Here is my Anal Fissure story- CURED!!!
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Hello all,
My name is Deep and am 28 years old. Here is anal Fissure my story----One month back on a Sunday morning i had shooting pain during BM along with a streak of blood.At that time I didn't know it what an anal fissure was, I thought they were hemorrhoids. Not able to sit/stand properly. After 2 days took an appointment with my primary care doctor, she analyzed and told it is an Anal fissure. She asked me to take Metamucil and more fiber intake along with some soothing gels and Sitzbath twice a day. Next day I had a bulkier stool(Because of the Metamucil) and it made the fissure worse--More blood more pain.
After one week I called my doctor again and she told me to take an appointment with a colorectal surgeon for a diagnosis. Got an appointment with him the following week. Two weeks with fissure tried everything that I read online- including coconut oil, Turmeric, PreperationH, Stool softener, Laxatives, diet changes, only on liquids-- you name it. Tried everything..... Finally went to the doctor, he prescribed nifedipine 0.3% ointment( applied 4 times a day around the anus) and CALMOL 4(Zinc oxide and Cocoa Butter) suppositories( Twice a day- Morning after BM and night before sleeping). Use calmol 4 with some oil for lubrication. BM became painless but while inserting the suppository it's very painful as the sphincter muscle contracted and there is a cut inside. Gradually after using for a week, now there is no pain at all even during BM and also the rest of the day. I wish I have known this before. The doctor suggested using this for 2 more weeks just to make sure it heals completely. Currently, am using only one capsule per day. This morning I had a little hard and bulkier stool and there is no blood/pain.
I was worried during the BM that it might tear again.
Exactly one month now and am pain-free for now. I hope it won't come back
I want to let everyone know about this for all who are suffering from an anal fissure. You are not alone. I hope this treatment helps atleast few people.
PS: Calmol 4 is not available in OTC, you have to check in the pharmacy. Use it for a week and you will see the difference. Attached the image for reference
Diet changes: I had 3-4 prunes every day for better digestion and it's a natural laxative. No Spicy food.
Wish you all a speedy recovery.
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ej21467 deepu220522
deepu220522 ej21467
Even I had severe sphincter spasms or tightening for almost 2 weeks. I started using nifedipine, this will relax the Muscle slowly if we continue using every day. Am not sure if its available in UK but it is a prescription compound drug in US... Wish you a speedy recovery...
amy03808 deepu220522
Hi Deepu,
Where do you live? I'm in the UK and was never prescribed the medicines you mentioned. I had a nasty internal tear and finally underwent surgery. I'm not in pain anymore but lot of discomfort and I have pain occasionally. I was only prescribed rectogesic and diltiazem. Diltiazem never worked for me n rectogesic gave me very very bad headaches. I have to find out if calmol and nifidipine r available in the UK
deepu220522 amy03808
Hi Amy,
I Live in US. Here doctors are prescribing these two medications for Anal Fissures if it doesn't work then only they are talking about Surgery.
amy03808 deepu220522
pecan_tan deepu220522
Thank you for the info will try calmol 4. I have been prescibed nitroglycerin ointment instead of nifedipine and have bren told by MD cardizem ointment will do the same thing. I have used proctosol cream,nubercaine,preperation H gel,and glycerin suppositories. So much pain I can't put anything inside jyst external have obtained some relief but no healing. I will try Calmol 4. I will let you know.
deepu220522 pecan_tan
Even I had severe pain but still, I have put the tablet inside using some lubricant(coconut oil). There will be some pain for 5-10m minutes after putting it in, but that pays off next day during BM next day.
Store the tablets in a cool place as it has cocoa butter in it, they will melt easily.