Hi 50 yrs old and anxiety
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Hi Ive been having such a hard time all my life with anxiety/depression. Im have sometimes had sharp in between breast sharp shock discomfort and it only lasts 1 sec. It seems to happen when Im thinking about something that I think is not affecting me but it must be. My daugther 17 yrs had issues with drugs since she was 14 or so and we got her into a very expensive rehab and shes been doing good but then has had a few BFs that some were good and others ....well...wasnt sure about. I am of First Nations and Scottish decent. But have been to some doctors that were really terrible with me thinking I was just some drunk street native and such. So therefore I am gun shy when going to see a doctor. I actually am paranoid of them or anything to do with me having to go to emerg or what have you. I have phobias galore and one is med testing and results. I am a non drinking good Christian(and not an off the wall Christian or a radical either). I think of myself as an awesome woman who has done fairly well raising my 3 kids and this 17 yr old being the last and the hardest. Anyhow why i am on here and need duscussion wtih some maybe friends that can give me words or encouragement or have had similar treatment from med professonals. I also want to know also if you or someone has had experience with the sharp sudden out of no where chest discomfort that shocks you into thinking wow what is happening and then panic follows. ugh I feel helpless sometimes and need some encouragement. Oh and I am in Canada and hi to all you out over there I am going through menopause now cause I havent had a period steady in the last 8 months 2 times full out and this last time about a month to 8 weeks ago just spotty type one and now nothing again. Thanks for this site
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annieschaefer lyn_1450
You have come to the right place my dear! No judgment of any sort here, we are all in this together. I am your neighbor to the south in the States. I love this forum and have benefitted greatly from all the wonderful ladies here who if nothing else can offer words of comfort and hope. Trust me, while this is up and down and like you, anxiety and at times depression takes a hold of my good nature, there are things we can do to feel better while the hormones do their crazy dance.
Not sure what First Nations means, so if you don't mind, please educate me.
Sorry your 17 yr old is having a difficult time, pray for you to have the strength to continue guiding her and for her to find the best path to move onto. I'm in my mid 50's and while we were no angels growing up, there are way too many scary things for the kids to be involved with now.
Which makes this time of your life even more difficult I am sure. You are still considered going through perimenopause until you have gone 12 months without a period. I have had two false hopeful times where I thought I was almost certainly menopausal, came so close, only to start cycling again. In any case, there are many of the same symptoms and a lovely lady on here JayNeeJay is wealth of information.
Look over previous posts from about a month ago, she has the 66 symptoms of this "lovely" time and also has posted many, many helpful ideas and supplements that have helped her through this time.
I sure understand the helplessness of the panic attacks. Do you have a vitamin store nearby? Online retailers are also an option. Look up or perhaps Jay may have already posted to you, but B6 -150 mg and B 12 Ugh can't remember the amount helps soothe the nerves. You can look for her previous post. Perhaps you may not need to see a doc, yet. Try a few things mentioned here on this forum and give it a good month then see how you feel.
Again, welcome and take good care- everything will settle down. Really.
Annie xxxx
not sure why first one went to mod-but took out the big online retailers name, just in case! oh my!
Snatchpiece annieschaefer
What a wonderful and comforting reply to this lovely lady Lyn.!! Wishing you Lyn all the comfort and strength to find what truly helps you in your difficult path! We are here for you and wish you well in finding peace once again your life. Welcome to this wonderful forum! ️Xxx Joy xxx
annieschaefer Snatchpiece
Hey, you all were very welcoming to me and have helped (and still do) me tremedously through this interesting journey! Hope all is well with you!
Big Hugs to you!
Annie xxxx
Snatchpiece annieschaefer
Well today I woke up feeling more like my old self today ( the person I love so more than the anxious one I become sometimes).
Went back to my lovely GP who spent loads more time than she should have with me. Appointments only should 10 mins long but she gave me her time to which I was so grateful for.
She agreed with that HRT wasn't working for me and said due to my anxiety I would be low in estrogen and perhaps not in progesterone. I started brewing up on about day 10 and came on Saturday which was approx 21 days after my last one.
She has now agreed to prescribe we with the Oestrogel to take continuely and then adding Utrogestan for anything from 12-15 days through to day 26 and then should have a bleed a couple of days after that.
I have aver also got an appointment to see an homeopathic next week who will be also able to help. This will all be personal to my needs rather than just a standard which is geared to everyone.
Really feel positive today that I am now looking at booking a surprise for my hubby and I for valentines weekend!
Hope you are feeling great today and continue to enjoy this good time aswell!
loads of hugs,
Joy xxx
lyn_1450 annieschaefer