Hemorrhoids surgery, recovery time and the truth
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I had the surgery 4 months ago. Before the operation my surgeon stated that the recovery time will be one to two weeks and I believed it! When two weeks passed and I was still in extreme pain and still running between bed and bathroom, he said the " complete" recovery will take 1 month and what he said about 2 weeks meant the recovery from the "clinical" aspects! One months passed, still pain and discomfort... This time our great lair who seems to be trained to create medical lies said: Oh! Everybody heals differently, for some people a "complete" recovery time can be three months! three months passed and now I'm 4 months and a week PO, cant sit easily, can't stand more than 30 minutes (due to feeling pressure in rectum) , cant work normally (due to weak body and lack of energy), cant eat normally, but still hearing from my butcher: Up to 6 months, in some cases 1 year!!! ... Oh dear God! how are surgeons train in medical colleges to lie with no shame! ....Dear medical butchers! We human beings who are dehumanised under your bloody knives, WE know you're lying! STOP REPEATING LIES! ...
we ordinarily people who know nothing about medicine, present our bodies to you offering money to you to listen to your lies, we know that and you know....! Stop your lies! We know you have to lie to us before a surgery: the recovery time is 1 to 2 weeks, you can resume your normal activities after two weeks.... We know if you do not lie, nobody comes to you to present money and the body and mind to be destroyed by you... ! Yes, for a few dollars, apply the knowledge you have learnt in universities, and the respect you have gained as MDs and surgeons, these titles, yes, respected butchers, abuse the pain patients suffer, to refill your pockets.
My advice to people who
4 likes, 54 replies
thomas79405 Guest
hi there i would not call them liers ok. i had surgry back in july of last year and he told me with me in good shape it would take 3 weeks to 2 months til i,m in full recovery and i was in full rec in 6 weeks . and as of today i,m doing awsome great and doing very well. no problemsdrinking alot of water eatting alot of fruit everydayeatting whole grains everyday. and i,m doing awsome .my doctor was awsome . as for pain some but not bad. my operastion took 15 minutes . i was out walking the next day. i went back too running 3 weeks afterwards. he told me your stool will be very soft and as time goes by it will get back too normal,. he was right on everythingthomasnormal,ill
chelsea86884 Guest
I think it depends on the person and what they had done. I had the surgery in june and was back at work two weeks later and fully healed by six. This was removing two externals surgically.
janet95101 Guest
Allen, you are not alone. I had my hemorrhoidectomy (3 externals removed...2 internals LEFT IN!!) Nov 8, 2018, nearly 10 weeks ago and still have not been able to go back to my job. My days (for the most part) still revolve around my bowels (trying not to get constipated without getting diarrhea...Ugh!) and trying to figure out what I can and cannot eat that will agree with me and pass easily. Just a week ago, after not having a bloody bm in weeks, I had 2 pretty severe one's, which terrified me. I havent had anymore since, but my surgeon ordered an abdominal ultrasound to see if something is going on with my gut (gastritis, ulcer, acid overload, gallbladder, etc.) That was a week ago today and I STILL have not gotten the results. It was supposed to be no more than 48 hrs. Meanwhile, my belly pain persists (off and on) and I'm still struggling to find foods my body can digest properly. Fiber and water bull...Ive drank enough water to fill an ocean and the fiber in powder form binds me up, and fiber in food form kills my belly and/or gives me diarrhea. When I told my surgeon about all of this, plus the fact that I, also, cannot sit without pain longer than 30 minutes and have post bm pain, very little energy, and my depression is getting really bad, he had no real answers or advice for me. He just acted like something is wrong with me and not the surgery because most people are fully healed by now...he says. So hang on, Allen, you are not alone in your suffering. I promise you that. I pray we all heal and heal properly very very soon!!! Best of luck...
Arok675 Guest
If you had Hemmerectomy or spyncterectomy gonna take at least 6 months until all symptoms from surgery are gone, it's all up to your diet and honestly your pain tolerance, in my case it was 2 months that it was tolerable but still took long after to be pain free.
Guest Arok675
Hi Arok! Thanks for your reply... 6 months? so I will celebrate if it REALLY happen.... currently I'm believing that it will never heal fully and I have to live with this "recovery process" for the rest of life (though I have no normal life anymore)
cindy51948 Guest
i had my hem surgery almost 3 months ago, 2 large external hems removed. ive lived with them for over 35 years after giving birth to our daughter. most of that time they were never a problem, but over the last year i was in agony. i tried everything to avoid surgery but it wasnt working. my Dr was very honest with me and told me it was a very painful surgery and you just need to get through the first 2-3 weeks and then you will start feeling much better as the days go by... well he was almost right! i did start feeling better after about a month, maybe 50%, but at almost 3 months i feel like im at a stand still. still have bad itching after BM's, my digestive system is out of wack, i still have 1 of my hems although much smaller it still is there. i am very careful with my diet as im afraid to get constipated so i have alot of fiber. ive been told it can take up to a year to be completly healed and some never get to "completly". i can live the way i am now if i have to, i couldn't prior to my surgery. hang in there, this type of surgery takes a lot from you emotionally and mentally you are entitaled to feel this way.
thomas79405 cindy51948
i recover in 3 weeks with mind and still doing great
jane16431 Guest
ALLEN,I agree with about 90% of what you wrote. Its awful. There are some occasional exceptions but the rule of thumb is PAIN and a protracted recovery period measured in months, not days or weeks.
Guest jane16431
Thanks Jane. I really really can't tolerate this anymore....i've lost my life because of this surgery. I didn't have serious problems with piles before the surgery. only itching sometimes...He, the surgeon told me recovery time would be 1 week and in some cases even 3 days!!!!!!
So I supposed I'll be OK in few days!
Jane, isnt this lying to people?! you went through the horrible surgery...CAN the recovery be a few days?!!!....Only after the surgery was done, and when I began going through the nightmare of pain, bleeding and swelling, just then I realized Oh, I was fooled....
Hi everyone, thanks for relpying to my discussion. I'm reaching 5 months very very slow and stupid recovery! yes, 5 months...during this period of horror, I was gradually de-humanized... I got serious problems in job, family, and living....Yes, this surgery removed 3 hemorrhoids and replaced the emptiness with other somatic and emotional problems. I ' ve lost 16 kg weight. got sever back pain, tailbone pain and from the surgery site, I can't sit.... This is what this surgery brought to me. De-humanised me....I DO NOT recommend this stupid surgery to anyone unless you're dying because of piles bleeding and pain....!
cindy51948 Guest
allen, are you in back pain, tailbone pain from the hem surgery? may i ask why you had the surgery if you say they only itched you once in a while and the hems were never a problem? did you go to a colon and rectal surgeon? i am 3 months post hem surgery for 2 very large grade 3 hems.. i was miserable before the surgery and after. prior to surgery i could not HOLD in my BM because of the nerve damage being caused by the large hems. i didnt have a choice. i had to do it.. ive listened to alot of you talk about the recovery time and jane is so right!! it can take up to a year to be completley healed and some if us never are but better then when we started. i still have issues with BM's that i never had before, where now they are normal but is very difficult to come out, where as before they would just fall out.. go figure! also i still have a hem there that dosent bother me much but it itches in occasion . the bottom line is everyone heels different, some sooner then others. this type of surgery y is in a very sensitive area and it will take time. my dr says that up to a year and could beyond. my life before all this happend with hemsi feel will never be the same BUT i can live like this very comfortably compared to the last 2 months before surgery,. dont get discuragd it will heel and you will feel normal again just dont put a time limit on it. do all the recomendations you read up on here, i did and it helps so much take there advice, sit in warm baths, sitz, showers, try waking alittle every day, make sure the area is dry so use a blow dryer when you get out. and ice it!! that saved me.. 7.. this site saved my life because i though i should of been riding a bike at 3 weeks as i was also told by my dr's and it was so nice and assuring when people woukd tell you on here recovery y is measured in many months no weeks!! good luck!! if i can survive and get through this awful surgery you will to!!
Guest cindy51948
Hi Cindy; thanks for your reply. Yes, I didn't have serious problems with hemorrhoids , before the surgery. No pain, no bleeding.... Only itching! But the itch was severe sometimes. A surgeon (colorectal) told me the permanent solution is the surgery. When I asked about the recovery, he said one week, to two weeks in "some" cases! He said he has had patients who recovered in 3 days! ......and I believed!!! Such a fool I was.... This is what I call obvious lie to patient or at least misleading him... I will never forgive him for misleading me... and don't want to see his dirty confident face anymore...
I never had back pain and any issues with tail bone. After the surgery, I got the problems..
I'm so sorry for your discomfort too. and I feel respect for your surgeon who informed you the recovery might take up to one year, so you accepted it and could prepare for it~ mentally. I like this recommendation from you: ....dont put a time limit on it....
Thanks Cindy
valerie38106 Guest
I have a question are you taking A FIBER SUPPLEMENT
cindy51948 valerie38106
yes, i take a spoon full of benifiber every day with my water. i am 5 months post op and would probably say im 90% back.. i still have one of my Hems still there (dr. says its a tag, but i differ to agree with him) but it dosent bother me, and as long as it stays like that im good.
valerie38106 cindy51948
is it easier than the citracrl i ho to the bathrorom 3 to 4 times in the am and it aggravates what i have left
cindy51948 valerie38106
ive never tried the citrical but im sure it works the same. If your going so often why are you on a fiber supplement? i need to be careful because i can get constipated and that can be a problem. i can still bleed alittle so i try to be careful. when did you have surgery? my whole GI system got screwed up after surgery for months..
valerie38106 cindy51948
i had surgery in nov was doing fairy well went back to work in JAN! DESPITE using citracrl in the morning i was taking fiber softeners until a month ago was getting constipated so i strained a few times whch i shouldnt had done! i feel like i have had a bad set I QUIT the fiber softeners added flax x seed to my oatmeal and recently started taking a few prunes daily ! i am cautious what i eat ! i still hurt and whats left which i think is extra skin swells and aches! i drink lots of water and exercise seems like i will never see the end to it all
cindy51948 valerie38106
well it sounds like you are doing everything right! It takes time!! i also had times when i would strain and my "hem" skin tag became inflamed and bled. but then ill get back on track and be ok. this can go on for a year:( i also take alot of warm baths and i use a bidet. never use toilet paper. i carry in my purse cleansing wipes also. try applying ice, thats also helps with the swelling
valerie38106 cindy51948
i will be so glad when i can feel pain free and no swelling when i can without sit without aching praying it comes soon! THEY SAY THERE IS LIGHT AR THE END OF TUNNEL! Ready to see the light