Hemorrhoids flare up...any connection to peerimenopause
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Sorry if this is TMI, but I've got myself scared to death as usual. About 5 days ago I noticed a little blood when I wiped, that went on for the next couple days. I had no pain whatsoever, but have been having very loose stools for about a week before this..think maybe it's the magnesium I've started taking. I've been treating it with Preperation H and there hasn't been any blood since, but it feels like I have to make a BM even when I just went. This is sort of embarassing, but wondered if anyone else had dealt with this.
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lynda20916 jo67532
Instead of taking magnesium in a tablet form, try using skin lotion infused with magnesium. Then, the magnesium will be absorbed by your body slowly through the skin.
I can't take magnesium in a tablet or combined with other substances in a supplement, because it will give me diarrhea.
If the blood is red, it likely was caused by your hemorrhoids being irritated by the frequent bowel movements. But, if it continues, go see your doctor. xx
jo67532 lynda20916
lynda20916 jo67532
Yes, it's available in health food stores and on line. And you only need to put on a little bit, generally. The one I use recommends about a half a teaspoon a day.
Nancy2121 jo67532
jo67532 Nancy2121
Thanks Nancy! I'm going to stop taking the magnesium in the pill form. Someone suggested lotion en-fused with magnesium as a better alternative.
Nancy2121 jo67532
lori93950 jo67532
lori93950 jo67532
sharcerv52408 jo67532
Oh my gosh, yes! I've been having the same problem. But with me there is definitely pain and itching/burning. I suffer from chronic constipation so I get the hemorrhoids every now and then. I just had a flare up which started last week. It is very uncomfortable and upsetting because the anxiety starts to kick in as what else could be going on. It's amazing the things shifting hormones can cause.
jo67532 sharcerv52408
Mine are internal...I think they itch and are a bit painful when they are external. These hormone shifts can really make you feel crazy!! I go from one symptom to another. I'm trying to look at things as a new normal and just roll with it, but it's hard when you face another new symptom to get over!
sharcerv52408 jo67532
So true. In fact, after all the smoke clears and the dust settles from these crazy hormones, we won't feel like our actual normal is normal. When we go back to feeling like our old selves, that will seem abnormal to us.