hemorrhoidectomy Surgery recovery anyone else felt good after?
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Hey everyone! So yesterday I had my hemorrhoidectomy surgery done, going into the surgery I had no idea what they were planning on doing exactly i didn't care either I just wanted something done.
A little about my situation. I had a massive skin tag which also had a hemorrhoid attached at the base which was situated at the entrance (skin tag was that big it became exterior) that I could not get rid of, I've had this for about 4 + years at first it was nothing bad but after falling pregnant and carrying it became very enlarged. Also struggling with IBS my whole life I found it hard to control it and would also have other haemorrhoids pop up here and there but cream would fix it. I never had bleeding that I noticed.
I got to the point where this skin tag and hemorrhoid was ruining my life. I felt gross and never wanted to have sex with my partner because I thought it was disgusting.
So after all this time I decided it was time to do something and surgery was my option. After booking it in I decided to research the operation .... Biggest mistake! So many horror stories and I almost chickened out. But I figured I had to do something!
Waking up from surgery I felt great just a little tired but no pain. After getting home I read all my surgery details and found out they had removed the skin tag and a hemorrhoidectomy on the attached hemorrhoid, I also had a rubber band on an internal one. I didn't want to look down there I seen the pics on the net and was so scared. I took the bandage off that contained the aniseptic earlier then I should of. I felt numb down there when wiping from doing a pee (so glad I could pee!) I felt the area with my finger and to my surprise it felt normal minus the skin tag and after having a quick look I was impressed.
It's now 24 hours since surgery and I've had very limited pain only sharp jolts here and there when my pain killers are starting to wear off. I am taking ibuprofen 400mg and Panadol taking alternative every 4 hours. I'm also on a liquid laxative and stool softeners along with Metamucil and flaxseed oil tablets which I started taking prior to surgery.
I am yet to have a bowel movement and I'm pretty scared about that it sometimes feels like I got to go but it's just gas. But with all the pressure I think it makes it feel like I need to go.
I'm up and walking around even doing some cleaning but taking it easy. I'm really hoping this continues and crossing fingers my bowel movement is not horrific as the ones I've read about. I'm staying positive!
Anyone else had this surgery and felt as good as I have ? Does it stay this good? Or am I just getting my hopes up.
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fmaqbool staceybayliss85
SFlor staceybayliss85
I'm very happy for you - I wouldn't wish my post op experience on anyone. Two things _I did a little too much on day three post o thinking I was fine and paid for it a day f two later so just to be on the safe side take it easy. And if you can switch from Metamucil to Konsyl 100% All natural Psyllium I would. I have only seen Metamucil with added sweetners in and they are chemicals - (like Aspartame in Diet drriks and really not good for you). Good luck - I hope you continue tto improve.
sorebutt staceybayliss85
Hi Stacey , I really really really really hope it goes as smoothly as it has started for you . I have been through it , as have many other people here and not had a good time at all . There are the occasional people who sail through it , and I hope thats the way it goes . Drink plenty and keep taking the stuff , as constipation will be the worst enemy you have ever had . Good luck and keep updating your conversation .
kevin29138 staceybayliss85
Thanks everyone for your advice I will be looking into swapping Metamucil.
I do think I got ahead of myself, a little TMI is ahead ...... last night I felt the urge to go so I sat on the toilet and just waited I didn't want to push on my own so it resulted in being nothing (however after wiping with baby wipes there was brown mucus).
This morning I had the same urge again so sat down and I felt like something was going to come from this but no but this time there was blood. Not a lot but enough for me to want to cry.
I had a sitz bath and I'm now taking it easy drinking some water. I'm really hoping once I go it's not all down hill. I'm not in pain down there but more just a full uncomfortable feeling and after inspecting the area it still seems to feel the same.
kevin29138 staceybayliss85
SFlor staceybayliss85
Stacey - you may want to consider stool softners - I'm taking them morning and night and I did a lot of research into constipating foods. I'm so scared to get constipated ever again - seems the worse contenders are meat, dairy, painkillers!, crisps/potato chips, gluten, anything high fat.
I'm drinking 3 litres of water a day plus water in my smooothies and apple juice. I researched foods that are easy to pass thorugh you and eat manily only these Aloe Vera juice (good for healing) berries, figs, apples, prunes, pears, probiotic foods, coconut water, water melon, beetroot, tomatoes, brown rice (not white) apple cidar vinegar, ginger.
Bananas - seem to be different for people - looks like green bananas are a NO but ripe bananas are ok - I'm too scared to try.
Coffee the same - it has always helped me - but I only have half a cup with soy milk every morning. - for the record almond milk is easier to digest than soy.
This is just what has worked for me. and I really started just on a small bowl of soup and a pievce of gluton free bread.
Even after I have a BM it feels to me like I need to go again but yesterday my DR told me I am still swolllen inside so I'm guessing that is what is causing that feeling.
Take deep breaths when you go to have a BM - my friend told me she could hear me holding my breath. I've done lots of screaming fo rthe pain and lots of crying,but we'll get through this eventually.
The only good news I have so far - after 9 weeks post op - is that I have lost 18lbs! Trying to be posiitve....
staceybayliss85 SFlor
I do have stool softeners but just standard ones from the chemist and have been taking them as per the bottle instructions but today I took 2 more then suggested and I think it's helped!
18lbs wow! That's awesome! Is that from just improving your diet or not having much of an appetite?
SFlor staceybayliss85
Mine are just the standard stool softners but looks like I will continue to take them morning and night. Plus the Psyllium for ever if i need to.
The weight lose was not an aim - and really not needed - but I'll take it! My diet has always been pretty good - (but due to my job and travelling not at consistant times) I'm a veggie/ boardering vegan and try to be as gluten free as possible. But my appetite was down to minimum - I really ate because I feel like i need to keep stuff moving through me. I chew really well. and at first a smoothie of everything - plus fresh pineapple and aloe vera meant to be healing plus a soup was all I was eating all day.
Well after having very very small bowel movements today I have finally had a decant sized one tonight. Even though it did sting a little all I can say is I felt so much better afterwards knowing the first one is done. I'm feeling quite swollen though and had a little bit of bleeding. Will update in a few days hopefully with continued good news.
kevin29138 staceybayliss85
SFlor staceybayliss85
Well done!! you must feel relieved. Amazing the things we can now get excited over!
A warm water Sitz bath may help with the swelling. And for the record I am still bleeding 9 weeks post op so don't feel alarmed for a little blood.
After about 6 weeeks my Dr gave me a perscripsion for hydrocortisone to help take down the swelling but I think time is the real healer.
4 days post op.
So the last 2 days have been pretty crap. Literally.
Yesterday I had about 4-5 medium sized bowel movements they were find a little pain and a little blood but nothing to what I've read of people's stories. My appetite was also in full gear I wanted to eat anything and everything.
Today was opposite, wasn't very hungry and late in the afternoon I was struck with a bowel movement that was very painful it felt like it was ripping me apart and all I could do was try and then shower then try again and again and again. I was on the verge of tears and my leg was shaking. No blood which was weird. But once I was finished I felt 100% better.
I hope this never happens again it was horrible.
But on the plus side I did get out and about, I drove which felt normal. Walking was a little uncomfortable but bearable.
I do believe my constant moving and not just laying in bed has attributed to my fast healing, this also happened after my c-section with my daughter I was on my own from the first week and I had to do everything and I healed great doing things others weren't at 6 weeks.
annabanana2016 staceybayliss85