Herpes? Nervous...
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I already made an appt with my doctor in a few days but I am so unsettled. I started my period today and noticed it hurt when I wiped. I felt around a little and felt a bump. Took a closer look and I noticed a few of these lesions or ulcers or whatever they may be. I've had several yeast infections that have left my vulva dry & cracked. I thought it was that at first but this looks different. Everything I google comes up with herpes but I can't tell if this looks like it. I'm really nervous and anxious. Can anyone offer some insight? (I know the pictures aren't great but it's really hard to get that angle with one hand).
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cartercali alex19107
Yes ma'am that defintely does look like herpes syndrome .:
hopefully the sores don't heal up to quickly to where it's not enough for them to swab ..
Any discharge or anything like that ?
alex19107 cartercali
dang.... my stomach is in knots. not really any discharge that I can notice. to be honest, they don't even really hurt. I hear a lot of people reporting that they are in a lot of pain but I don't even notice this except when I wipe. my appointment is first thing tomorrow morning. the signs and symptoms are pretty clear but I'm trying to hold on to any faith that I'm wrong...
paige76933 alex19107
To me, it does look like a heroes sore - however, I'm no doctor. I went and had them swab my sores when they looked like that - tho I had multiples... and my test came back negative! There's only a certain amount of time after the sore opens that it'll test positive. Also, I tested negative in a blood test because I tested too soon after contracting the disease. It takes at least 6 week - even if you're having outbreaks to show up in your blood. So I can tell by the pic it's big and open and very painful. Soak in warm Epsom baths. The salt will help dry it and the warmth of the water will bring your vagina some ease. And please use a blow dryer when done. When you have an outbreak it's always important to keep the area as dry as possible at all times
alex19107 paige76933
thank you for your reply. I'm in shock & disbelief about this. my appointment is tomorrow morning so hopefully that will give me some answers. actually, I'm really not in pain in at all. the only time I even notice any uncomfortability is when I wipe after using the restroom. the signs and symptoms seem pretty clear but hoping I get a different answer...... but I think I already know the outcome.
Just wanted to update everyone that my doctor confirmed it is hsv2. I feel broken, damaged, and like trash. I know these feelings will pass in time but right now I feel like I'm going to be alone forever. I'm 22 and still living in my college town, in graduate school. Everyone talks here & I feel for certain I'm not going to meet a mature, respectful guy who will able to handle this news.