Hemorrhoids? Constipation problems! Need help
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ok so as you can read my title i have had constipation problems for a few days and now i think i have developed hemorrhoids. Let me start of by explaining everything and hopefully someone can help me ASAP. Now keep in mind im 19 years old, average weight, dont really work out, and smoke weed.
so my constipation problem started around last Sunday so 6/9/19 to be exact & Today is 6/19/19. On saturday afternoon i took a nap, after awakening i went to eat a sandwich my mother had ordered. After eating that sandwich i stayed up playing video games and went to sleep around 5AM. Now i usually use the bathroom about 4-5 hrs after eating this sandwich because it usually makes me want to "Go" but i didnt this time and i found it weird but didnt think about it too much. The next day i still felt like i didnt have to go and i decided to just wait until i did feel like i had to go but that moment never came so i just decided to eat. After a few hours still i didnt feel the urge to go so i decided to just go sit on the toilet and see if eventually i wanted to go. Keep in mind though that i did this because i started to feel constipated and bloated. After trying hard to push "stool type 1" on google came out. It was hard to push, came in small pebble like shaped pieces, and it was a small amount of it. I started eating better foods and drinking lots of water. It kept going on like that until Thursday, when i asked my teacher for any suggestions, he told me try a "smooth move tea" which is laxative tea and another friend told me about prune juice. That night i took the tea (only once did i use it) and went to sleep, when i woke up i took a 8oz cup of prune juice and starting to go much easier but it was coming out liquidish now (im guessing because of the laxative and prune). Throughout the day it was like that and i didnt feel bloated or constipated anymore so that problem was out the way. The next day was saturday and i only took another 6oz of prune juice that morning because i still felt like it was hard to push out the stool , no more laxative though, and was going throughout the day liquidish again. Sunday came and i decided to not drink anymore prune juice to see if my stomach could go alone without the juice, and it was hard bust still managed to poop without it (i could only poop squatting over the toilet it began to be hard to push while sitting regularly) it was "stool type 6" now , mushy but it was like a snake stool but still in short pieces. I thought hopefully the stool was going to become more slid throught the next day so i left it at that. Forgot to mention but since i was worried the whole week i was basically sitting on the toilet for a lengthy amount of time. Monday came 6/17/19 and i woke up , i didnt feel like i had to go poop but i decided to just sit on the toilet to make sure . After pushing and squatting stool type 6 came out again but after pushing more liquidish came out too so thay freaked me out a little. i decided to go to school that day and was home by 10AM because i leave early. after getting home i pooped a little bit again sometime between 10AM-12PM. that was the last time i pooped. After that around 5PM i felt like i had stool ready to poop so i went to the bathroom and i pushed , now nothing came out but it sure felt like there was poop trying to come out so ipushed a little
more and eventually gave up, i grabbed a wipey for sensitive skin and wiped myself. When i did i felt a bump on my anus and was freaked out. It didnt hurt but it felt like a filled up water balloon, it was like squishy and i was scared. the next day (Tuesday) i went to the doctors but they said that it probably went down (the inflammation) and just gave me a natural fiber therapy mix for my stomach. KEEP IN MIND I STILL HAVENT POOPED SINCE MONDAY (DONT KNOW IF THATS BAD OR NOT). i went home had a mix of the mix and thought i had to go so i sat on the toilet and felt like i couldnt let go still like it wont allow me to push out so i took a video and saw everytime i did try to push out the anus would swole up and not open so im scared that i might not be able to poop and that could possibly become worse. im sorry for including pictures but im just really scared and dont know what to do! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ! the picture was the first time i felt it and the video is after i got home from the doctors image
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https://photos.app.goo.gl/BYXQ1vDcxMhm9HuT6 here is the video , everytime i push i feel like it gets bigger
thomas79405 Erickk157
you. need too. drink alot of. water. and get. rid. of that weed. that dont help. and you need. to start eatting better. and work out . its seems. all over u is not good
Erickk157 thomas79405
wait it seems its over for me ? or what and i have been drinking lots and lots of water and eating better but the thing now is that i have the feeling to go to the bathroom but everytime i do the anus clutches up more and it sponges up whenever i try to push anything out so basically it wont alllow me to poop, it doesnt hurt but i cant pass stool
Erickk157 thomas79405
https://photos.app.goo.gl/SxaXrMno86FLs7rj9 WARNING this video shows how it looks like after i try to push poop i couldnt include it in my description WATCH IF YOU WANT to better understand what im dealing with ANY ADVICE WILL HELP
jake31434 Erickk157
Hey Erick
You definitely gotta stop pushing like that on the toilet as it seems you have given yourself the start of hemorrhoid symptoms. It's still likely that you will be fine and they will go away as long as you take care of what you eat and drink. Don't focus on drinking laxative teas and things like that as making your poop runny can also cause those same symptoms. You need to eat fiber foods like fruit & vegetables. Google high fiber foods and add the ones you like into your daily eating habits along with a good amount of water-try for 2 litres a day. Don't stress as I feel like your situation can be resolved with just monitoring it. I hope you feel better!
Erickk157 jake31434
thanks for the advice ill try everything u said!
jake31434 Erickk157
also if you genuinely don't like foods that are high in fiber then try drinking a fiber supplement such as metamucil every morning. It will help you go without needing to push but it also wont make them too runny or anything, just make sure you drink plenty of water to help the fiber supplement do it's job.
Jnf123 Erickk157
Straining is the root of all evil. avoid at all costs! Its difficult but what ever you do ,wait until you have to go. Otherwise, you'll end up in the same situation as us. Either banding or surgery. I had the banding done about 2 weeks ago and I'm still feeling the effects. granted in between I've strained, I can't say that I'm in pain more uncomfortable than anything. Just so badly wanting to be back to normal.
Jnf123 Erickk157
Straining is the root of all evil. avoid at all costs! Its difficult but what ever you do ,wait until you have to go. Otherwise, you'll end up in the same situation as us. Either banding or surgery. I had the banding done about 2 weeks ago and I'm still feeling the effects. granted in between I've strained, I can't say that I'm in pain more uncomfortable than anything. Just so badly wanting to be back to normal.