Hemorrhoidectomy - Tips for recovery
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Hey all,
Well I’m on day 25 now, and before I start to forget all the things that helped me, I will write them down for you all. I scoured the internet, read some real horror stories - but I am now through it and hopefully this might give you some hope and help as you recover. I am pretty much better, taking painkillers very occasionally (once per day, if at all).
I’ll skip the day by day recap (there's enough of those out there!) and give you what I think might be helpful tips.
There are some real horror stories out there, and it’s definitely not a nice thing to go through, but you can get through it. Think of how many success stories there are, but just not put on the internet. Only the horror stories seem to make it on. Hope my positive story and tips help.
My situation:
- I had grade 3 hemmorhoids removed.. big ones. Surgery, not banding.
- Drugs: Targin (Oxycontin and something else) for 5 days, along with 1000g paracetamol + 400mg ibuprofen. Movicol twice a day to ease the constipation effects.
- Day 12 I went back to work in the office. Not great, but I had to do it. Used paracetamol + codeine as painkillers, which helped. Also, I think moving around actually helped. Because from day 12 onwards I was getting stronger and stronger, and my recovery picked up a great deal. So maybe forcing myself off my backside and moving around a bit helped. But I’m not sure, could be coincidence.
- Day 15 I was able to sit without pain! I’d usually have a painkiller but up until this point that would not have got rid of the pain or the uncomfortableness. But from this day, I started to have bouts of feeling “normal”
- Day 25: Slight uncomfortble-ness, but not too bad at all. I’m able to sit, swim etc. But am careful not to exert or lift heavy things. When I do that, my bum hurts! Every day is better.. hopefully soon it will be all better.
So on to my tips.
My tip for the first day:
Even if you can’t feel anything, don’t do much: in retrospect I did too much moving around when I couldn’t feel a thing, thinking everything was ok… they put a nerve block in, so I couldn’t feel a thing. Moving around was probably a bad idea, next time (hopefully there won’t be one!) I will just lie down and watch some movies. I probably aggravated the rawness down there which may have made it worse later on. In the evening I started my first Targin tablets (this is Oxycodone and something else to stop the constipation effect of the Oxy). I had 5 days worth of these to see me through the worst (however I needed longer.. more on that later), and Movicol to also help counter the constipation (twice a day).
My tip for taking the meds?
I took the Targin (Oxycodone) for the first 5 days.. but also at the same time every 4 hours I took Ibuprofen + Parecetamol (Tylenol in the USA I think). None of those interact with each other, so it was safe to take all of them.
- Don’t miss taking them!! A couple of times I went past the 4 hour mark, thinking that everything felt a bit better.. big mistake - I would get crippled with pain as they wore off - I would take Ibuprofen + parecetamol immediately when this happened but it takes some time to act, so I would be in more pain than I needed to be in. So for the first 10 days or so, keep taking them all.
- When my Targin ran out, I went back to my pre-op meds which I had: Panadeine Forte (Paracetamol + codeine).. I took 500mg of those when I woke up, along with 400mg Ibuprofen.. because I knew I had to poop (usually did in the morning). This seemed to help. Then as time went on (day 14 or so onwards) I wouldn’t need to take them in the morning.. just occasionally if the pain got too bad/uncomfortable.
My tip for pooping
Smartphone + YouTube: I would get little warning that I would go need poop (probably the movical), but I did just have time to unlock my smartphone, launch youtube and click on anything on the home screen (actually got into Will Smith’s you tube channel) and play it rather loud! I would stick this in front of me on the floor and it would distract me somewhat from what was happening. I think this helped.. try it, it can’t worsen the situation!
- Put your feet on books / putting your feet on tip toes to raise the angle of your legs: whilst sitting on the toilet, I lifted the angle of my legs by lifting my heels off the ground, then later, used a book to lift them up. This helped the poop come out easier.
- Baby wipes: very very gentle dabs were better than wiping. I did just enough to get me from toilet to shower
- Shower: Straight after pooping, I would head into the shower.. hot water.. and I would cup my bum crack so that my arse would sit in some hot water… this really helped. A couple of times, my wife ran me a bath when it was too much lying on the bed. As others have said, this really does help. The shower was always there though, so I used this mainly. Straight into it after pooping. I would gently clean the area with some fingers full of shower gel. This was more effective than trying to wipe/dab clean.
- Constipation: One day, about Day 14 I got constipated.. I had been taking the codeine for pain, and also movicol but i was blocked up. Not nice at all. I pooped just little bits about 6 times in a day. Quite painful. My tip, watch out for codeine, it will block you up. Maybe take extra movicol if you move onto codeine. I should have done that.
My tips for bum leakage
Yes, your bum is going to leak, especially after a poop. It’s hard to keep it clean. Shower or bath after, but then you’re still gonna make a mess of your underwear I’m afraid. Until I found out about this...
- Womens sanitary pads: Seriously, this tip is a lifesaver! It soon became apparent my arse was not doing a good job of it’s main function: keeping my poop out. Keeping things clean down there is a problem for the first couple of weeks. I would change my boxer shorts 3 or 4 times a day, and I found the bed sheets were a mess in the morning. I pretty much fixed both of these after I found a tip online: use those stick on sanitary pads that women use. Not the ones "with wings", but the feather light ones which have a sticky back to them. I could stick these vertically inside my boxer shorts.. this would capture 90% of the leakage, and I could just change the pads rather than by underwear. Also worked for overnight too. But just to be sure in the first few nights when I didn’t have pads, I slept on a towel.
My tips for swelling / “oh no! I feel haemorrhoids *after* the op!"?
- Worry not: On day 2 I became pretty depressed, as I managed to feel “down there” and I could feel what felt like external haemorrhoids.. NO! I thought - the op didn’t work! I obsessed about this for a few days, it was not nice. My lovely wife actually took some photos with my phone.. yuck - what a mess. Big swollen bits sticking out, worse than I went into the op. I mailed it to my surgeon.. he said he’s pretty sure its just swelling, and will die down after a while. I didn’t really believe him.. but after 10 days I went to visit him and again he said the same thing. They are not hems but will take 6 weeks or more to go down. They are skin tags, I’m now sure of it. As I write this on day 25, I still have them but they are getting softer and slightly smaller. I have been able to sit down and they don’t bother me too much.
There you go.. I hope this helps.
Good luck!
2 likes, 11 replies
cassius39002 chris50798
chris50798 cassius39002
Good luck going to the GP as well.. I felt that was a major achievement for me, actually getting out of the house. I got an uber there and back, and it wasn't nice sitting in the car. But glad I made it.
cassius39002 chris50798
chris50798 cassius39002
Hey Cassius,
Sorry only just seen your reply.
It takes a while.. I'd say day 12 you'd be able to do some very short drives. Every day from then on, things got much much better.
It got really boring/annoying not being able to sit down, so I feel your pain!
hang in there.
el1812 chris50798
Dear Chris, I am reading your tips 4 years after, and am extremely grateful! I am 48 hours after LigaSure haemorrhoidectomy for my very large grade 4 (despite they were staying inside after manual reduction of prolapse after every BM) hems. I have big painful lumps outside already - so reassuring to read about your experience. Taking Codeine 60mg +Paracetamol 1000mg+Macrolax and hope for the best (smaller dose made me miserabe). Liquid low residue food for the first week with laxatives, then will add some fibre.
Thank you, and would love to know how are you now!
jolie82560 el1812
hi . i am looking through the conversations as i also had a ligasure haemorroidectomy yesterday i had 3 large grade 4 removed . i can see you are also recent with your procedure .
i felt i have been given such little advice ore and post surgery. I saw my surgeon for 2 mins after the procedure when i literally had just woke up and cant remember a thjng with no follow up appointment .
so i am day one at moment . i am not 24 hours past it yet but i have to say i feel fine. minimal pain . feel great to what i expected . were you the same ? im getting cocky that i wont be in pain and got away witb it ? did the pain come after the first day as i assume i ve got some local up there still. i am so scared of that forst bowel movement as well although not needing it yet.
hope you are feeling ok x
el1812 jolie82560
Hi Jolie, hope you are feeling better today! I am 5 days after operation, and every day it is a bit better! Fingers crossed....
Drink. A lot! 8 glasses plus per day. Take your painkillers at least three days, then reduce a bit and see. I am on Movicol osmotic laxative 2 sachets per day, also keeping a liquid, low residue diet for now and till I am ready - no need for my poor bottom to be overstretched for now. My first BM was on 3rd day, literally a liquid.
Diltiazem 2% сream (generally in the UK only for anal fissues, but I managed to convince my private care surgeon in the UK to prescribe it, pea size 3 times per day, plus 5-10 min before BMs and after very wash). It is a wonder drug, greatly reduces need in Codeine. And by relxing the sphincster it helps a good blood circulation - therefore faster recovery.
Lactulose does 'eruption', really uncomfortable for BM (I am straight on much softer, almost no flatulence Movicol because of this, my surgeon suggested to try and see what works for me best) - for my BM the point is to have time to relax sphincter before it all happens! Panting and distracting is good. Physiological position (feet on books about 30 cm from the floor - a must, and keep the habit up if you do not want any recurrence later... Warm (not hot) short Sitz baths after, to wash gently without touching - also helps to urinate. I use unbleached paper kitchen towels just to wipe around. Then COLD hairdrier. Chris50798 gave here wonderful ideas, really grateful to him.
Look also at youtube Doctor Albert Chung "Your Friendly Proctologist" videos, they made a huge difference for me.
The medical studies show that recovery from LigaSure variant of same classical operation is twice quicker and less painful. I see it now. Also medical studies suggest that Vit E locally reduces the pain (just use the capsule - I have from Holland and Barret and it worked!! So simple...)
Please let me know how you are doing,
Best of health!
ian47564 chris50798
Great advice Chris.
Your'e one of the lucky ones, I'm at week 6 now and heading back to surgery as my hemorrhoid surgery got infected and turned into a fistula.
The upper-gastro who performed my original surgery gave me no idea of what I'd be facing, or the suffering i would go through.
If anyone reading this is considering a heamorroidectomy, if possible get a colorectal surgeon to do it, and if your'e back in action within 2 weeks - count your blessings.
el1812 ian47564
Hope your surgery goes well, Ian. I found that even the best surgeons are not always good to make sure their patients do proper bowel preparations before the surgery, which makes life much, much easier...just a pureed and liquid diet might be with laxatives, it is personal. And of course after! Liquids and purees and Movicol (osmotic) laxative, tons of water. You will be almost yourself after a week with good preparations and well done operation, fingers crossed and best of luck! Also you might consider to search online Diltiazem 2% cream as a topical painkiller after rectal surgery to prevent anal spasms, stenosis, pain, speeding up healing process and making BM tolerable! A lot of foreign surgeons use it this way, this use featured in many specialist medical articles (but not in the UK yet). Talk to your surgeon, be informed - it gives some moral strength. Ask the surgeon specifically NOT to damage your sphincters - they will be very careful when opening and stretching you up. Best under GA apparently.
Best of health and good luck!
robin39630 chris50798
That was great synopsis of your experience. I am post-op day 6. I am experiencing bad pain during a BM. My butt looks worse after surgery than it did before. I actually started reading this forum to see if anyone else was experiencing similar problems and yes they are. I also have raw skin areas and a raw spot near my anal canal. I'm using ibuprofen, an occasional hydrocodone/acetaminophen. and lidocaine topical cream. My BM's are terrible. My body does an uncontrollable involuntary hard push that worries me because I don't want to develop another hemorrhoid right after surgery (or never). My follow-up is in 7 days and can't wait to see what Dr. says. I hope all is healing well. I need to return to work in 10 days which consists of standing all day. I hope that will be more tolerable than sitting. Was standing more tolerable than sitting?
blancodonnie chris50798
I’m on 2nd month of post op recovery and I still feel pain when lifting things or standing up. The pain is worse after each BM and lasts for several hours. When was the time you felt nothing during the day and when was the time you had no irritation/pain after BMs?