Hemorroidectomy and LIS - my (positive!) experience
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Hello everyone!
I wanted to share a day by day experience of my hemorrhoidectomy and Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy surgery and recovery.
I had read every single story on here before I went for the surgery myself, and I’m not going to lie, they were really scary and I almost called it off. However, I wanted to provide a somewhat positive story to counter balance the more negative ones out there. If you are considering this surgery - it is only day 3 and I am already happy I did it. I will add the caveat - I only had one external hemorrhoid removed. I also have read a few medical studies that say LIS helps with hemorrhoidectomy recovery.
Prior to surgery, I was very anxious and therefore I did not eat much two days before. I’m not sure if I recommend this or not, and wouldn’t want to suggest anyone not eat. I also started stool softener about two weeks before, and started eating clean two weeks before. I also highly recommend installing a bidet - I got one off of Amazon for really cheap and it’s been the best thing for recovery so far, because you don’t need to wipe as much and irritate the area
Day 1 - Surgery day
I arrived two hours before my procedure. I was not instructed to do any bowel prep, just not to eat past midnight the day before.
They get me in the gown and insert the IV. I meet with my surgeon, 3 different nurses, and the anesthesiologist. They’re very kind and reassuring (I was definitely in a bit of a panicked state). They were able to get me in early and before I knew it I was asleep!
I wake up in recovery and feel nausea, which they give me something for that makes me feel better immediately. I did not have any pain. I did have a terrible uneasy feeling which apparently is common.
All in all, I was at the hospital for 4 1/2 hours from start to finish.
Day one is uneventful otherwise. I go home, I have some chicken noodle soup with crackers and take my first Percocet to try and stay ahead of the pain. I also take stool softener and Zofran for nausea from the pain meds. I take my next Percocet 8 hours later, then drift in and out of sleep. I then had some bone broth with more crackers later on that day. No pain all day today!
Day 2 - Day after surgery
The morning of day 2 is just like day 1. I wonder if I even had surgery, that’s how good I felt. I was able to get up and walk around and do some very light housework. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom, so I try for my first bowel movement that morning which is unsuccessful but not painful. I am noticing some gas and that if kinda just comes out on it’s own, but this is normal. I had some chicken and rice soup, of which I barely ate the rice. I also was able to take a shower, which felt really amazing. I am still taking Percocet every 6 hours but find I am often counting down until the next one as the day goes on. Take the pain pills if you are able, trust me. This is no time to be a tough guy!
I tried two more times today to have a BM with no luck, but very little pain. I think the fear of pain was keeping me from going.
I ate some miso soup, and I then ate some more chicken soup and crackers. I also ate an avocado to try and get some fiber. I managed to have an extremely pathetically small BM towards the end of the day. It was a victory though! I ended up having the BM in the Sitz bath, but honestly, no shame at this point.
Then right before bed I started to develop really bad neck and abdominal muscle pain. Like you get after a really hard workout x20. No fever, so it’s only what I assume is post surgery soreness. This was the worst of it so far, and Percocet only helped a little. Eventually I was able to go to sleep.
Day 3
In the morning I had a successful BM with no pain! It was runny and only partially solid, but my surgeon said that was probably a good way to have them for the first week or so. I was so nervous about pain but I just let nature do it’s thing and didn’t force it. Kinda just let it “fall” out of you if you can and it’ll be a much better time.
Still having the neck and abdominal pain, but nothing too terrible. The Percocet every 6 hours is still greatly appreciated but I can see myself not needing it soon.
I will continue to keep this updated! All in all, probably max 4.5/10 on the pain scale so far, and mainly from the body soreness!
2 likes, 13 replies
andrea29483 shannon1990
Thank you for your story. I think its important to get some positive stories out there. I was in tears before they took me into the operating room. I'm now 3 days post op and I feel that the pain has been tolerable. Once I feel better I plan to post more.
h45851 shannon1990
Many thanks for sharing your experience. I have the op scheduled in 3 weeks. Your positive post gives me hope and encouragement to go through with it. Wishing you all the very best.
lou101 shannon1990
I'm waiting for a date for mine. I'm not even joking i was crying reading some posts and thought about calling it off, so glad i have seen your post. Gives me some hope. I'm terrified of having it done! keep telling myself it has to be done, had banding 7 times now and not worked so this is my only option
shannon1990 lou101
Its definitely scary reading everything out there, I almost called the surgery off myself. While it has not been easy, it will be worth it!
lou101 shannon1990
how is the pain? is it more uncomfortable?
I'm scared about going to the toilet as i have to strain which has always been a problem for me and a reason i get them.
How have you found going to the toilet?
i don't know how many I've got internally and externally. just know i have 1 big one the banding didn't get and a skin tag.
I can deal with pain if i know I'm going to get better.
shannon1990 lou101
Definitely more just uncomfortable for me. However, i have not needed to strain to go to the bathroom, ive had pretty loose bms for my whole recovery so far. i highly recommend eating small portions of high fiber foods only, and starting that a week or more before surgery.
There is pain but its not constant, and a bath does help, and the pain medication they give you. Ive been trying to keep in mind how uncomfortable i was before surgery and how my life will be forever changed for the better once I recover!
More updates!
End of day 3 - The abdominal and neck pain is wearing off. Was able to get around and move some more, and ate my first “real” meal (half of a turkey sandwich with no condiments or cheese). I think the diet has been key. Still relying on Percocet every 6 hours but once I take it, I feel fine. Starting to notice swelling in the area and being able to “feel” the stitches. Not painful, just annoying.
Day 4
Another decent day. I woke up at 4:30 am needing another BM but took pain medication before I did. Didn’t hurt, just sort of weird feeling. I’m still not constipated but it’s definitely not as loose as before. I wanted to get off pain medication today but I reasoned with myself that they gave me as many pills as they did for a reason, and there’s no sense fighting it.
I can really start to “feel” the stitches today. Not bad pain or anything, just more of a weird awareness. It’s probably similar to what I imagine someone feels like after they have a baby.
I did a lot today, such as laundry and light housework. I was able to work for about an hour from home as well. Definitely by the end of the 6 hours between pills I feel things more, but it’s not unbearable, just uncomfortable to do much. I take ibuprofen and use marijuana in between which helps.
I ate less than yesterday - I had chicken and rice soup in the morning with a small piece of toast. Then I had some kombucha and a probiotic, which I’ve been taking the whole time. I had a piece of toast with the lightest bit of some homemade cashew cream on it for lunch. Dinner was a cup of potato soup with about 4 saltines. I’ve been snacking lightly on ginger candy as well to help with nausea from the pain medication. I think eating very lightly and very gentle foods has been a key component in my recovery.
Definitely the worst day as far as feeling things but still not unbearable agony by any means. Probably a 5/10, and only occasionally.
Day 5
Woke up this morning to my pain medication alarm at 4:30, and decided I didn’t need it and went back to sleep. That marked 8 hours without pain medication and there’s some pain but bearable. More like an occasional sharp sting that goes away quickly.
The BM this morning was the worst so far out of all the days, but still very bearable. It was just a lot of uncomfortable pressure. This was also the longest I’d gone without pain medication before having to go to the bathroom. There was also blood in the toilet for the first time, and blood on the toilet paper, but nothing alarming. Some definite stinging pain afterwards but I let the bidet run for a while which eased the pain entirely. If you’ve ever had a bad anal fissure, it is comparable to that.
Today I’ve had the most energy out of all the days. I’ve also finally gotten some of my appetite back - I ate half of a bowl of oatmeal and a whole turkey sandwich. I feel more energized today despite the fitful sleep. Sitting down is bearable for short periods finally. I feel like I am making an upward swing towards recovery.
I was also able to finally eat a full dinner, chicken taco with baked potatoes and a few bites of salad.
lou101 shannon1990
how are things now? I'm booked in for mine 27th september. terrified.
Things are better but still healing. I was too quick on the normal diet so Ive had a bit of a setback due to hard stools. I am improving every day but I am only at day 10. Ive heard things get a lot better between weeks 2 and 3. I am going back to work tomorrow but i work from home which makes it easier.
lou101 shannon1990
i work with kids in a nursery so mine is a very active job. be bored out of my mind after 2 days! ive been researching fiber diets to help me to go to the toilet
h45851 shannon1990
i was wondering how you are feeling now? how long would you recommend to keep the soup/soft diet post op? thanks again for sharing.
Lis000 shannon1990
Oh Shannon thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm having op soon and I am a nervous wreck. So scared.
I've had botox for a fissure which was so painful for 2 days, so after reading so many horror stories on here I couldn't imagine how 1 to 2 weeks of agonising excruciating pain would be.
What a relief to read your experience.
I'm hoping that most people who have an experience like yours don't bother to post.... God I hope I'm right.
Thank you again xx