Hi all, I'm nearly 3 weeks post rib resection surgery for TOS
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I wish I'd been given info on post op recovery to better deal with this. Since the op on my left side (first) my arm, hand and fingers are numb but highly sensitive at the same time. Slightly cool water feels like ice! The strength is returning but very slowly and the pain is better but flares up quite often with doing only minor things. I've read now that nerves can be slow to recover but some insight prior to surgery I think would be helpful for people to be able to cope better because this is doing my head in!
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a26543 lesley53641
I'm so glad you posted this. I'm almost 7 weeks past (my right side...left side was done 2 years ago) and my nerve pain is really bad this time. And that nerve pain with the cold thing is happening for me too still. I was worried about that since I'm this far along. The pain and numbness is better but still bad in the evenings. Its such a slow recovery. People ask me all the time..so are you fully recovered now? Far from it. Don't get me wrong it's better, but far from awesome. I'm so glad someone else has the cold thing! That was really scaring me! It'll get better, but not for a long time. It was 3 months the last time to start to really feel better and six months to feel way better.
lesley53641 a26543
a26543 lesley53641
That's exactly what mine said. It's showing that the blood flow is restored to the nerves. I am however worried that week seven I'm still having quite a bit of pain and the cold on the hand thing. There's a chance that can be permanent. So I'm really hoping that's not the case.
lesley53641 a26543
I have heard that recovery time could be relative to the amount of damage to the nerves before surgery so maybe it will take longer this time. My op was on the more affected side first so I'm hoping the right side wont be as bad. I hate not being able to drive and do minor things, it's like having to retrain your arm! Hang in there, I hope you have a full recovery soon. Btw was your op via the armpit or through the neck?
a26543 lesley53641
lesley53641 a26543
I completely understand the frustration and I, too am waiting to have a good night's sleep without the pain. Nerve pain really is debilitating! My op was via the armpit so I was just wondering if one was quicker for recovery time. I have the chest pain also which my surgeon said is due to an inflamed pleura from the operation. It does sound like a long road to recovery!
Louie0704 lesley53641
lesley53641 Louie0704
Hi Louie, I'm still in horrendous pain 7 months later but it is very slowly improving. My surgeon has said that this is most likely because I have had this problem for a very long time before surgery. Traveling even in the car for me increases the pain, I've been told because of the g-forces. Everyone is different though so your recovery could be much quicker. Good luck with your op.
Louie0704 lesley53641
So now with my upcoming surgery, the anesthesia provider wants to treat with anti-inflammatories, IV Tylenol etc and avoid opioids. This is scary as hell for me because I’ve read how bad the post surgical pain can be. How was your pain treated? Does this sound crazy for this surgery?
Thank you!
lesley53641 Louie0704
donna6074 lesley53641
lesley53641 donna6074
Hi Donna, it does seem that it's almost impossible to settle angry nerves and they will calm down when they are good and ready. 8 months post rib removal surgery for me and given the improvement to now, I'm expecting many more months of pain! I'm terrified to get the other side done but know I have to. Good luck with your recovery, as they say, everyone's is different.