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Hi everyone

Just a quick request for help if any of you have any tips.

Ive got another check on the 20 and will hopefully get a fill because no restriction or full feeling at all,I've struggled last few weeks.

Also,even though I'm taking vits(floradix recommended to me) I still feel drained a lot of the time and completely lack energy and always feel cold even when it's sunny.

Any tips for energy boosting :D

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    could i ask how far out are you since you had your band surgery?  it does take several small fills over a period of time to reach that ultimate level of restriciton - it took me a year - not many people are lucky enough to hit the jackpot with their first fill -  and its frustrating wondering how much longer and how many more fills it is gonna take - make sure you tell the fill provider when you have yr appt that you are struggling and have no restriction at all - when you are nearing full restriction sometimes the smallest fill can make the biggest difference.  In th emeantime concentrate on a healthy diet with protein first, followed by veges and then carbs if you have any space - drink plenty of water and try to avoid snacking between meals - sorry i have no advice on vits but def mention it to your bariatric team cos it could be there is soemthing that would benefit you more - i think the feeling of being cold is common place with people who have lost lots of wgt - something to do with the blood vessels not having to work so hard when there is less of you - s0rry i dont know the exact scientific reason but you could probs google it - good luck on 20th 
    • Posted


      I actually had my band fitted 3years ago (but due to negligence lack of follow ups etc)

      Had portsite adjustment in may which made a difference which was noticeable at follow up on 30 June.

      But have struggled recently ,hoping next appointment will help.

      Thanks again for your advice

  • Posted

    did you need a defill when you had your port adjusted?  maybe get them to check what is actually in your band at the moment then if you know what you had in previously and it was working for you, maybe aim for the same amount if thats not currently present - sorry dont know what else to suggest but make sure you tell them your concerns when you get yr appt and hopefully you will be able to move forward with all of this
    • Posted


      But no I didn't have anything in band previously. Now I think they put 3ml in when the op was done

      Helped initially but not now.

      Yes I've noted a few things to mention to consultant and hopefully will be back on track

      Thanks once again

  • Posted

    sorrry, I am getting a bit lost of - when you said you had a portsite adjustment do you mean there was something wrong with your port - say it had slipped or flipped or something?  or do you mean you had a fill? also do  you mean you only have 3mls in yr band now and this is the first time you have ever had anything in your band? is that what you mean - if so i would say you have a fair way to go regardless of the size of yr band before you get  some restriction and eventually that 'sweet spot' or ultimate level of restriction - and this could be why you are struggling.
    • Posted


      I have posted before and seen your comments/replies.

      Yes portsite was adjusted because it was in the wrong place and put back.

      I never had anything in the band previously and now have 3ml when portsite was put right.

      Yes I will preservere on the journey ahead.


  • Posted

    hope it all goes well for you on 20th - Ive had a band since 2008 and from my own experience and those of fellow bandsters i really think  you probs need some more fluid in yr band cos if you never had anything in it before and only 3mls now you probably have never reached the 'sweet spot' - you could get a wider range of input and advice somehere like WLSinfo - its a bit quiet on here - once again good luck with all of this biggrin    
    • Posted


      Had my appointment yesterday luckily I had lost 4kilo since last check 30 June.

      Had another fill of 2ml so now have 5 ml in band. Not feeling any more restriction still though but at least weight going the right way.

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