Here was my solution to Molluscum, hope it helps
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I'm a 22 year old guy and a while ago, I was diagnosed with MC and for a reason that I never truly understood, it depressed me beyond reason. I felt dirty, unattractive and afraid. What scared me even more is that when I went to see my Dr, he told me that there was nothing we could do unless wait it out or at least wait until the bumps got bigger and we could freeze them.
The problem with MC is how easily it spreads. I started with only 1 at the base of my penis and ended up with bumps on each side of my thighs. Which brings me to...
RULE #1: do not leave your mollusum exposed. It could rub on your underwear and spread or it could rub against an uninfected part of your skin and also spread. Use bandaids. Whenever you see molluscum beginning to develop, you simply take a bandaid and stick it on. Remember, there is not much you can do if the bump is too small, but it generally only takes a week or two for it to develop. Check on it every day or two and check if it got bigger. It it did then...
RULE #2: The moment your molluscum becomes big enough and starts sticking out of your body a little (because in the beginning, it's only a smooth spot on your body), you have to remove it. Doing so is simple in theory, but you have to be consistent and never forget any one of the steps I will mention.
You will need:
-A needle
-Rubbing alcohol
-A lot of bandaids or medical tape
-Cotton balls
-Apple Cider Vinegar (The bottle is 2.40$ in any grocery store)
Here are the steps to getting rid of your 'big' bumps:
1) Sterilize a needle with rubbing alcohol
2) Poke the MC bump until it bleeds and there's nothing left but a small pool of blood. This might sting a little, but you have to man up and do it. You really want to rip that bump open and get some blood in it, because this will bring come white cells and nutriants that will fight the infection (or something like that, I forgot how it works exactly, but what I do know is that it lets the rubbing alcohol and ACV, used in the next steps, really get in there and burn that virus)
3) Dab some cotton or even toilet paper in the rubbing alcohol and sterilize that bump you just destroyed
4) Completely soak a little cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).
5) Put it on the bump
6) Hold it in place with a bandaid or in my case, I used medical tape. This might burn a little or a lot. In my experience, the more it burned, the better the results.
7) Repeat steps 1-6 for every 'big' bump. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS sterilize your needle with rubbing alcohol after every single bump!!
8) Repeat steps 4-6 every 6 hours: replace the ACV soaked cotton ball, because it takes 6 hours for the ACV to wear off.
9) Eventually, you will remove the cotton ball and see that the MC bump is dried out. That's PERFECT! That's what we're looking for. In my case, if just looked like a dried out scab. It might leave a little scar, but nothing major. In my case, you couldn’t even know that I ever had MC.
10) Follow those steps as long as it takes until all your bumps are dried out, then wait 2-3 weeks and the scabs should start going away and whenever you're 100% sure there are no more bumps, it will be safe to have sex again.
RULE #3: MC spreads in wet, hot and humid conditions. This means that if you exercise and get hot, hurry and take a cold shower (it doesn't have to be freezing) asap. When you shower, don't use very hot water and only lightly wash the infected area. Don't scrub hard and DO NOT use the same soap for the infected area and the rest of your body. I just scrubbed some soap on my hands and then washed the infected area. In others words, be careful in the shower, because it's a good place for MC to spread and you want to be careful. At the same time, basic hygiene is very important, so don't stop showering because of that!
RULE #4: Don't scratch. Most of the time, MC won't itch, but in my case, it did. Scratching WILL make it spread, so be warned. The best way to stop the itch is simply to put coconut oil or aloes vera cream on it. If you don't have any of these, try to put any cream that you would put on a scab to stop the itch. If it's unbearable, put some ice on it and that usually does the trick. It's hard for your body to be itchy if it's cold! As a secondary tip, try to avoid shaving, BUT you have to be able to clearly see the bumps so you can monitor and know where to apply bandaids or ACV. I trimmed, using a beard trimmer, but as I am a hairy beast, I had to shave twice during my experience with MC so I could see what I was dealing with. All I can say is: sterilize your razor between every few swiped and rub some rubbing alcohol over the infected area when you finish. It might burn, but you'll survive.
RULE #5: You can still have sex if you're smart about it, just don't be dumb about it and infect another person. You know how it feels and you wouldn't want that for someone else. My trick was simple: being a guy, I could just keep my boxers on and take my penis out from the 'hole' in my boxers (most boxers have holes in the front so you can pee without taking them off of pulling them down). I also had 1 bump on my actual penis, so I wore a condom every time we had sex. In other words, the condom and my boxers covered all the infected area so it would never some in contact with my gf. Now, I know that this solution isn't the sexiest one, but it's the best you can do and if the other person likes you, they will understand. If you're a woman, this solution can also be used: find a pair of panties that you're not too fond of and slit an opening with scissors and there you go. If you're not comfortable and can resist the urge to have sex, go for it. It's just that for me, it wasn't an easy task and it only added to my saddens.
RULE #6: Try to be as healthy as possible. It might sound obvious, but you have to give your body what it needs to fight any infection it can and heal your skin. I'm not going to tell you to exercise every day, because if you had it in you, you'd already be doing that. What you CAN do is start simple by at least cutting out fast food/sugar filled food from your diet, at least until your MC clears up. Also, don't forget to actually confirm your diagnosis by visiting a doctor. It would suck to do all this work if what you have isn't even MC. Your doctor might try to get you to buy some expensive cream (because that's his job), but those creams are expensive and from what I've read, they don't really work.
RULE #7: please be careful if you're dealing with a child who has MC. The treatment that worked for me might be too painful for a kid and should'nt be used unless there is no other choice. You could simply stick to RULE #1 and prevent the MC from spreading and wait for it to go away on its own (which will take 6 to 18 months and so you don't get false hopes, let's go with 18 months). You could try the cream if it's a child and if nothing works and the MC is causing too much trouble, you could then try my method.
Last thing I want to say: I'm not a doctor, I have no medical experience except my own and all I've learned is through research and experience. I only had to deal with MC for about 2 months, because I refused to listen to my Dr (who told me to wait it out) and tried a bunch of different things. What I suggest, if done correctly, should work or in the worst case scenario, should't do any harm (once again, don't be dumb about it). Try it for a few weeks, if you get no results, don't lose hope, go back to your Doctor and insist for a fast treatment. The moral gets better every day that passes by and remember that this infection is temporary. No one dies of it and no one spends his life with it.
Hope I could help in any way. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Take care,
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Anon_User allen72356
jane10473 allen72356
allen72356 jane10473
alexander44 allen72356
when i discovered a month ago a had around the pubic, thigh and penis like 80 mcv, so i take off whit squeezers, needle and alcohol about the 70% the firs time and the rest the second week, there are no appear in my penis again, thsnks gos is cleared, but have been growing but in less quantity, fewer in mi pubic region and 2 in mi thigh.
i mean this happen to you too??? mcv were appearing while you put off some others? every time less of course. no im almost cleared, i have just 4 healing after one hard month. in your opinion this is ok??
thanks again
tp091490 allen72356
joshua800 allen72356
Okay so I've had this for maybe a week and I've been trying home tricks and tips since I seen it and so for I've squeezed all the puss out of it with my hands and ended up makeing two hole on the cyst it's not yet completely drained I don't think but it had reduced in size is it bad or good I forced the puss out and I've been using denisode cream and ain't fungal liquid what should be my next step any responds will be fine