Hi all I'm a newbie on here
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I was diagnosed with fs 15 yrs ago and chron's/colitis disease 20 yrs ago so I guess You could say that makes me an old pro lol
I am 58 yrs young lol I have 3 grown up children (all flown the nest now) and I live with my partner Dave who has health problems himself and works full time and he is my rock
When my illness was first diagnosed my children were 7, 11, and 16 and I was bringing them up on my own which wasn't easy at times but my children were very understanding especially my daughter who became my rock helping me out with her brothers when I was having bad days
I would like to say being on my own for 10 yrs with my children (my choice) and then finding out afterwards I had an illness was hard i became depressed, lethargic and I was in a lot of pain...my family didn't understand what I was going through although I am not blaming them as I was very good at hiding my feelings and pain but I did feel all alone at the time.
when I was first diagnosed I had a bike I loved riding as much as I could to work to visit family and to the shops within a 3 mile radius and I believe as a result of this and running around after my kids I didn't suffer with any pain in my legs...for the first 10yrs it was mainly in my lower back and right hip and for the last 10 yrs it has also been in my neck and now my shoulders
when my kids were older and started leaving home my mam became very ill (osteoarthritis dementia and cancer) she needed some care so being there for her helped me be strong by thinking there is always someone somewhere worse than me.
My mam passed away 13yrs ago and my kids had all left home all of a sudden I was living on my own I felt all alone again my daughter suggested I do some voluntary work at first I was reluctant but I needed to do something to fill the void so I went along to my local Alzheimer's society my mam was diagnosed with dementia I knew it had something to do with memory loss but that's all I did know and at the time to me my mothers health problems had to take priority I also through my gp I have done 12 week gap courses (get active on prescription) in the gym I was given a program of light exercises to follow and low impact aqua aerobics which I love doing and would recommend along with swimming
Over the years my symptoms have been mostly mild and I put this down to keeping as active as I possibly can by pacing myself and trying to stay positive I so I now say to myself I have good days and not so good days
bye for now
Shirl x
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christine26761 shirl21730
Bee70 shirl21730
Hats off to you. You sound like an Inspirational Woman.
I totally agree with you when you say by keeping active the pains aren't as bad unless you overdo it. I am 45 and my pains started when I was 23 and at the time I had only just got married a year before. My first child didn't arrive until five years into my marriage and my second child arrived seven years later. The only time I was pain free was during both my pregnancies. As I didn't complain or made any issues and just carried on family were none the wiser until my husband told them when I was diagnosed Aug 2014. My inlaws were shocked and couldn't believe it that I was carrying on with life with two boys and a part-time job.
I did take a year out and took a career break my eldest son when into full time school but found,that I need to get back into the working life again as I started to feel low and depressed. It's the best thing I ever did. Although I struggle to sleep and there are days when the pains get too much, I am greatful that I still can go about my day with a smile on my face and with a positive attitude to life.
I totally have the belief that you can only deal with a day at a time and to live for the moment.
One again thanks for sharing your life with us all. Look forward into reading more from you.
shirl21730 Bee70
I was told for 7 years by my gp I had ibs and was told to take paracetamol or anadin for the pain, I knew people that had ibs and my pain was much worse... I did start to believe it was all in my head.. eventually I was sent for tests to the hospital and they found I had pid (pelvic inflammatory disease) I was given a course of antibiotics and the pain in my side didn't get any better...I asked for a second opinion from another hospital I was told I only had ibs and its common "thousands of people have it " it was so frustrating I was in a stressful unhappy unsupportive relationship depressed and low with 3 young kids at the time..when my youngest son was 10 months I fell pregnant again and had a miscarriage 10 weeks into the pregnancy "sad" I and got an infection and became very ill I was under strict orders to stay in bed for at least 4 weeks by my gp knowing how unsupportive and unpredictable in his moods (had been violent towards me) my partner could be I hated staying in bed I felt I was letting my kids down...they needed me and I couldn't be there for them..it was an awful time for me "sad" My daughter 10 at the time was an angel and brilliant at looking after her 2 younger brothers 4 and 10 months... when I started to recover and feel stronger my feelings towards my partner were not the same and I had to make some changes in my life.. So I ended the relationship and moved house.. take care
shirl x
Bee70 shirl21730
Wow, you have been through alot and hope life is treating you much better now.
Take Care