Hemorrhoidectomy recovery experience

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I had a hemorrhoidectomy a couple of years ago and I used this site quite a lot during recovery for tips so i decided id finally share what happened with me in case it helps others. 

My piles were BAD. they didnt cause me pain but they eventually got to a stage where they were bleeding CONSTANTLY. I had appointments with the hospital (UK- NHS) on and off for about 18 months and was repeatedly told that they're been banded and i should be fine. 

The problem continued and I kept going back. After one particular sigmoidoscopy the nurse was wheeling me back and was saying everything was fine. It was at this point i had to stop her and said no, everything wasnt fine. I explained id been in several times before and I kept getting told i was fine only to go home and bleed profusely. The bleeding was excessive to the point that I was anemic and was on verge of a transfusion. 

Upon hearing this, the nurse took me back into the surgeon who said he would have another look. I dont know HOW differently he looked but he told me I had an extreme case of circumferencial hemorrhoids that were actively bleeding as i was on the table and that surgery would be required.  

I had a weird sense of dread and relief. FINALLY they've found the problem but OH GOD, SURGERY. 

I woke after the surgery and was discharged soon after having been told that i may have some discomfort but  healing time would be 2-3 days. 

I say this with no exaggeration or dramatics but that was just absolute inaccurate bullsh*t.  I was in excrutiating pain when the morphine wore off. I couldnt move without severe pain, I couldnt walk or stand up or do anything without help and severe pain. 

I didnt need to go the toilet until the following day and every single minute motion caused severe pain and the act of actually passing my stool was almost unbearable. 

To give you some perspective on me and my threashold. I've been knocked over by a car and fractured by skull, I've broken my hip, pelvis and elbow in a bad fall, ive had tattoos etc etc....NOTHING comes close to how painful this was. 

I dont tell you this to put you off....i tell you this because at one point i found myself sat on the toilet almost in tears (LOL i have to laugh at this now!) wondering if this pain would ever actually end and it was in this mood that i came across this website. It was a weird relief to read that other people have had horrendous experinces too and that it was not just me. I read about having sitz baths and what foods could help with toilet visits etc and I actually had some hope that I would get better.

The only thing that helped with toilet visits was showering after. I cralwed into the shower after each visit and let the warm water wash me up and it soothed the burning pain considerably.  

I was bed ridden for 3 weeks and even when i could move around a bit easier on my own, i had these muscle spasms that would come on unexpectedly, cause a short blast of pain and then disappear. 

All in all i experinced pain to varying degrees for around a month. I had on and off bleeding for around 1 - 2 months to the point that the doctor actually recommended i wear sanitary pads which i did! 

The recovery obviously depends on how serious the piles are but if they ARE serious, you can expect a horrible bumpy ride after. I say this....because I wish someone had told ME this so i at least knew what to expect other than being told id be out of action for 2-3 days. I could have prepared myself a bit for it. 

Do I regret the surgery? No way..... it was a month out of my life that wasnt great but its given me a lifelong solution and i've never had problems since. 

SO my advice is, get the surgery but mentally prepare yourself for a crap ride afterwards but look forward to being rid of them for good! hurrah!

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    hi guys. I'm in the same boat as most of yous. 

     On november 1st i went into to [what i thought] was the usual injections or possible banding. The surgeon before putting me to sleep noticed what he said was a neuroma on the outside. Long story short he found 3 large internal hems that needed surgery. 

      the recovery for the external neuroma was not nice but nothing to what was in store.

    On the 20th dec 2016 i had the 3 internal hems and 2 externals removed. THE usual day or two after was pretty good with all the meds. Had my first bm 2 days after ,which was no problem. On that night i went to have a bowl movement and nearly passed out with the large stool and all the pain.

      Released with the usual "you'll be fine in a few days" on the 24th but OMG thats when the fun started. 

     The mistake i mad was to take extra meds and not enough stool softener. I stared taking oxycotton,paracetamol,difene,tramodil ,lactoluse,movicol.and insteligel. All was good for 2 days until i tried my first bm. I knew from the get go i was in trouble. Full constapation and what felt like child birth ensuede. 

      So i dosed up on laxitives that evening and the next day [big mistake]. I've now got diarrhoea and in the past 2 days ive been to the toilet  15 times fallowed by showers. As i write this im still no better, my stomach is gurgling loadly and i'm getting shooting pains in my backside and i feel like it'll never end. 

      I've cut the laxitives since yesterday and most of the  meds.i'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day .

     Sorry for the long winded post 


    • Posted

      Hi sorry we are meeting this way lol. I took too much laxative in the beginning and went to the bathroom like 10 times a day then got diarrhea. I stopped all laxative for one day and then after the pooping slowed down I started back just taking miralax twice a day. If I had two BMs a day after that I would drop myself to once a day on the miralax. Hope that helps u and hopefully you can get the BMs to slow down some. Just make sure u don't get constipated again. I was constantly monitoring my poops for the first few weeks and making decisions on how much laxative or softeners I needed. I promis it gets better!

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      Its been a very painful mistake Melissa. i reckon i'm on about the 2th shower since last night. I've only one more day of oxycotton which is worrying. Fingers crossed for a bit of relief from tomorrow

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      You might should call for another pain med prescription. Right after my surgery I couldn't just sit down and poop. I would run hot water in my sitz bath and poop in that. It's the only way I could handle the pain. Then I had a hot bath ready to hop in. I know it sounds gross but I just couldn't for the first two weeks after surgery without the water. I hated cleaning the mess after but it saved me. Also something about that hot water immediately after soothes it so much. I also filled condoms with water and froze them. During the day I would lay on my side with a frozen condom between my cheeks until it melted. These few things were the best. Try to take it as easy as possible. I laid around for two weeks after surgery and I think that contributed to me healing quickly. It's a long and hard recovery.

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      Hope everyone is still heading in the right direction of full recovery.

      I have seen no benefits of having this surgery. I've been left with 2 ugly looking skin tags that irritate me when cleaning myself. It still hurts to 💩, I feel like I have to force it out and I get anxious every time I sit down to do the business.

      3 month on & I know I'm still healing inside. So I'm praying in another couple of months having a 💩 will be easier and the surgeon can slice these ugly skin tags off - although that will result in more pain head. Oh the joys!!!

    • Posted

      Ok so getting a new proscription for oxy confused, The diarrhea is nearly gone but im in bad pain now. It just never endscry.  I've had 2 baths and taken all the meds i dare. I failed to mention that my brother is booked in for the same surgery as what i had only he has a fissure aswell. I never suffered with any pain over the years but he has to go to bed after every bm. Genetics area pain in the ass!!!!

        I think my main problem at the moment is trying to stop the external pain when cleaning after a bm. I'm uasing wipes called Preperation H, When the movement touches the outside stiches and skin tgs its like acid has been poured on. I wipe as best i can and then straight into the shower, I threw up in the shower the other night with the pain, My mental toughness is gone and i'm reduced to a shell at the moment. I keep asking myself way i opted for the surgery when they never bothered me over the years. I guess they needed to be done and in the long run i'll be thankful. At the moment i take a day at a time 

    • Posted

      Hi Martin, I'm 3 months on and its only recently that I've been able to wipe myself. After every b/m I jumped in the shower to clean myself and give me some relief from the pain.

      I've been really lucky and had all b/m's when I've had access to a shower (except one in work, but I managed!). So maybe do this until you've healed a bit more.

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      Hi carl. I guess i was expecting the same recovery as the op on nov 1st. Actually the nuroma turned out to be a large hem . Forgot to mention that the surgeon sent it off for bioptsy and came back as just a hem,

       The nov op had its own problems. Hard to wipe and on day 3 i rang the hospital as i couldnt take the pain anymore. They had no recollection of me or the surgeon [ Irish medicine at its finest] . I ended up in a+e on pain injections. After that ordeal i had 2 nasty infections. All of which cleared TF. I found for the run up to this op i was leaking a very pungent liquid but managed on with it. Mostly by putting a swab between the cheeks to catch the flow. 

       I hope its not 3 months of painful wiping as i wan't to get back to normal and back to training for triathlon!!. Bike seats might be a problem eek

       Alas more pain here so off for a shower

    • Posted

      Oooh don't fancy sitting on a bike seat !! Sounds like you've had a right old time, so hopefully now they've all gone you will recover well.

      I do think the recovery is a slow one, even though the majority of us was told 2 weeks... yeah right ha!! It does drain you mentally and is a real challenge.

      I know I've still got a way to go and I'm ok with that, as long as one day I will be back to normal.... it's the fact that I might not be and I've yet to get rid of these horrible skin tags that worries me/gets me down... but we will 'all' get there smile happy healing

    • Posted

      Try not to wipe. Just pat the area. I used baby wipes and tucks pads. The only true help came from hot water though. I took my kids shopping today and of course had to 💩 I sometimes forget the miralax then I have problems. I'm having formed 💩 And it's killing my butthole and causing bleeding. I will be taking my miralax tonight for sure.

    • Posted

      Hi Martin,

      I'm 6.5 weeks (45 days) post op from having 4 hems removed. I was told to take stool softeners in the morning and at night and to take pain medication. I had no idea of the pain. First two weeks were hell with a combination of diarrhea and constipation. I found this group on day 5 and it was a God send. What I was experiencing was normal!

      Here's some tips: watch out with narcotic pain meds, they will cause constipation. Instead I took 2 ibuprofen every 4 hours. It's an anti inflammatory. Also, too much fiber can cause constipation...I learned that the hard way! I ate soft foods for the first two weeks and ended up losing 9 pounds. Each week will bring a little more relief, but it's slow.

      My major accomplishments lately have been not needing a laxative for 2 weeks and not needing my sitz bath for a week.

      Ask questions! We discuss everything...


    • Posted

      Good morning all

      Welcome martin,i Hope You Start to feel better soon , this recovery is so long it is 2 steps forward and 1 back!

      I had a bad day yesterday awful ring sting and felt really awful through the night and all dAy ! It felt like another hem ! It was the skin tag all swollen and red raw ! But Seems better today! I did have s curry first one since op ! So I think I will be staying away from them now ! I didn't think it was spicy 🌶 but I do love spicy, so it may have been !

      Hope everyone is good xxxx

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      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from down under!

      Lisa, my surgeon said no spicy food for 3 months as chilli/capsicum irritates the bowel lining 😳 I ate it and yes it did irritate mine!

      Melissa, I don't get the itch now. I used the emuaid and didn't find anything else of use.

      Carla, sounds like your still having issues?

      Take care all and enjoy the New Year celebrations x

    • Posted

      Hi Melissa

       I have'nt taken any laxatives for 2 days due to the really bad diarrhea. I had a really long nights sleep last night. When i woke iused the bathroom and it was just more gas and a small amount of bloody diarrhea. I took a shower and some meds and had a bowl of branflakes and headed back to bed. I slept for another 3 1/2 hrs. I'm really hesitant to take the laxitives but think i may have one just in case i get blocked up again and have to give birth to satan againeek


    • Posted

      Hi Jen

        Thats great to hear you're nearly back to full strength. I rekon i can stop a few meds today as i'm not as sore as i was 2 days ago. Then again i have'nt been to the toilet properly in 2 days so i've a sneaky feeling i'm a bit constipated. I live one minute at a time at the moment.

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      Martin try to take stool softeners or miralax instead of straight laxative. It will help it not be diarrhea and help u go less. I know Samantha used agiolax. Sam I started thinking about this itch and decided maybe I should treat myself for a yeast infection. Well that's helped. I did a three day treatment and now am almost itch free. Just a little itchy now. Think I should've done the 7day one. My sister had made the comment that one time when she had one she itches only on her butt. This must've been the case for me. I'm glad I've figured it out. Hope everyone is soon well

    • Posted

      Yes I agree with you Melissa, it's just the stool softener you need Martin - which I think has some laxative in it anyway. Stools need to be formed but soft. I take Lactulose 1 x day.

      Saying that I have just been the loo and omg, it ain't moving unless I squeeze my cheeks together and move around. I hope this isn't my new way of 💩, as its blooming hard work!!

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      i was instructed to take lactulose x2 a day, but it didnt seem to work so i took some movicol aswell and thats where i made the mistake. I took nothing yesterday and today i decided to try molaxade and see what happens. I'm also usind instillagel on the outside. I was able to use it internally but since the diarrhea thats wasn't an option untill earlier i managed to insert it only to have the syringes plunger to get stuck. Instillagel is good as it has an small bit of anasthetic in it. TBH I'd be fecked without it. 

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      Hopefully the meds you took today will help with the 💩 It's necessary to 💩 But I dreaded every time. I hoped each day that I would only go once. Carla hopefully that is not your new way of going to the bathroom. I'm having a hard time going once a day then it hurts when I do go. I've never been one to poop every day. Sometimes only once or twice a week. But I'm scared to do that because of getting new hemmies and it hurts if I let myself go like that. I'm trying stool softeners right now instead of miralax. The miralax works but I keep forgetting to make the drink and drink it. The softeners are just a pill to swallow. We will see how they work out. By tomorrow I may be on the toilet crying.

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      I was told to take Lactulose 15ml x 2 day, but then at my 4wk check up he told me to come off it. When I did, I couldn't 💩. So I compromised and have gone back on it but 1 x 15ml per day.

      Those first few wks are hell, especially when you wasn't prepared!!

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      Yes I definitely was not prepared. The fact that I'm still not healed two months later is crazy to me. I can carry on with normal life but I still hurt and have problems.

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      Oh Melissa, how I wish I was like you and went just once a day. My normal is 4 or 5 times a day. I am 8 days out from my second surgery and yesterday I just wanted to curl up and die. My normal frequency has returned and although I seem to have the the right dose of softeners, by my 4th BM last night, I was ready to shoot myself. I've had 3 children and they weren't easy births but you are prepared for that at least and once you push them out, you're sore for a few days but then that's it. Nothing prepares you for this kind of pain. I was starting to think I've gone soft in my old age(53) but reading everyone's comments on here tells me different. We all deserve bravery medals.

      My cruise is less than 3 weeks away now and I'm scared as hell thoughts going to be a nightmare.

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      I'm 52 and I know what you're feeling. I said it before...this surgery must have the highest post op suicide rate of all surgeries. It's so depressing day in and day out. But three weeks post op will bring significant changes and then again for week 4. Just plan on relaxing and healing in the warm sun. Wish I could have healed that way! 😉


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      Oh...and I spoke too soon yesterday everyone. Had to take a dose of miralax today as things slow down and back up. Too much fiber again!

      2 steps forward, 1 step back...


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      Tonya, I found that my recovery was not noticeable on a day to day basis, but all of a sudden it jumped dramatically. 3wks is still a good way off for healing. Hopefully you will be able to have a wonderful trip & think of all the sailors waiting on you 😉😉 x

    • Posted

      Thanks Jen

      I think because I had the banding done a month ago and then 3 weeks later the surgery to cut them out because they became thrombosed, that I'm just exhausted from it all I still haven't been able to return to work. I left work on 30th Nov thinking I was having a simple banding procedure! And back to work 3 days later. Lol. There was nothing simple about that and then 3 weeks later surgery which he told me would give me instant relief. Luckily I discovered this forum before that and knew he was out of touch with reality, but hopeful maybe I would be a best case scenario.

      it's only day 8 so I guess I can't expect too much yet.

      it really helps to read everyone else's stories.

      Our weather has cooled down now, it's been so crazy hot. 40 degrees over Xmas, which is stressful on its own. The weather is 24 and overcast today which is a welcome change.

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      Thanks Carla. I hope you're right. Meanwhile I will take solace in the fact that we are all in this together and a great source of support for each other.

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      Very true tonya.

        Today i hit rock bottom. I've never thought i'd suffer like this. My bm was pretty hard today and the problem i had was cleaning myself. So i tried and then dragged myself into the shower. I hoped the hot water would clean me but from the buring pain i knew i wasn't clean. I normally slowely clean the area with my finger but today was differant. So i said i'd try with the bath. 15mins in the shower and 20mins in the bath and using prep h wipes after i was nearly clean. Back to bed and i slept for 2 hours. I woke up and took my night pain med but i've realised i forgot my moloxade. hope i can sort out these movements as i'm really at rock bottom today. I can see no end  

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      I hear you loud and clear Martin. If I could see the light at the end of the tunnel I would feel like there is an end to this nightmare. One day at a time is all we can do.
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      I slept well last night !! I woke today in very little pain. I was able to pass some wind {i know iwas chancing it] so i tried to insert so instilagel inside and i managed to succeed. That meant i could chance taking on a large bm as the gel numbs the inside a bit . 

       The moment of thruth and i succeeded to pass a large soft stool, alot of blood but i could clean enough to finish off in the shower. I'm back in bed again as i can feel the pressure on the battle scars throbbing. 

       Today i feel i've took a step forward but i'm aware of the saying "one step forward , two steps back". 

       I live in hope 


    • Posted

      Yesterday I wanted to die, the pain was so bad with the 5 BM's. Today has been a completely different day. 2 only BM's which were relatively painless and a pretty much pain free day. Even travelled 100 km to my daughters place in the car after purchasing a special cushion which was expensive but worth every cent.

      I've felt almost normal today which was a massively pleasant surprise.

      Here's hoping I've turned the corner.

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      Glad to hear you're both moving forward.

      I wouldn't know I'd had surgery until I come to have a b/m. Luckily I only go once a day, but it's like giving birth when I do. I literally worked up a sweat today!!

      Happy New Year everyone x

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      Happy new year xx

      With the new year comes new developments. In the past 2 days i've improved 50%. I went outside and went on a drive ;-]. I've only taking 1 bowl movement a day and although very painful , have not suffered constipation. 

      Small steps in this new year, but i'll take them


    • Posted

      Happy New Year! That's great news Martin. I had a 💩So big last night thatvit caused bad bleeding. I had to use a enema to get it to come out. This morning I am passing gas that is hurting my butthole. It's still not at bad as two weeks ago so I feel improvement. I would be fine if I could just never poop again 😂 Ready to be 100%

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      Oh no melissa that sounds horrific eek. I'm wondering what peoples diets are like now. I'm 12 days after surgery and afraid to eat much. Yesterday was my biggest food day. I had a small bowl of fruit n fibre for breakfast. I had some homemade bread during the day. For dinner i had some mash spuds mixed with soup and some fried rice and 4 prawns. In the evening i had more bread. I'm afraid i've eaten to much ,but i had a small bm this morning that was soft but i always fear its going to be big .

       Not sure how to up my food intake or what to eat

    • Posted

      Happy 2017

      So sorry to hear about your set back Melissa, I hope it heals quickly for you.

      Good news for you Martin, may it continue smile

      I ate normal from day one, as my surgeon didn't tell me not to. I've just had to take fibogel 2 x day (although I do keep forgetting this).

      B/m's are like child birth, it's such hard work to get the 💩 out. Apart from that... happy days

    • Posted

      Martin I didn't eat normally for the first week and a half only because I was nauseous really bad. The day after my surgery I threw up all day long. I slowly started eating what I wanted within that week and a half. My doctor didn't tell me to cut out anything either. Carla yes a BM is awful most times. Unless it's super soft I have issues. I wonder if this will go away.

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      Yes I wonder if it's just the after effect and will get easier... here's hoping!!

      I don't see my consultant until Feb, but I'm hoping by then all should be back to normal & if not, he's got some answering to do !!! Lol x

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      Yes hopefully it will be better by then. I see mine again on the 12th.
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      I had my first dinner earlier since the 23rd. I am still in fear of food eek

      Melissa i reckon the sickness was the anesthetic??. 

      Carl i see my surgeon next week and being back to normal or not i've got a few questions for him lol!!. 

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      Yes, I'm too scared to eat and not sure what to eat. The thought of whatever I mat having to come out the other end terrifies me.

      I had a brilliant and almost pain free day Saturday and hoped I had turned a corner. Alas yesterday was terrifying, I had 3 BM's in 3 hours and they were excruciating. During that time we drove back 100 km from my daughters place and I cried all the way, and yet that same journey was uneventful and painless the day before.

      The key from listening to everyone on here is stool softeners which I am taking morning and night. So it comes down to food. I've lost 6kg in 4 weeks since the first surgery from being too scared to eat.

      If only I could train my body to have just one BM a day.

    • Posted

      Oh Tonya I am so sorry you had to go thru that. It is awful. I guess the sickness was from anesthia. I will say though that I still have constant bouts of nausea since the surgery. This is not something I've had much in the last

      11 yrs. I actually threw up last week for no reason. It's very strange. It's almost like since the surgery certain foods don't agree with me anymore. It's strange!

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that tonya. I know how yah feel.Thats the great thing about this forum. We all know what its like and I/we find relief from being able to talk to people who know  exactly what your going through. 

        Back to food . So tonya i ate small amounts of fruit n fibre for breakfast with a dash of milk[enough to wet the cereal. Fruit n fibre is a type of bran flake [i'm in ireland so not sure where everyone is from for a similar cereal]. i found for lunch i would eat a small amount of mash in a bowl potatoe with soup ontop

    • Posted

      Thanks Martin. I'm in Australia. I'll ask my fiance who has moved here from Ireland to find me something similar to what you are referring to. He is doing the food shopping as I'm not able to get to the shops at the moment.

      I really wish I could just train my body to have only one BM a day. This 5 times a day is killing me.

    • Posted

      sorry hit the wrong button redface. So mash and soup in a bowl. I was the same as you , i feared everything. In the evening i'd have some fruit or maybe some veg. I was and still am adament not to eat greasy fried food or anything containing lots of sugar so no sweets of ice creams also no spicy food. I drink probably 2-3 ltr of water a day. I stay away from anything crunchy like crusty bread etc. My general rule is , if i think it might give me gas or stay undigested with anything that can catch on the way out i don't eat it. 

       Speaking of weight , i've lost 7kg in 12 days. I had my christmas fat season from after the first op in nov 1st till the second op so i coud afford to lose the weight redface

       Since yesterday i think i've turned a corner. Today i had 2 good soft bm, very painful but still i wasn't constipated so it's a win. Also i've found alot of stichesin the sitz bath .  It's the first time today where i had more than one stool come out at a single sitting. Normally it's whatever comes out at the first go and then full spasm with the pain. 

      Anyway thats about it for now. i'm hoping to see the surgeon tomorrow and see whats what. Tonya i hope you fallow in my foot steps soon as we need the relief. We are all here for support. bye for now Martin

    • Posted

      Jiminy Crickets! When is this ever going to end?! It's been a difficult and painful week for me, and I'm not very happy about it since Monday will be 8 weeks post op. I'm babying my backside with sitz baths again and taking 2 stool softeners in the morning and evening. And I'm still playing around with my diet since I can't seem to get back to what I was eating prior to the surgery without getting constipated!

      Any thoughts girls? Also, I'm now using hydrocortisone suppositories every night that were prescribed to me prior to deciding to get surgery.


    • Posted

      Hi Jen, sorry to hear your still having problems. I was (still am) very similar.

      I felt like I had this massive 💩 Trying to get out and i have to squat on the loo seat, push my cheeks together, stand up, sit down, sweat, gasp, swear & almost cry to get it out.

      I do wonder if it's because we are still healing up there & the muscles aren't pushing things out properly.

      I've been taking 10ml of Lactulose (stool softener) am & pm, and for now this seems to be working. My diet hasn't changed, except I take fibogel am & pm.

      What are you taking hydrocortisone for? I've been using that on the area as I've been itchy; but it was also itchy before this op and I've always put it down to the hems, now I'm not so sure and think I need further advice. X

    • Posted

      Jen I'm so sorry. I feel good if I don't have a BM. But as soon as I do it's awful. Carla when I go I feel the same way crying and cussing and praying. I finally got the itchiness to go away. I treated myself for a yeast infection. My lady parts didn't itch but my butt did. It actually worked so I'm guessing I had one and was only showing symptoms in my butt lol.

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      Hi Melissa and Carla,

      I seem to be in the same boat as you ladies. I just wish I was going 💩 once a day instead of 4-5 times. That's what makes me sore and swollen. And it gets worse the more times I go. The hydrocortisone suppositories were prescribed to help reduce the hemorrhoids, but they didn't work, so I had the surgery. I decided to try them again for the pain and swelling after a bad day of 💩. Problem is they don't help constipation, so I'm just going round in circles. 😢

      I wish we all lived closer. We could all go see the doctor together and day WTF?! LOL


    • Posted

      Oh yes ladies. WTF is right. My surgeon has much explaining to do. I wish I could go just once a day too. Get the pain over with. 4 to 5 times is killing me. I've never thought of myself as a sook. I have had 3 natural births, back surgery, knee surgery and all was a piece of cake compared to this. I seem to have got the diet right and the stool softeners are working as they should, but it makes no difference.

      It's wearing me down, the second surgery 2 weeks ago has taken its toll. I see the surgeon this Wednesday and fear I could be sent to jail for murder. Lol.

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      Omg I don't know how you are coping going the toilet so many times!!! I go once a day, the most i go is twice or I can miss a day. I really don't think I could handle going more than 2.

      I've got a list of things that I want to achieve this year and top of the list is having a 'normal' number two (💩wink. 2nd is getting rid of the skin tags. I think I'll be in 2018 by the time I'm fixed!!

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      I always feel like there's pressure there and I need to go, but by the 3rd trip, there's not much coming out. In the meantime, my hole is getting more and more sore. I've actually developed swollen veins around the outside of my rectum. One is about 1/2" to the right and runs up and down my butt cheek. The other seems to circle around the outside. The more I struggle, the more these swell and hurt...and that's on top of the rectal pain. And let me throw this in the mix...i start having menopausal hot flashes and night sweats about a week before I had this surgery.

      The universe hated me...

    • Posted

      So we are all still in trouble. I spoke to my surgeon brefly on the phone and i'm back on oxycontin again. It seems to have set me back. I'm back to having really sore bm's and not sleeping at night, due to them i'm helucinating at night and having really bad dreams [I know that sounds strange from an adult] Also just as i start to sleep my buthole spasms and it feels like i've been stabbed with a knife. I'm not in good form and i fear for next week as i need to go back to work. 

        Can i ask what fibogel is for ???? i only take maloxale am and pm as a stool softner . I tend to go to the bathroom before bed and when i wake in the morning. There soft but still pretty large. 

      When will this end sad

    • Posted

      Same here carla

       My bumhole looks in an awful state . It looks way worse than before the op.Skin tags and inflamed open wounds. I found the best system for a bm is Bm wiped clean with prep H wipes. I have a portable bidet ready with warm water beside the toilet. As soon as i finish wiping i put the bidet on the toilet and sit back down and clean myself in the soothing warm water with a finger. I normallly sit for a few minutes then hop in the shower to wash. This seems to relieve the pressure and the urge to try push your guts out.

      Hope this helps Jennifer

    • Posted

      I am a little over two months out from surgery. My butthole looks normal thankfully. But when I have a BM I about die. It's almost like the left the side of my hole and inside my cheeks is being ripped apart. I've still been taking my miralax and haven't been to the bathroom in a few days except for a teeny tiny bit. I'm getting scared to go. I think I need a laxative to get things going but I'm afraid to do that also. I see my doctor again Thursday. I swell really bad between my vaginal opening and my butthole when I have a BM. That piece of skin gets big and flappy and so does the left side of my hole. Right now while not using the bathroom I could almost pretend I've never had the surgery but I do know that the poop is coming. 😩💩😫💩😩😥😢

    • Posted

      Oh dear Melissa, if I recall you were not daily before?

      is anyone still bleeding? I find I do swell on a BM and can have bleeding too. Have to admit, the skin tag/bridge has not completely disappeared. When I finally get back from my travels I am going to go visit the doctor again.

    • Posted

      Yes Samantha I'm not a regular on going but this is new record. I think it's been five days maybe more. I've lost count. I don't understand how it's even possible on all of this stool softeners. I do still bleed when I have a BM. Some time if I pass gas and it's big there is some blood with it. Hope you holidays and traveling have been great!

    • Posted

      Melissa, 5 days seems a little long. Have you tried a laxative and lots of water to try me move ny blockage? I'm not happy with my bleeding, but good to know it's not just me. All is well, thanks, left Australia at the weekend and now visiting U.K. For a Few days. Jetlag setting in. Was on the toilet by 5am which is early for me.

    • Posted

      Hi Martin,

      I've gone back to using my sitz bath after trip to the bathroom. I sit and soak for 5 to 10 minutes. It brings great relief for about 10 minutes, then the pressure and pain come back.

      I haven't looked at my butthole...just can't stand the thought of seeing the train wreck!

      Waiting for the nurse from the surgeon's office to call me back.

      Can everyone please remind us how many weeks or months it's been since your op?


    • Posted

       1st nov  1 hem removed from outside.20th dec 2nd op 3 large hems inside and 2 outside. TBH I think the surgeon had a fit and just started to slice at anything that looked like a hem. 

      Jennifer don't take a look. You'll be horrified . Don't do it

    • Posted

      Jennifer don't look until u have had more healing time. It's been two months and 9 days since I was sliced and diced lol. Samantha if I don't have a BM today I plan to take laxative but that always hurts me to so I'm trying to avoid it. Also when I went to my doc 4 wks ago he did say I was still not healed completely. We will see what he says Thursday. I would be fine if I never had to 💩Again.

    • Posted

      Oh no! Fingers crossed the doc thinks there is improvement from the last visit.

      martin, my op was 25 Sept. not sure I'm any further forward than I was pre op but I've not been good diet wise recently so let's see after my holiday.

    • Posted

      Hi everyone smile

      Martin - fibogel is fibre sachets that I take am & pm. Surgeon said it's to keep stools large but soft.

      Jen - that doesn't sound what's going on down below. Hopefully in time it will all settle down. What has ur surgeon said about it?

      Well just when I thought I was safe, I was wrong!! Y'day I felt like I had a 💩 Brewing, but though it might me an hour or something. I was upstairs & suddenly needed to go. OMG I ran to the loo (which wasn't far away) & 💩 myself like a toddler!!! Good job I wasn't at work as I really don't know what I would of done!

      Now I think I must be having a too much stool softener - though I'm only taking 10ml 2 x day. I missed last night & this morning & have gone the loo this evening & 💩 is just right - but I know if I don't have stool softener I will become constipated again.

      I really hate this 😩😭

    • Posted

      Oh my op was 29th Sept so I'm about 10wks on now but feels like 12mths !!

    • Posted

      No im about 14wks.... sorry, always been bad at maths 😂

    • Posted

      I thought stool softeners for 6-8 weeks post op ???? Jesus i hope i don't need them for that length

    • Posted

      It's almost happened to me a few times. I know what you are feeling if u take the miralax like I'm supposed to I 💩Too much but when I back off for a day or two then I get constipated. I can't find a happy medium. I just sat down and pushed a little out. There was lots of pain and blood. This is the never ending recovery. I still feel like I need to go more but apparently it's not ready. So I'm gonna head to the store and hope that it doesn't become ready while I'm out and about. I'm sure it will hit me while I'm gone and I will have to speed thru red lights to find a toilet. Ugh!!

    • Posted

      I have an appointment with surgeon on Wednesday to figure out what's going on down there!

    • Posted

      Carla, interesting. I was going out last week down in aus. Someone was picking me up. Left the apartment went downstairs and said to my husband, I've had an accident and ran upstairs to clean up and re shower. I've never done that before 💩😳??X

    • Posted

      Carla and Sam I am so sorry you have 💩Yourselves. I'm come close to it. I have to be careful passing gas. I wonder if this is caused from all the stool softeners we are on. I got a little 💩Out earlier (barely anything) and it hurt terribly. I also bled pretty bad. I'm so sick of this!

    • Posted

      Omg Sam isn't it awful!! R u still on stool softeners??

      I agree with Melissa, I think it's the stool softeners that's causing the 'quick escape'.

      I also think you're right Martin. My surgeon at my 4wk check up said I didn't need stool softeners any more. The problem is, when I stop using it, the 💩 becomes too firm and I can't get it out and the pain is unbearable.

      How can these surgeons get away with saying it's a 2wk recovery!!!

    • Posted

      Reading all your comments is not giving me much hope that I will be going on my cruise next week.

      you are all a lot further along in your recovery than me and your issues which seem to be common to all of us are still with you many weeks post op.

      I'm coming up to 3 weeks since my second surgery in 6 weeks and have almost had a couple of accidents. I haven't been back to work since 30 Nov despite the doctor saying I would be right to go back on 3rd Jan(1 week after 2nd surgery). Seriously, do these surgeons have a clue about what we are all going through? I think not.

      I'm fed up already, and have not suffered as long as all of you.

      if I go on my cruise next week, I fear I will be stuck in my cabin, so I am close to my bathroom and my sitz bath, which will be an essential item in my suitcase. Lol. 😢

    • Posted

      He said to me 6 wks i think so i'm going with that. I found the lactulose didn't work so i'm taking malaxole sachets.

       i'm sorry to hear about all the accidents. I fear this happening to me when i go back to work as i work in a clean envoirnment and the bathroom is at least 5 mins away 

    • Posted

      Obviously my surgeon has no clue. The first surgery to have my hems x 5 banded(which was a disaster), he said I would be OK to go back to work after 3 days. My second surgery to cut the internal and external hems out instead, he said I would be OK to go back to work a week after surgery and would be back to normal for my cruise which was 4 weeks after the surgery. I was sceptical but he guaranteed if I didn't have them cut out that there would be no cruise.

      So No choice but to have the surgery and hope for the best. I see him tomorrow and will be interested to hear what he has to say.

      I've gotten sick of the sitz baths after every BM so am back to soaking in my bath today, which is at least relaxing for awhile. 😊

    • Posted

      Tonya I would still go on the cruise. Get some pillows to sit in and just have ur sitz bath in your room. I went to my moms house three weeks after surgery. She lives three states away from me. I was terrified on the ride but I made it. Take your pain meds with you and make sure u have enough to last while on the cruise. Also take ur stool softeners with u. Because of the fact that I have IBS I always know where the nearest bathroom is and I think that's why I haven't 💩 Myself yet. I have literally been in conversations and have to say to be continued and run to the bathroom. I wish I could know an end point to all of this!

    • Posted

      Aahh Tonya I thought you was on holiday now. I'm sure you'll be ok.

      If you listen to us all, the main thing is getting the 'consistency' right. We all seem to be either constipated or loose. I work full time and am managing fine, it's just that 💩 & im fortunate its only once a day. How often r u going?

      Just make sure you know where the loos are at all times!! I was so worried about going the loo at work, that my GP prescribed laxative suppositories. I haven't really used them, but if I know I've not been the loo and I'm going out for the evening and don't want to be caught short, then I have used one. This might be good for you if you plan on going out for the day? Keep positive xx

    • Posted

      I'm going 4 to 5 times a day. Although today is 4 already and it's only 10am. It's not the consistency that's killing me, it's the frequency. And almost had an accident while soaking in the bath just now. I didn't think I was going to be able to get out and to the loo in time, thankfully I did.

      I'm not getting a chance to heal properly cause I'm always on the loo it seems.

      The only pain relief I can take is Panadol which isn't strong enough really but I am avoiding anything with codeine in it because it causes constipation.

    • Posted

      Tonya go on the cruise. The change of scenary might be good for you. You deserve the break so take it. 

      Your surgeon is a numpty. He really needs a reality check. Maybe show him some of these posts. He's bloody delusional if he thinks you would be great after a week. My surgeon was quite understanding when i spoke to him on the phone, he explained the trama my body had gone threw and was very understanding[ which was supprising]. 

      Back to the cruise. Go and enjoy yourself.There will have to be compromise of coarse i.e. the big bottle of red with dinner may well have to be replaced with a tall cool glass of orange juice and the big hot curry will have to be replaced with a lovely fresh roast chicken or fish dish, bu hey the scenary will replace those urges adn maybe the change of scenary will force a bit more control of the bm's, albeit maybe becareful of the swimming pool biggrin.

        Also carl made a great point about using a suppository laxative so you can enjoy a longer period without fear of a supprise poopy

    • Posted

      That made me laugh Martin. Lucky I don't like spicy food or drink alcohol, so that won't be an issue.

      I'm more worried about being stuck in my cabin to be close to the loo and spoiling the cruise for my fiance.

      The cruise was meant to be our wedding and honeymoon but we have decided to postpone the nuptials, given my circumstances.

      We are going back to Ireland for a month next Xmas, maybe we'll get married over there instead.

    • Posted

      I wonder why you are going so often Tonya? I understand how that would get you down.

      Would you be able to cancel the holiday on medical grounds and get your money back or will they allow you to postpone it to when you are better? x

    • Posted

      Ah he'll be grand wink. Just let him wonder off on his own around the ship when you not up to it. Give him some pocket money and he should be grand. Hopefully you got a room with a small balcony so when you arse is in tatters from all the food you can hang it out and let the sea air sooth you. Leave it blowing in the wind cheesygrin. just becareful you don't get a surprise poopy and give the side of the ship a coat of brown paint biggrin

    • Posted

      4 to 5 times a day has always been normal for me Carla, which has never been an issue, until now.

      Now I'm wishing I was a once a day girl!

    • Posted

      You're hilarious Martin. Yes we do have a balcony stateroom. We got the best thinking it would be our honeymoon. So at least if I'm stuck in the cabin, it will be pleasant.

      He might have to use the public toilets a lot. At home we have 2 toilets, so it hasn't been an issue thus far. 😊

    • Posted

      Your game taking that. That's got codeine in it doesn't it? I got told to stop taking it because it causes constipation which is a fate worse than death right now. I would kill for some codeine today, 4 BM already and it's not 11am yet.

    • Posted

      yip sure does have codeine. I think they call it hilly billy heroin in the states ?? but over here it's not easliy prescribed but not as shuned apon. Iwent off it for a couple of days but when the surgeon found out he said to go back on it. I think i've 2 days left of it and after that i'll use something different. 

       I'm in bed now but i've another question for all?? Do yous do the same as me and walk around all day with medical swabs between the cheeks of your arses. I change them about 3-4 times a day and after all bm's. Just curious to see what the general trend is. I find the substances from each change of dressing differs from puss to liquid blood to puss containing small traces os feacal matter.  It's great to hear what you all use as i'm defo one for changing routine to suit a more comfortable day of recovery.

    • Posted

      Anything with Codeine is hard to get here in Australia now, since they brought in new laws because of all the addicts. Lol.

      As far as the swabs go, I don't use anything between my cheeks but use pads that would normally be used by us women at that time of the month. Saves changing knickers every couple of hours and peace of mind that nothing will go through my clothing for the world to see.

    • Posted

      Martin I used really big maxi pads for the drainage for over a month. I couldn't stand the feeling of the gauze between my cheeks. Tonya being u go to the toilet so much I can help but wonder if the codeine might just slow u down some instead of constipating u. I took the codeine pain meds up until last week. As long as I stay on the miralax twice a day I didn't have any problems. Only time I've had problems is if I back of the miralax. Idk if I would've made it through this without the codeine pain meds.

    • Posted

      I'm tempted Melissa, believe me. I was in hospital for a week after the surgery and they were giving me codeine the whole time, but because I didn't have a BM for 4 days, they stopped the codeine and gave me a strong laxative to get things moving. They told me to stay away from codeine since. Dealing with the pain has been horrendous. They did give me ligocaine gel which is an anaesthetic to apply after each BM. It does provide some relief but not for long, I haven't heard of Miralax, are you in Australia? I might have to see if the pharmacist can recommend something else for me besides Senna.

    • Posted

      No I'm in the states but Sam takes agiolax and it looks to be the same thing. Maybe google it and see what the equivalent is in Australia.

    • Posted

      Yes Carla, completely unexpected. I had had a few glasses of wine the evening before and I also had bought the local prunes and had a handful. I think it was the combination of the two. I wasn't even trying to pass gas and it just happened completely unexpectedly. Has never happened before or since. Have to say I've not had the prunes since... but still the wine!

      Tonya, just make sure you go fully prepared with stool softener, laxatives, site baths and enjoy the holiday. I've been travelling for a month now and would say apart from that accident I had forgotten I had the op 3+ months ago

    • Posted

      Carla. No I haven't taken anything last month as been traveling. It's on;y happened the once and I'm hoping it was the Aussie prunes!

    • Posted

      Yes it's only happened to me the once Sam... thank goodness!! I've reduced to 10ml Lactulose per day, I just hope this keeps things in order. I'm terrified of becoming constipated 😩

    • Posted

      Today is the day I go back to my surgeon to say WTF? Just not quite in those words. It doesn't seem to matter how much I 💩, I end up back in the bathroom going again and again. And they're not loose stools, so they take some effort. Sometimes a little too much effort. The soreness grows with every passing poop, until I feel so tired and sore, I want to curl up and cry. There are times I've made myself stop going after about 3 trips, but I can still feel pressure. This has got to come to an end!

      Appointment in 3 hours. I'll be back!

    • Posted

      Jen I always felt I hadn't 'emptied' myself and then it felt sore/pressure. I literally have to squat on the toilet seat and press my bum cheeks to squeeze the rest of the 💩 Out. That's why I increased the stool softener, but that then made me loose.

      Last night was the first 💩 That came out ok but there was blood in it, which I've never really had before. But I feel that I'm going to become constipated again coz I'm only taking 10ml stool softener... but I guess time will tell.

      I go back to my surgeon at the beginning of Feb... can't wait, as I want answers!!! X

    • Posted

      Hi Jen

      I saw my surgeon yesterday, 3 weeks post op from second surgery. HE was pleased with my progress but is now saying another 6 to 8 weeks for full recovery. My all too frequent BM's have slowed the healing, surprise surprise. We have changed strategy by using a different stool softener that doesn't have a laxative. It would appear my bowel has become lazy due to the laxatives and that's why I'm having the near accidents and too many trips to the loo.

      He prescribed me a host of medications to take with me on the cruise to cope with pain etc, so hopefully all will be OK to travel next week.

    • Posted

      Well ladies and gent,

      I took one for the team today. He did an internal with his finger and a scope. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, that hurts!" Then I sat up and cried. He said everything looks great and is healing. I do have a skin tag and a tender spot, but all in all, there isn't anything wrong. What I'm experiencing is my sphincter spasming and making it feel like I need to go. He prescribed some nitro glycerin ointment to apply around the outside of my bunge hole to stop the spasms. He also suggested Metamucil along with the stool softeners.

      Phew! I need my sitz bath!

    • Posted

      Wow, brave girl. My surgeon examined me with his finger yesterday and that was bad enough, nearly kicked him.

      That's good that you're healing well. I guess it's just a lot slower recovery than any of us expected.

    • Posted

      I know it's not the vacation you were hoping for, but do know that I believe everyone of is wish we spent our 4th week post op on a cruise to heal! ?😊

    • Posted

      I know. The change of scenery will be great. I've been stuck in the house since the first surgery 6 weeks ago, except for the week I was in hospital over Xmas.

      the fresh air and scenery could be just what I need to speed things along. 😊

    • Posted

      Ouch!!!!!! Well done tho ladies, glad all is in order and you are healing good, albeit slower than we all anticipated!! X
    • Posted

       Ladies alas another AA meeting AA [arseholes anonymous] LOL this bloody hilly billy heroin again eek .  Bravo for enduring the finger up the butts. I can tell you i'd have the surgeon by the nuts before he starts and remind him that you hurt me i hurt you, as they don't  understand what pain we go threw. 

       The positive is that you all are healing and have been given new directions to go in regards to  meds etc. I've lost hope with my surgeon and am turning to my doc from here on in. 

       On a more positive note i went with my brother to his pre-op meeting yesterday.He's getting the same op as me. The nurse tried to tell him it'll be grand. It was quite funny as to every thing she said to my brother about the op and recovery i gave him the truth. At first she tried to fob my off but it was kinda funny near the end, thank god she seen a funny side to my comments and we did all laugh. 

       On a more serious note i'm off the hill billy heroin tomorrow so not sure what to expect. I'm seriously thinking of canibas cookies for pain relief eek

      Sounds odd but i have been told of the relief benefits and am thinking strong about it and tbh there is a ton of chocolate laying around from christmas lol

    • Posted

      Think up a name for the group . AA might be a bit harsh??.It's a bit of fun so it can be anything

    • Posted

      😂😂 Martin all above is funny!! Mind you, if I'd of been told what this procedure was going to be like, I would of had second thoughts. That said, I probably would of thought to myself 'oh I'll be ok' and gone through with it.... then regretted it!! I bet your brother in-law ends up on here with us 😳😩😂

      Love the title.... also thinking of Ring of Fire; Taken; Scream; The Shinning

    • Posted

      Ring of fire sounds good, I was also thinking Bladerunners, cause it's like passing razor blades. 😆

    • Posted

      Glad to hear everyone is doing good. All the names are funny. I would say Ring of Fire. I see my surgeon in just a few hours. I'm dreading him poking around down there. Tonya I hope you have good trip.

    • Posted

      Everything went good. He didn't even look down there but said unless I have problems I don't need to see him again. He gave me more pain meds to have in case of a bad BM. He said the bleeding could last up to a year. Also he said I could stay on miralax forever but that it would be better to switch myself to Metamucil. Everytime I've tried that is when I have problems so I'm gonna let myself heal some more before I try that again.

    • Posted

      Excellent. That's great. Since I changed my strategy, I only had 2 💩 yesterday, one was in the morning and one was before I went to bed. The last one was not easy and was quite painful which equaled no sleep, however the day was relatively pain free, which was a nice change.

    • Posted

      Tonya that's great that u only went twice. Sucks that the second time hurt. Hopefully it will get easier.

    • Posted

      Great news ladies.

      Sounds like we are all healing well, we just need to train our 💩 to come out firm, with an easy push & pain free 😱 X

    • Posted

      yay to everyone. Melissa stool softner for ever ???? hope not. 

       Getting better on this side of the world aswell. Still in some discomfort but but not on any pain meds in the past 2 days. Just need to get my diet back in check {catching up on missing junk food redface}


    • Posted

      Martin I would do it mainly to keep from getting another hemorrhoid. I have IBS so I go through bouts of horrible constipation and then horrible diarrhea. Eventually I will make the switch to full fiber but even before this surgery I would have to use enemas and laxatives at time. I hate having screwed up bowels. Glad you are feeling better.
    • Posted

      Well guys & dolls, I've been off the stool softener (not sure if it's a good/bad thing just yet) for a couple of days.

      Today I went the loo and did a 💩 with minimum pain & no squatting and pushing, so I was very pleased; until I looked back at the prize and the water was bright red with blood.

      Not sure what's going on there. It's 3.5 months now & im SO fed up - Grrrrrrr x

    • Posted

      Carla my doc said the bleeding can last up to a year. Not the news I was hoping for.
    • Posted

      I got a fright to be honest, as I've not had any bleeding and this was quite a lot. It's such a long recovery. X

    • Posted

      Good morning all ,

      I have missed this chat group the last couple of weeks , how is everyone recovering ?

      It's been so busy this past couple of weeks Iv stepped straight back into the old Lisa's life haha ! I'm still having one day a week bad day ! Where I get ring sting or a bad b/m !

      I'm still wondering about this tag ! Is everyone still left with theirs ? I think I will give it until April and if mind is still there I will ho back to docs and ask about removal !

      Have s good Sunday all


    • Posted

      Morning Lisa. Unfortunately I've still got the tags and will be asking for them to be removed. Although not until all things are healed and moving correctly down below!!

      Glad you're on the mend smile X

    • Posted

      I won't be letting another doctor touch me again. 6 weeks of hell so far, I'm not going there again, no matter what happens! 😭😢

    • Posted

      How are things with you Carla ? I did read a couple of threads and seen that you have had bleeding has that stopped now ?

      Tonya have you got any lumps and tags left after op ? I just want a normal looking arse lol ! I'm saying that i will want them removed but if it means another op i may change my mind !


    • Posted

      Hi Lisa. There was a lot of blood y'day. I've been today, painful(ish) coming out & I was back to helping it move along by pressing my bum cheeks. There was a little blood, but it was ok.

      Looking at my tags I reckon they can just be sliced off. I know this will leave an open wound and be painful for a good few wks, but they will have to go. I'm not going through all this to have some weird flappy bits left behind. I want a designer hole 😂 X

    • Posted

      Well girls I think I'm one of the lucky ones. I don't have any tags. Now sometimes when I go to the bathroom if I poo a lot I will have some but it goes back in after and all is well. I also have just joined the I pooped myself club lol. I got constipated and had to use an enema. Well while I was trying to hold the enema for as long as possible I stepped out of the bathroom to get my phone off the charger. All was well until the trip back to the toilet. I'm not gonna lie to u some of it squirted out on my bedroom floor. I'm hoping to get off this toilet and clean before my husband comes in the room and steps in it. I will update on that crapstorm later lol.

    • Posted

      oh dear Melissa, it's a horrible situation & feeling to be in! Hope your ok and get back to normal soon.

      I can't remember what it's like to poo without problems! X

    • Posted

      Well evryone seems to be getting a little better . I have finally decided to go back to work today eek. It's not an easy choice due to the fact the toilet is 5 mins away. I also work in a clean envoirnment so have to wear a  boiler suit which gets hot and sweaty. I've alot people using the same dressing room and am afraid of something happening , like needing to go for a b/m and having to shower after and people asking how come i'm showering. 

      Also my b/m are getting easier but i'm in alot of discomfort for hrs after. Sometimes its a stabbing pain , but most of the time it's an aching pain about the size of a tennis ball in the general area of the hole of doom. By evening time it's gone and i get complete relief and  am pain free, sothats a big bonus. If i could just stop this the pungent discharge i'd  be good. 

    • Posted

      Welcome to the club Melissa! Crap isn't it!? Hope it's the one and only time for you. 

      Tags and blood.... I hope in a couple of months it's all gone, but for some reason I'm not too confident. When I looked this morning it looks like the same size tag as it was pre op 😳. The thought of blood for up to a year is worrying, I'm going to message my doctor and ask him too. 

      Carla, I hope you are getting back on track with not having to assist to have a BM. 

      Martin, good luck back at work. I did have the tennis ball feeling the odd time, but it didn't last too long.

      happy crapping to all x

    • Posted

      How long ago was your op Martin? I had some discharge on and off for about a month then Disappeared. Came back once or twice when I had a difficult b/m.

      My 💩 of the day was much better, slight pain passing it out but that's all. I'm scared to say I'm near the end of recovery encase it's not 😝

    • Posted

      Aw no Melissa I hope that's the only time this happens to you ! These tags are awful and I worry that it's not going to disappear by itself !


    • Posted

      Well I am about 95% positive that I have caught a stomach bug. I can't stop 💩 So far I'm not in too much pain but am having some slight pain. I'm very thankful it is soft coming out. This is not what a person wanted this soon after having this surgery. Also I did get the 💩 Cleaned off the floor last night before anyone came in the room lol.

    • Posted

      Samantha please let me know what your doctor says about how long the bleeding can last. It really does suck going poo on yourself. Martin I hope your word day is going well.
    • Posted

      Glad you got it cleaned in time , hope it's just a 24 hour bug and it clears soon xxx

    • Posted

      How did your day back it work go Martin.

      I was supposed to go back yesterday(after 6 weeks) for a few days before I leave on my cruise this Friday. I decided because I'm still in so much pain for hours after going to the toilet that I would be kind to myself and rest for the last few days before we leave, and then hope and pray I can manage the pain enough on the cruise to enjoy it.

      Melissa, you poor thing, I've been so close a few times but been lucky thus far. I do worry that I will be no where near a toilet when I need to be on the cruise, especially when we are on some of the little islands, I might just have to stay with the ship instead of go sight seeing. Lol.

    • Posted

      Tonya I hope you do good on your cruise. Samantha that makes me worry. My surgeon completely released me the other day. I only bleed when I poo and not everytime. But yesterday I bled a tiny bit without pooping. Today with all the diarrhea I'm having I'm not bleeding at all.

    • Posted

      Carl: i had the op on the 20th dec.Work went well. No bm tf. I did take a diafene before i went and i find lately it really settles things down after a bm. The only thing with work is that i noticed when i went to the bathroom to clean up abit, that i had a good bit of discharge and it was really pungeant eek. I'm contemplating using a sanitary towel to prevent it getting on my boxers. 

      Tonya you lucky fecker going on a cruise !!

    • Posted

      Martin I kept some flushable wipes with me at all times so I could wipe with those. It helped the odor from the discharge. I had that drainage for about a month and a half. It's completely normal. Glad your day was good.

    • Posted

      Glad your day went well Martin. I'm dreading my first day back, but that is 2 and half weeks away yet. Got to get through this cruise first. Not feeling very lucky Martin, I've had 2 💩 today since 5.30am(6 hours ago) and they weren't easy. I've been in awful pain since and totally worried that the only difference on the cruise will be the location but still having to deal with this nightmare. I'm not looking forward to it at all cause

      when you're not feeling well, home is the only place to be.

    • Posted

      Melissa, yes I only bleed when I poo too and if it's loose I don't. I'd say I go 5 or 6x a week and bleed say 4x. I'll go when I finally get home next week and see the surgeon and let you know/

    • Posted

      Aw Sam , when is your colonoscopy booked for ?

      I hope you get sone answers !

      It's ongoing isn't it this recovery ! I'm still not 100%! Iv had enough xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa, I'm still bleeding when I go to the toilet but not every time. Only when I have what I classify as a normal bowel movement. If I have loose stools I don't. Which my stools are not what I class as constipation. So the surgeon said he wanted to take a look and check inside. What a pain in the butt this all is. Just had a good look and the skin tag I originally had is still there but everywhere else looks ok. I'll take it all up next week, uff xx

    • Posted

      I do understand that tonya. We all hope it goes ok. Can i suggest  you bring a screw driver with you on the cruise. You can unsrcew the part of the chair you sit on in the room [so it's just the frame left] and then put the portable bidet/sitz bath on it , so you can relax on it on the balcony and be still soothing yourself. I do know home is the best place to be to recover but hopefully it'll work out for you. 

      Melissa: i do keep wipes with me at work,a towel,change of boxers, pain meds,and a rubber ducky for the shower lol. yesterday i didn't clean myself enough, probably should go every 2 hrs. 


    • Posted

      P.S. today my brother goes for his op aswell. Poor fecker. I have him well versed on what to do. He's not much of a computer guy but i'll keep yous posted on how he's doing

    • Posted

      Martin those first few weeks are the worse. I remember pulling my pants down and thinking my word I stink lol. Hopefully your drainage will stop soon. I got so sick of carrying around those extra supplies. It took me an hour to pick everytime because of all the extras I had to do. I hope your brother has a better time of it then we all have. Samantha please let us know what happens when u see the the doctor again. Hopefully it will all be good news.
    • Posted

      We'll ladies and gent,

      I'm off to California for 4 days ...leaving tomorrow. Got all my 💩 meds, softeners, pain killers, ointments, etc. packed. I'm not really crazy about this nitroglycerin ointment. I'm still in a lot of discomfort for a couple hours after my morning 💩. I've now got them regulated to just mornings by taken 2 stool softeners w 8 oz of water, followed immediately by a dose of Metamucil at night.

      *sigh* it's been 9 weeks since my surgery!

    • Posted

      Jen have fun on your trip. I wish I could get mine💩To cooperate with me lol. After my trip to Mississippi in November I started feeling better. I was terrified to go and I did great on the trip (better then I had at home actually). Have fun!

    • Posted

      My hemorrhoidectomy was originally scheduled in October but the weekend prior to my Monday operation, I got a bad cold and had to cancel it. The plan was to have the op, then leave for our trip to Iceland 3 weeks later. Phew...I dodged a bullet there because we spent most of our time walking around. I had my surgery 5 days after we got back. I feel Tonya's pain.

      I also know that Christmas weekend was really great for me 💩 and pain wise. Makes me wonder if I just need to get up and quit thinking about it. I know I'm going to have to do that for the next 4 days in L.A.

    • Posted

      Ok so a quick update on my brother. He had the surgery today at about 15:00. He had 2 removed and the surgeon said that he had to leave 2 due to him fearing rendering him incontinent eek. He said he should be fine with what he had done but if not he might have to band them at a later date {why did he not band them now???]. Might as well be hang as a sheep than a lamb !!. It gets better. The nurse says after that he can rest up for the night and see how he feels tomorrow. With in 10 mins the same nurse comes back and says the surgeon says you can go home at 20:00 this evening ????? WTF . So my brother got discharged at 20:00 this evening and has not had a bm yet??? They did not tell him to take stool softners or anything about a sitz bath, just take some pain meds and we'll see you in 6 weeks. What is going on with the surgeons, they have no clue about what pain and suffering we go threw in recovery. I think its bordering on neglect. 

      I had my cousin in Australia online the other day asking  about how i was doing, she is a nurse and she had a patient who just had the same surgery as us. So i asked her what the surgeons recovery process was for the patient and yet again he didn't have one, WTF is going on with these muppets , it seems to be a worldwide problem. I told her all about what we discuss and she asked could she tell the surgeon so i said if he wanted he could email me or ring. I'm happy to tell them what i think{ the dopey pr*ick}. 

      Sorry ladies for venting here i'm just getting frustrated with this whole 'you'll be grand in a week sh*t'. Oh i forgot to mention the other day when i went to my docs, that i said i'm refusing to go back to the surgeon and i said that he[my doc] should not refer anyone else to him due to the lack of care and deception i encountered. rant over

      Again sorry 

      Martin [normally calm}


    • Posted

      Martin when I had my surgery they didn't even keep me two hours after. They also didn't give me any pain meds at the hospital. They taped my hurt cheeks together with gauze in my crack. I started feeling pressure when I first woke up in recovery. They got me out of there before the pain even had a chance to kick in. So we left hospital and went to the nearest pharmacy which was three miles away. In that short amount of time the pain hit me and just steadily got worse. I stayed in the car while my hubby got the prescription. It was awful. I was crying and jumping in and out of the car while we waited because I couldn't handle the pain. It was easier also for me to stay in the car then go home and wait. We live a good ways from the pharmacy. Well I immediately took the pill and an hour and a half later I was still screaming with pain. I felt like I needed to poo but I didn't ever that day. Well I told my hubby that if that pain pill would kick in that I would be ok and he said it's had plenty of time to kick. Well that brought on fresh tears and I started panicking I told him I could not live in that much pain. So I took some Advil and another pain pill and when those kicked in I started getting relief. The next day I puked all day long and had my first two BMs. The third day it was just BMs and I was starting to live with my reality. These surgeons don't tell you 💩 Mine did prescribe another stronger pain med on the third day and I was able to get some relief. He did give me miralax from the beginning and told me twice a day. Also told me if I didn't poop by the third day to take a laxative. He never told me I was gonna want to die if I needed to take one. That's what started me just taking a 💩In my sitz bath then jumping straight into hot water. I would have to clean the sitz bath when I got out the tub. It was just a miserable time. I'm glad the bad part is behind me. If I ever get a Hemmy again I won't have the surgery again. I would have to be dying from them to go thru it again. Although with each cesarean section I've had it got easier. I never want to take a fiery 💩 Again. Sorry about the rant. These lying surgeons really bother me. I would have rather known just how bad it was gonna be so I could be prepared. Thankfully I found these forums. How is your brother this tonight? It may be morning for y'all I'm not sure. It's 11:34 pm for me. Hope he has an easy first night. Make him take stool softeners and pain meds reguraly.

    • Posted

      Oh Melissa, your story is exactly my story when I had my first surgery on 2nd Dec. Word for word. These bloody surgeons have no idea. My second surgery on 22nd was a lot different because although there were complications caused from the first surgery, I was kept in hospital for a week and they did a good job of managing my pain while I was in there.

      It all went to sh*t when I got home though, lol.

    • Posted

      Hey everyone

      Omg all of our stories are pretty much the same ! I stlll Can't believe that I had my 2 operations in October and I'm still getting bad days !

      These poxy doctors say two -six weeks ! What ever !

      A week after my first op I had a check up and I still shiver at what I went through ! They gave me an internal whist I was in agony ! It was the worst pain Iv ever experienced! It went on for at least 20 mins ! 5 days later I had another op and had two lots of infections going on !

      Glad another surgeon operated on me cxxxx

    • Posted

      Hi evryone. I'm in a relly sad place tonight. I came home from work {23.00} and said i'd pop into visit my brother next door. He was in bed and his partner said he's in agony so i didn't disturb him as she said he can barely talk. I feel so annoyed at the surgeon. He knew from what i went threw what to kinda expect, but he now is fully aware of the devistating horror show that we have all lived. I'm finding it so hard to watch him go threw this. I'm trying to give them both advice but know all too well of the torturous journey he has just started into. We know his pain and it's really shocking to see someone close have to go threw this.

       How are they allowed to operate on you and then turn their backs. Why don't the tell you the truth. 

    • Posted

      Oh Martin I hate to hear that. We knew it was coming though. I will say a pray for your brother.
    • Posted

      Omg Martin your poor brother!! I must admit I was shocked that he was going ahead knowing what you had gone through, but I think it's because we think 'it will be different with me' or 'I'll be ok'. I do hope he's ok & wish him a speedy recovery.

      It's almost 4 months and 💩 is still a problem for me. It hurts (not a lot), but it doesn't come out easy and I have to manually manipulate my cheeks to squeeze it out. It's awful. It's negligence of these surgeons for not fully explaining the after effects of such an operation.

      I don't know about anyone else, but my stools & farts seem to stink more than they did and that's another embarrassment. My child is going to grow up remembering a smelly farting mother sad

      Jen / Tonya have great trips, I do hope you both get to enjoy your time away and make some lovely memories. X

    • Posted

      Carla I also have noticed my farts and 💩Stink worse now. Used to I could slip a fart out and no one would know. I don't dare try that now. Sometimes the smell is too much for me. I'm hoping there will come a day when I don't worry about pooping anymore. I still have to worry about taking meds to make me poop and if I don't go in a single day I worry. Martin I hope your brother is feeling ok today and I hope he does a lot better then we all did.

    • Posted

      Carla and all,

      I'm sitting at a table having breakfast right now while reading these new posts. I told my husband that I'm in discomfort but not in pain. And as for farting, I can rarely do that without sitting on the loo. Even that takes some effort.

      Martin, I think a lot of people go into this surgery thinking, "it can't happen to me. I'm stronger than those weaklings!" Little do they know. This surgery could take out King Kong and Godzilla!

      Hopefully being within walking distance of of Disneyland will bring me comfort. We have reservations to have dinner with Goofy tonight! Today we're off to the NAMM convention.

      Take care everyone....

    • Posted

      Jenn I hope your vacation is fun. We had breakfast with goofy at Disney world in Florida two years ago. We had a blast and can't wait to go again. Also sometimes a big fart actually still hurts my butt lol. I guess we should be thankful we aren't completely incontinent.

    • Posted

      Ok so my brother is still really bad. It's just a bit shocking to see someone go threw what you just did. I told him it gets better but it's noteasy and i don't have a good answer to give just advice!!

       I'm still giggling at you ladies talking about farting. i'm kinda jealous as i do fart but it's really a lottery and one of these times i reckon i might not win lol. 

      On the recovery front i'm about 80% healed i reckon. I still get discomfort going for a bm, but its not really sore. I  still use the sitz bath/bedit to clean myself properly but i don't have any discomfort in doing so. i'm passing alot of pieces of stitches which i think is good. I do still suffer from that awful tennis ball size aching pain after the bm but i'm pain med free for 2 days and just trying to cope with it. 2 bm before work today and i was aching all day but i am grateful i'm not where i was a few weeks ago so i deal with it. I'm starting to see a flicker of a light at the end of the tunnel.

      One thing i will say is that without you ladies since the start of this i would be lost. I can't thank yous enough for the support threw all of this. Yous really are amazing people and i wish i could grant a speedy recovery to all. One thing i know is that we will get to the bottom of this bum deal and our farts will smell of roses again cheesygrin

    • Posted

      Haha Martin. Yes I think we all think the same to this forum, especially when you hear people are experiencing the same 💩

      I wonder if the stronger odour is because of the fibre? I know I fart more because of it.

      Well I'm lying here waiting for my laxative to work as I missed going y'day and I'm on training today, so I really don't want to be caught short in a classroom with people I don't know!

      Jen hope your enjoying your trip, sounds fun... hope Tonya is ok and enjoys hers too smile x

    • Posted

      Hello to you all. Well we arrived in Sydney yesterday, and we board our cruise today. I'm struggling to have a BM. Haven't been since Thursday and it's Saturday morning here now. I feel like I need to go and keep going to the loo and struggle for 30 min before I give up. It feels like a very slow moving glacier that does not want to drop into the ocean.

      the pain afterwards is awful and have decided when I get on the ship, I'm going to take a strong laxative to get things moving. Feel like I'm sitting on a rock.

      Your poor brother Martin. My family won't even consider going through this after what I've been through. He's a brave man. At least he has you, the same as we have each other. You can read our comments to him. I've read them to my partner, just so he can see its not all in my head. Lol

    • Posted

      Aahh Tonya sounds awful, but least you have the good old laxative!! I think I'd control my b/m's that way. Hope all goes well and you enjoy your trip.

      Hope your brother is feeling a bit better Martin!

    • Posted

      If it helps any Tonya, I arrived in L.A. on Wednesday and I ended up taking a laxative this morning since I wasn't moving enough and was getting backed up. I'm actually typing this from the convention where I'm happy to report thelax just kicked in.

      Laxatives are our friends when we're on vacation! The pain is bad enough without exasperating it....

      Happy travels!

    • Posted

      First of all thanks to all of you for sharing your  experince with your surgeries.  I will do the same and hope that someone else can benefit too. I am a 52 yr male who has been suffering from hems for many many years. Usually after a bleeding episode, inflamation would subside and I would move on with my life.  However, on my last episode, the hemorroids would not go away and the pain was sometimes unberable. So from Nov 23, 2016  all the way through Christmas, I was dealing with my hemorroids.  My mother and my sister have both had hemorroids removed so they had warned me about the surgery pain.  On Dec 28th, I met with a Dr in Mexico ( he had done my moms surgery 8 years prior) and checked me out and said he could remove my surgeries the next day, we agreed on a price of $750 + $100 for medicines.  You see, I am currently unemployed and had no health insurance.  He told me to take laxatives and eat fruits and veggies and show up the next day at 9:am.  I was tired of dealing with my hems and finally decided to get them removed - I knew it was going to be painfull, but my mom and sister had both gone through it (about 8 years ago) and they were both fine now.


    • Posted

      On Thursday Dec 29,I had my surgery done.  My mom went with me and told me it lasted about 1 hr.  I was completely out - do not remember much of the day of the surgery.  The Dr said I bled a lot due to the fact that I have high blood pressure. He also said that he removed many internal and and external hems.  The rest of the day I spend it at the clinic sleeping and throwing up.  I do not remember feeling much pain.  The next day, Dec 30th, I was released and came home in the USA. The doctor's instructions were to take anti-biotics 3x/day and pain and antiinflamation pills 2x/day.  In the event that the pain was unbearable, he gave me 6 pills just for that.  Eventually, I only took 2 of the 6 pills. 

      Now I was nervous about my first BM.  It was almost the end of Day 2 and I had not had a BM yet.  Well, it came very early on Day 3.  It was very painful.  My poop was soft, but it just would not come out. A few hours later I had my second BM - it hurt  again.  There was some blood in my stool and some watery blood on my gauze pad.  Every 2 hrs I changed my gauze pad - it was always dirty.

      On day 4, I took too much laxative, I must have had 8 BMs that day.  I was exhausted.  In fact I probably became dehytdrated.  That night I did not sleep much.  By now, I have had 5 days of hell with very little sleep, not eating much and on day 5 after spending a sleepless night, I was in bed trying to sleep and suddenly started shaking uncontrollably.  It lasted for about 1 minute and it went away.  I thought my Kidneys had shut down.  You see your mind starts wandering and all sort of thoughts come to mind.  I called the Mexican doctor and told me to stop laxatives and take Pedialyte.  He said I was dehydrated due to all the laxatives I took the day before.  

      Day 6, I am feeling better.  Still changing my gauze pad every 2 hrs.  I had about 4 BMs that day.  My diet consisted of a veggie smoothie made out of apples, carrots, beets, metamucil and orange juice.  Later my mom stated adding cactus leaves ( cut out the thorns of course), 3-4 Activa yogurts/day, and zuchinni/carrots soups.  Also, I took 2 pills of Probiotics 30 billion bacteria.  I did not take laxatives and stool softeners.

      On Day 7, I visited my Mexican Dr for my first check up.  He stuck his finger up my anus and said it all felt fine.  He said his finger came out clean of blood and felt no obstructions.  It was good news - at that point he prescribed me a cream to apply on my anus to prevent an infection.  

      Days 8-13, continue to eat the same boring food plus 1 egg with pinto beans for breakfast.  Still no laxatives and stool softeners.  By now I am changing my gauze every 3 hrs.  I still comes out dirty, but no blood on the gauze.  It does show a yellowish watery stain.  By now I am in Houston TX where I live and decided to get a second opinion so made an appointment to see a Colon Surgeon. 

      Day 14 - I visited a Colon Surgeon in Houston.  He told me I have not healed for someone who had the surgery 2 weeks ago.  He also said I had an infection so prescribed me additional antibiotics.  He also said to do sitz baths and lightly tap the area.  This is to dislodge any material that sticks to the anus and around the area.  Again, the idea is to keep the area clean.  He also stuck something in my anus to open and see internally.  That night I bled a lot - like never before.  I got scared.  However, it only bled that one time.  I have not bled since.

      Today, day 28, I went to see my Dr in Houston for a follow up visit.  He said it is healing fine but it still needs more time.  Continue taking metamucil and keep the area clean.  I do about 6 warm baths per day.  The first one is about 7 am after my first BM and the last one is at 10 pm before I go to bed.  Typically, I have 3 BMs per day.  Continue to eat my boring food - lots of fiber, grains, veggies, fruits, yogurts and eggs in the morning + probiotics.  I do not eat tortillas, breads, pizza and meats.  I did start eating fish 2-3 times per week.  

      My Dr wants to see me in 3 weeks (7 weeks after op) and said that ge will do an endoscopy to see inside my rectum. So I think I am over the worst part of this experience.  I just need to stay regular and 2-3 BMs per day and keep my anus clean to avoid an infection.

      I have not regrets doing this - I just don't think I had a choice.  My Hems had gotten to a point where I was under a lot of pain.

      I have not taken a pain pill since week 2.  and two days ago, I took my last antibiotic pill.

      Again, thanks to all for your postings - I will continue to post if I think I can help.  Jess

    • Posted

      Jess glad to hear you are doing better now. It sounds like you had all the same issues as we did. I'm almost three months out and haven't had pain in over a week. I still take miralax because I'm scared of the BMs. Hope you continue to do well.

    • Posted

      Sam have you gotten your colonoscopy yet? Just wanting to know how things went with that. If not good luck.
    • Posted

      Omg Jess I can't believe you've had internals so early on. I don't think I could of stood the pain!! Well done you!!

      I'm like you Melissa, I feel great but dread the b/m's. They still hurt, but I think I might have a fissure causing the problem. I'm hoping when I'm 💩 Without pain/anxiety & these tags are off, I will sit back, pain free and say 'it was the worse pain of my life, but the best decision'... unfortunately I haven't reached the latter yet!! X

    • Posted

      I'm with you Carla! Last week's trip to the left coast of the U.S. didn't work out to well bm wise and I've been trying to get regular ever since. After Miralax on Wednesday and a laxative yesterday, my bum is on fire 🔥

      I can't believe I'm going thru this 2.5 months after surgery! WTF!!!! I'm still using the nitroglycerin ointment twice a day and taking 2 stool softeners and Metamucil every night.

      This is mind blowing!

    • Posted

      I've come off the stool softeners as it was making me too loose. 💩 is a little thinner than what they were before the op, but I don't really care as long as it's coming out lol.

      I hope Tonya is having a nice time and managing ok 👌 x

    • Posted

      This question is for everyone - I plan to start a substitute teaching job on Monday Jan 30. I am very nervous about having an unexpected BM.  So far I have been at home and I go when I need to go.  But in school, I may have to wait until a free period or lunch.  When did you all start to wipe your butt with a wet wipe or toilet paper?  I am on Day 30 and only clean my butt with sitz baths.  I won't be able to do that in school.  I was thinking of taking a couple of water bottles and splash my butt with them and then pad it with wet wipes. thoughts?

    • Posted

      I had the same concerns when I returned back to work. My GP prescribed suppository laxatives so I could manage my b/m's. I didn't really like the idea of that, as I was worried I would heal up & get stenosis or my muscles would go weak & not work properly. I have used them as and when and so far I've only needed to go once in work in the past 4 months!!

      I would definitely recommend you carry around those disposable toilet wipes & some spare under wear!

    • Posted

      Jess I've used the wet wipes the whole time. I just patted the area not wiped. I carried extras in my purse. The first time it happened in public I was at Walmart. It was an awful experience because of the pain but I made it through it.

    • Posted

      Melissa, yes I had it on Wednesday. The gastroenterologist said all looked well, two small hemorroids inside that he said is the likely cause of the bleeding with bowel movement. The notes say he took two biopsies so I'll wait a few more days for the results to hit the system and then go back in.

      Not happy with my system since as although I did all the bowel prep and cleaned myself out for the colonoscopy I've not since been to the toilet. Took two dulcolax after lunch yesterday and had a curry last night and still I, waiting 😳. 

      The doc did say my colon was not straight as it should be, more bends than normal. I guess this is the father affect of having had my uterus removed a few years ago and then the other organs collapsing into the space.

      The bridge of skin never disappeared for me yet so I guess it will always be there, but it's small and I don't mind too much. I won't go back through another op unless I have to!

    • Posted

      Sam glad your colonoscopy went well. Everytime I've had a colonoscopy it took me a few days to go to the bathroom again. I guess the prep just cleans us out so well we don't have to go. If my bridge had stayed I also would not have it removed. It is there sometimes and not there most the time so I think I got lucky.

    • Posted

      Hope things getting moving for you Sam. At least you know what's going on up there and the reasons.

      I think this 'bridge' is different to the tags that I've got. The tags I've got are two pieces of bumpy, floppy skin around the anus (1 at the front & 1 at the back) and they are constantly there. Horrible looking things.

    • Posted

      Thanks Melissa/Carla,

      Yes i I think my briedge also depends on my bowel movements! But it seems to be a permanent structure! 

      I just googled anal anal skin tag and clicked on images. Mine doesn't quite look like the first couple of pictures. More like a squashy piece of skin. Does that help Carla when you have a look?

      i do so hope I go to the loo today, I took an additional 2 dulcolax this morning as it's now day 4 since no motions! Good to know it takes a couple of days... 

    • Posted

      Wel this morning I've woken up to a sore butt. Idk why it's hurting. It's not unbearable but it does feel like it's the same pain as the surgery. Very weird. I haven't had a BM or anything. Also I've started mixing fiber with my miralax I'm gonna try to slowly get myself off the miralax. We will see how this works out.

    • Posted

      Oh no! I'm sure it's just a temporary set back. Do you have any zalocaine or lidocaine you can put on it to take the pain away?

      Finer is good, I should start adding extra to my diet too.

      I can safely say the dam has now burst 💩 What a horrible few days. The intestines are still sore though 😳

    • Posted

      Well at least you are going and didn't get constipated badly. I don't have anything I can put on it but I do still have left over pain pills so I took a half of one of those. My little boy has baseball evaluations in about two hours so I had to be able to feel good for that. When I took the fiber before it made my 💩Not as thin so I'm waiting to see once it bulks up again how it feels. Hopefully not painful...

    • Posted

      Good luck to your son. My boy plays ball too.

      hopefully your able to watch and forget about your butt for a few hours ??😀

    • Posted

      Hope both your boys have played well. Glad things have moved along for you Sam.

      I've had a great wkend, amazing how great you feel when your bowels are behaving... let hope it continues!! X

    • Posted

      Glad you're finally feeling relief, Carla. It gives me hope.

      What I need to know is how all of you who work dealt with the pain at work? I have a 4 hour working interview tomorrow morning an administrative assistant. Morning is my worst time of day when it comes to pain and discomfort. And to be honest, I haven't worked outside my home in 9 years. I spent that time running my own PR business, so I never had a schedule. I'm thinking of trying to change my bm schedule from morning to evening, but I'm scared of rocking the boat.

      Suggestions welcome.

    • Posted

      My little man did great yesterday. Carla it's good that you are doing well. Jenn I am so thankful that i didn't have to work throughout this ordeal. It took me so long to recover that I'm not sure I could've made it lol. I would be afraid to rock the boat also. Idk how u ladies have gotten yourselves on a pooping schedule. I just never know and it hits me so fast. I started using the fiber with the miralax yesterday like my doc said to make the switch from miralax to fiber and so far I have not had a BM. The last time I tried to use fiber I ended up having problems. But I'm hoping since I'm using both it won't be bad when I finally do go. Im just hoping to have a BM today.

    • Posted

      Hi. I've only really suffered with pain during and after a b/m. On those occasions I grin & bear it or will take pain relief as the last resort. I only go the toilet once per day and have been lucky in the timings and managed to only get caught out once at work. On the odd occasion, work or social function, I've used a suppository laxative so I don't get caught in an awkward situation!

      Thankfully as time has gone on, my body is giving me more notice as to when I need the loo, coz at one time i only had a few minutes warning!!

      You may find being distracted by work takes your mind off the pain! X

    • Posted

      Melissa, just fiber alone may not be enough.  You can also take Probiotics 30Billion Flora, apples, papaya, etc.  I take two probiotic pills daily.  Eventually I will drop it to one.  I have not take Miralax and don't want to. I will take laxatives only as a last resort.  Instead I plan to also take Sauerkraut and Kimchi.  These are foods that I have tried in the past and did not like.  But now, I need to build up the good bacteria in my gut to ease my BMs.  One more thing that I started doing is incorporate Aloe Vera crystals in my smoothies.  I buy the aloe vera leaf from a grocery store and cut out a piece of crystal (remove the outer skin).  I cannot even notice the taste.  Yesterday, I started incorporating a chamomile tea in my sitz baths.  Also for the first time, before going to bed, I applied a mixture of coconut oil and aloe vera crystals in my butt. I am on Day 32 and feel my wounds have healed enought that I feel comfortable introducing these substances into my butt.  I think I read on early posts that some of you have been using coconut oil.  I have had the coconut oil for a while but did not use it until last night.  Will keep you posted.  There is a lot of information out there.  Please check with your doctor and only use what you feel is appropiate for you.

      Tomorrow, is my first day of work.  It is only training from 8 am to 3 pm. I will get up early tomorrow and make sure I have my first BM before stepping out of the house.  Once I get there, the first question from me is, "where are the restrooms?".   I will take plenty of wipes, guazes, and water bottles. I am sure it will be fine, I just need to be prepared as much as possible.

      Thanks to all for sharing information - we all benefit from it.


    • Posted

      Hi everyone. I'm back from my cruise. I had a good time despite having to deal with all the issues from my 2nd surgery 4 weeks earlier.

      the first two days of the cruise was awful because I had horrible trouble with my 💩 and terrible pain. Thank God I took my sitz bath with me.

      My mornings are the worst still, so I pretty much stayed in my cabin until the morning 💩 and the pain associated with them subsided enough for me to get out and enjoy what was on offer. I have a terrible time if I have to sit for any longer than an hour at a time. The ring sting lasts for hours after a 💩 and is really starting to get me down.

      I'm supposed to be going back to work on Monday, and being that the mornings til about lunch time are still awful, not sure how that's going to go. I've been off work since I had the first surgery on 2nd of December and mostly without pay, so need to find a way to make it work.

      Glad to read that some of you are progressing well. I missed reading your posts while I was away.

    • Posted

      Welcome home Tonya, glad you had a good time. Did you manage to do some trips (& not just to the toilet) ??

      I go back to my surgeon for a check up on Mon, it can't come quick enough. I actually feel wonderful until I have a 💩. It's still painful (think it 'might' be a fissure) & I struggle to get the last bit out, unless I manually manipulate my bum cheeks. It's really doing my head in. My 💩 Is much thinner than what it use to be, it's like the rectum has got smaller.

      We are going to be so mentally strong after this is 💩 torture is over!! Xx

    • Posted

      I went on one excursion but it was day three of the cruise and I was still in a fair bit of pain. Sitting on a bus for a few hours wasn't a good scenario.

      I also feel good once I get over the mandatory after 💩 pain which lasts a few hours. If I could just poop once a day and at night instead of the morning, I could cope very well. Lol.

    • Posted

      Yes I'm sure sitting on a bus was the last thing you needed!! Glad you still had a nice time & hope you made some lovely memories to cherish x

    • Posted

      Hi Tonya,

      So glad you were able to enjoy yourself. And I hope your fiance wasn't too disappointed.

      I completely understand your morning anguish. This is exactly what I go through and I'm 11.5 weeks post op. By noon I start feeling better and by evening I'm pain free, but I would also prefer having my daily 💩 at night before bed so I can heal overnight.

      On Monday I had a working interview for a job from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. I must admit that it does get my mind off my discomfort, but then again, I upped my Metamucil so that I now drink a dose on the way to the job along with my bedtime dose. So far, so good...but I'm feeling a little iffy this morning. Ugh!

      Hope you can smoothly adjust to work again.



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      I forgot to mention that my interview seems to be lasting every day this week. LOL

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      Thanks Jen.

      I'm trying to get my BM's sorted again post cruise. I took way too much codeine in the last half of the cruise, but it was necessary for me to have some enjoyment. Side effect is constipation, which I've been working hard to avoid since the surgery. So I have a few days to get things moving again and comfortable. Unfortunately I have given myself a nasty fissure which hurts like hell and a small haemorrhoid which I'm hoping will go away.

      I'm so glad you were able to return to work and hope I can too next week.


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      I think that I am completely healed now. But at times I still have blood when I poop and a little pain but nothing that is horrible.
    • Posted

      Hi ladies & Martin

      How are you all getting on? Not being on here daily I suspect you are all recovering brilliantly smile

      Well considering the shock & being traumatised of looking like I had been cut with a ginger bread biscuit cutter, had narrowed & ended up using a dilator... all is now great.

      💩 No longer hurting when I go the loo & back to normal size(ish), but I do still have to squeeze my cheeks to help it out 🙈 But consultant said this will get easier & it's still early days. At least I can now hold my 💩 in... those first couple of weeks I thought I would end up incontinent !!

      Tags have reduced (slightly) & consultant said he will 'shave' them off in about 12mths, as its best for skin to heal properly otherwise it will be scar on scar.

      Anyway, although it was an ordeal, I'm glad I had it done. It's so good not having those dreadful Hemorroids!!

      Enjoy your Sunday; Carla x

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