant pain while having a bm
I also have frequent bleeding. Sometimes I think they’re little fissures as I still take movichol And coloxyl. I suspect the stool comes out too quickly or something causing these tears
Do you still have bleeding?? And what caused your tears?
(I’ve had a colonoscopy a month ago to make sure nothing else is going on... it’s all good. Just want to stop bleedingvthough )
dan_19889 barry1961
barry1961 sez123
Im going into 5 months with bleeding and pain during and after BM. I went off movicol and coloxyl as there were to many BM and I wanted one BM per day. I now have that and slowly but surely things are improving. I eat a good fibre need plan and take metamucil. Bleeding I'm not concerned about, it will eventually heal. Concentrate on reducing BMs to let body heal. The baths are a must still. I have surgeon visit this Thurs for a full understanding where I'm at. Hope this helps but certainly diet and exercise are helpful and reducedBM.
barry1961 dan_19889
think I'm doing full emptying BM now which is great. pain still there but no where near a bad. Hopefully on the improve going into 5th month. If you're 2 weeks PO i wouldn't stress, you'll be fine.
jeff58837 dan_19889
lol im sorry to laugh but please know that I'm laughing WITH YOU because I made the mistake of eating an entire portillos italian beef sandwich after I had a few days of only liquids in me. OMG that was torture coming out but heavenly going in lol.
I hope others may get some good laughs from these comments because oh my lord, this was such a traumatic experience and any shred of normalcy or happiness is so welcome right now. 😉