Here we go again....
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I remember posting a couple weeks ago shortly after my period was over asking about what turned out to be a hot flash with no sweating.....acted the holy you know what out of me! Thanks to all of you I learned what it was and was tired the next day but you all helped my anxiety about it.
Well, here we are, 20 days from the first day of my last period....and I’m freaking out again.
Not the hot flash thing this time- the other stuff that always freaks me out😩😩
Back right side head pain goes down into my neck a little, (following migraine w/aura. Not horrid pain, but freaky) Head feels “heavy” there, and sometimes ear starts to feel “full”
Then my stomach will start gurgling like there’s a family of lawnmowers in there- then some gas....
Palpitations and then can feel them in my neck which I imagine is an artery about to burst lol...
Then very very faint dizziness but so faint not sure?
Then head pain moves towards the top of head and “tingles”......
Then I just feel tired like I need to sleep and then not tired.
Whyyyyyyyy and whhhaattttt did women do to deserve this??
Ok y’all- tell me which of you have had these symptoms during your cycle. Lol
2 likes, 14 replies
tina00239 Str8tfans
CarolKelso tina00239
caroline62395 Str8tfans
amy341731 Str8tfans
Hi there- oh yes, I’ve had all these symptoms pretty much on an annoying rotation...the ears, the headache, neck pain, stomach (bathroom!) by now at least I know that I’m not crazy… Currently suffering from severe back pain and clogged ears and generally achy joints… Next month will be headaches, heart papa Tatian‘s, dry mouth and throat… Who knows, it’s always a terrible surprised but will pop up next. I’m so glad I have found all of you that I can relate to… Because no one in my house wants to hear about it LOL. Take care and keep in touch and do what you can to make yourself feel better. I find hot cuppa tea or an ice coffee depending on if I’m feeling hot or cold, a few of my favorite shows and some relaxation on the couch can really help. Take care and keep in touch 😊
katyD211 amy341731
Great advice and prescription, Amy! I'm on my couch right now with tea and watching reruns of fave comedies...Reba and Mom! Funny shows that deal with real stuff
maria_03422 katyD211
Hi Katy
I am watching the exact same shows for the past couple of hours😊 and drinking my chamomile tea .
Have a good night
amy341731 katyD211
I’m glad to hear it! ! I love that show Mom, just recently discovered it! And I love the Goldberg’s, and Fresh off the boat😊 Here’s to a good week and a happy spring !
CarolKelso Str8tfans
Oh i am hearing you. I get desparate migraine type headache and what I can only discribe as a sudden feeling of neasua in my stomach. The wind has been awful and I too get palpations... Its awful but I'm four years into this and I just try and not let it get to me.. At the beginning I got awful palpations and ended up in A&E... It was a scary time and the Dr in the hospital asked was I in menopause... There is so much we don't know... The peeing through the night and jumping with any noise is another thing I get very often. Hang tight and I have learned to not take myself to serious otherwise I'd pull my hair out. Go easy there.. It's one day at a time with me now. Bless.. Ck
maria_03422 Str8tfans
I have them everytime😊
After a while you get used to them , is like you know what's coming next Lol!!
Feel better xxxx
katyD211 Str8tfans
I've had everything you described except for the migraine! Crazy isn't it??
I keep telling my self that God is preparing me to live a long time and I will be able to calm the nerves of others when they go through this malarkey...
Take deep breaths and talk yourself down...then come here to talk about it.
I honestly don't know how women of my mom's generation never talked about this!
amy341731 katyD211
I love how you said we are surviving in hopes to help others get through this..that is a pretty powerful way to think! I feel like this hit me out of the blue last year at age 46 and nope, no one I know talks about it! I am so extremely happy I found this forum, certainly no one in my house wants to hear about this nonsense. Take care and stay in touch! 😊💕
Thanks so much for all the replies everyone!!
I know we all come here for support and confirmation so often, and it means SO much!
I’m learning slowly to deal with these symptoms, it’s just hard for me because I don’t have insurance so I can’t run to the doctor every time I get freaked out.
Which actually MIGHT be a good thing who knows LOL!
That being said, some symptoms are so much more unnerving than others aren’t they?
It’s like right when we get accustomed to one that bothered us so badly, a new one pops up!
This “fluttering neck” thing is driving me absolutely BONKERS.
Every time it happens I literally think it’s an artery and THIS time it’s gonna explode or something!
I’m surprised, as always, to hear someone else actually HAS this symptom also!
I’ve dealt with the “thumping in Next from palpitations” before, but the little two second long “flutter/tremor” thingy is freaky! And it doesn’t last long enough for me to even reach my hand up there and feel it happen!! It’s so frustrating😩
But, all of that being said, I’m 21 days from the start of my last period, which tells me I’ll be starting anytime now, from a couple days to a week, and my symptoms heighten at certain times.
It’s all just a lot to deal with sometimes.
tina00239 Str8tfans
Too right, but at least we've all got eachother hun. XXX
katyD211 Str8tfans
I bet money that is when you feel yours too...